- 1Title:Item 17: Incomplete, unsigned letter received by an unnamed correspondent, 5 June 1788. Possibly in the hand of John Nicoll.Level of description:
- item
Date of work:5 June 1788Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/MLMSS 4895/1/17 (Safe 1/188)
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 2Title:Collection 03: Ralph Clark journal kept on the Friendship during a voyage to Botany Bay and Norfolk Island, and on the Gorgon returning to England, 9 March 1787 - 31 December 1787, 1 January 1788 - 10 March 1788, 15 February 1790 - 2 January 1791, 25 January 1791 - 17 June 1792Creator:
- Ralph Clark, 1755-1794
Level of description:- sub-fonds
Date of work:1787-1788, 1790-1792Type of material:- Textual Records
- Clippings
Call number:- Safe 1/27a
Issue copy:- Digitised: This item has been preserved and digitised as part of the Nelson Meers Foundation Benefaction, 2002.
- 3Title:Collection 06 vol. 1: Philip Gidley King private journal, in two volumes, 1786-1792. Vol. 1 `Remarks & Journal kept on the Expedition to form a Colony in His Majestys Territory of New South Wales ...is Majesty's Ship Sirius ...', 24 October 1786-12 January 1789Creator:
- Philip Gidley King, 1758-1808
Level of description:- sub-fonds
Date of work:24 October 1786-12 January 1789Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- Safe 1/16/vol. 1
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 4Title:Collection 07: Philip Gidley King fair copy of `Remarks & Journal kept on the Expedition to form a Colony ...', with additional information, 1786-December 1790, compiled 1790Creator:
- Philip Gidley King, 1758-1808
Level of description:- sub-fonds
Date of work:1786-December 1790, compiled 1790Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/C 115 (Safe 1/246)
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 5Title:Typescript extract from Ralph Clark's journal, 31 October 1791, relating to Francis FolksCreator:
- Francis Folks
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:31 October 1791Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLDOC 373
- 6Title:Notes on Tasmania and Norfolk Island by James Backhouse Walker, ca. 1897Creator:
- James Backhouse Walker, 1841-1899
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:ca. 1897Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 587
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 2975, frames 49-218
- 7Title:Papers regarding Captain Thomas Beckford Simpson, 1835-1912Creator:
- Nancy Smith
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1835-1912Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 10327/Box 1X