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  • Title
    William Edward Riley papers, 1810-1856
  • Call number
    A 109
    A 110
    SAFE/A 111 (Safe 4/15)
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Microfilm : Riley Family papers, v.4)
    Microfilm : Riley Family papers, v.5)
    Microfilm : Riley Family papers, v.6)
  • Physical Description
    0.11 metres of textual material (3 vols.)

    William Edward Riley was the son of Alexander Riley and Sophia Hardwicke. This series of correspondence contains many letters from Alexander to his son (and to a lesser extent his nephew, Edward) providing advice and guidance on the management of his properties "Raby" and "Caven" (near Yass)
  • Scope and Content
    A 109
    Miscellaneous papers relating to the granting of land to settlers in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land and regulations for emigrants to Western Coast of New Holland; general correspondence including letters to Robert Howe from the N.S.W. Colonial Secretary, letter to Lachlan Macquarie from Alexander Riley; and financial documents including memorandum of rates of freights and passage to Western Australia; a promissory note from Alexander Macleay; and a tender from for setting up of an Australian Postal Service, 1856 (149 pages), 1817-1838, 1856

    A 110
    [Riley Letters]
    Inwards correspondence predominantly from Alexander Riley about managing his property and the wool industry in Australia, as well as from individuals such as Darcy Wentworth and William Howe; and legal papers including extracts from the Burwood lease, articles of agreement between Alexander Riley and John Finch (355 pages), 1817-1833

    A 111
    [New South Wales and principally old Sydney, scraps and documents tradesmens' bills, & etc.]
    Papers mostly contain letters from family members including Alexander, Edward, and Sophia Riley; financial documents (accounts, bill heads, receipts, promissory notes, stock certificates); invitations to functions (from Governor Macquarie and Governor Burke); petitions for general education in the colony; sketches of sheep's teeth, wool and shears; William E. Riley's coat of arms; Convict documents (application for the assignment of male convict servants to William Riley in 1832, form of pass, memorandums from the Convict Hospital; copy of terms upon which Crown Lands will be disposed of in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land; newspaper advertisements; will of Patrick Sweeny, 1836; power of attorney of Robert Holl to Richard Jones, 1831; indenture of William Carswell; printed copies of letters in relation to Wools of Australia and Van Diemen's Land, 1833; prospectus of the Australian Gas-Light Company, 1836
    Also contains: "Portraits of a prize ram and ewe Exhibited at Paramatta [ie. Parramatta] Oct.r 1828 before the Agricultural Society of New South Wales from the Electoral Saxon flocks of Raby" / Dean & Munday lithograph by W.E. Riley and map titled, "A New Plan of the Settlements in New South Wales, taken in order of the Government July 20th 1810" published by William Dymock (199 pages), 1810-1817, 1824-1840
  • Access Conditions

    Access via appointment - Applies to SAFE/A 111 (Safe 4/15)
  • General note

    A 109 contains a typed contents list and A 111 a handwritten list compiled by a Library Officer at an unknown date

    Title of A 111 taken from handwritten note within volume. On spine of A 111 is title "Bill-heads, letters, etc." This volume was remounted by SLNSW Preservation staff in 1971

    "D.S. Mitchell" signature on first page of A 109 and A 110

    Alfred Lee bookplate inside cover of A 111
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Name
  • Subject
  • Place
  • Exhibited in

    The Governor: Lachlan Macquarie, 1810 to 1821 - State Library of New South Wales (5 July - 10 October, 2010). Applies to: A 111 - Bill of lading for goods sent from Calcutta to Sydney

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