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  • Title
    Box 2: Photographs presented by News Limited in 1983
  • Call number
    PXA 7956/Box 2
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    219 photographic prints - gelatin silver
  • Scope and Content
    1. Royal Australian Air force aeroplanes]
    Transferred from SPF/Aeroplanes

    2. The Captain Cook Lounge...of the Qantas 747B..., Rec 28/7/71 / Qantas Photograph
    3. [Model of Boeing 747] / Qantas Photograph
    4. Qantas Airway's first 747B Boeing jetliner is seen during a test flight...
    Transferred from SPF/Aeroplanes – Boeing 747 and SPF/Aeroplanes – Boeing 747B

    5. Millicer Air Tourer powered with Continental C-95 engine, 1960
    6. The Australian designed "Millicer" Air Tourer..., 1960
    Transferred from SPF/Aeroplanes – Millicer

    7. [4th Aust Field Regiment, Anzac Day March]
    8. Anzac Day 1970
    9. Anzac March 1974
    Transferred from SPF/Anzac Day March ; SPF/Anzac Day March, 1970 ; and SPF/Anzac Day March, 1974

    10. Anzac march, Martin Place, 25.4.73. Bert Slocombe gets help from comrades approaching cenotaph, 1st AIF Corps trps
    11. 2nd Aust. Signals Corps, Martin Place, Sydney, Anzac march, 25-4-73
    Transferred from SPF/Anzac Day March - Sydney, 1973

    12. Trooper Robert Brown and Marlene Vaughan take part in the raising of historic flags during "Australia Day on the Rocks" weekend celebrations / Bob Finlayson, 26/1/81
    Transferred from SPF/Australia Day Celebrations, 1981

    13. The Smithy / Frank B. Millington
    Transferred from SPF/Blacksmiths

    14. Titan, Blythe Heads
    Transferred from SPF/Bluth Heads, Tasmania – Shops, Offices etc. – Titan Factory

    15. Smog over Brisbane...22nd Nov. 1968
    Transferred from SPF/Brisbane, Qld. – Suburbs – Albion, c. 1968

    16. Two paper machines coming off the reel end at the Associated Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., Burnie..., 25.11.70 / Brian Curris[?]
    Transferred from SPF/Burnie, Tasmania – Mills – Associated Pulp & Paper Mill, 1970

    17. Submarine cable being laid at Bondi Beach, 11/1/83
    Transferred from SPF/Cables

    18. Philips new $60,000 video 80 do-it-yourself video system at 1st showing at Artarmon Motor Inn..., 2-2-78
    Transferred from SPF/Cameras, 1978

    19. Edward Jessop-Smith with monument at his Animal Memorial Cemetery, rec 27.2.74 / Pic B. Adams
    Transferred from SPF/Cemeteries – Animal Memorial Cemetery, 1974

    20. General view of the new Shell Chemical's solvents complex at Shell's Clyde Refinery near Sydney, New South Wales
    Transferred from SPF/Clyde, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices & Factories – Shell Chemical Solvent Complex

    21. Wolta Wolta historic homestead at Clare destroyed by bushfire today [copy photograph]
    Transferred from SPF/Clare, Victoria – Residences – Wolta Homestead, 1983

    22. Tent city at Cockatoo Kindergarten as residents and volunteers sort through donated clothing / pic Mike Arthur
    23. Township of Cockatoo after fire
    Transferred from SPF/Cockatoo, Victoria, 1983

    24. The Australian Opera's production of Patience by Gilbert & Sullivan...John Stoddart's costume design for "ladies chorus", Aust 31/8/79
    25a. The Australian Opera's production of Patience by Gilbert & Sullivan...John Stoddart's costume design for "Major Murgatroyd", Aust 31/8/79
    25b. The Australian Opera's production of Patience by Gilbert & Sullivan...John Stoddart's costume design for "ladies chorus", Aust 31/8/79
    25c. The Australian Opera's production of I Masnadieri by Verdi...Michael Stennett's costume design for "Amalia" / Photo: Patrick Jones
    25d. The Australian Opera's production of Patience by Gilbert & Sullivan...John Stoddart's costume design for "Colonel Calverly", Aust 31/8/79
    25e. Madama Butterfly: The Australian Opera ; Sydney Opera House 1977
    Transferred from SPF/Costumes

    26. A floatilla of rubber rafts....Gordon River / Pic Andrew de la Rue
    Transferred from SPF/Demonstrations

    27. BWIU members gather in Queen's Square today, 10/2/83 / pix Winton Irving
    28. Building workers demonstrate outside the law courts in Queen's Square, 10/2/83 / pix Winton Irving
    29. Anti Dam rally - Hyde Park, crowd scene, 20.2.83
    30. Women against rape marchers confront police in George St, 25.4.83
    31. [Women against rape rally]
    32. Part of the 15,000 strong crowd at today's No Dams rally in Hobart
    33. Religious group arrested in Martin Place for burning money, 25.3.83 / Pic Charlie Steell
    34. Religious group burning money, Martin Place, 25.3.83 / Pic Charlie Steell
    35. Demonstrators walk up George St., 27/3/83 / Pic. Simon Bullard
    Transferred from SPF/Demonstrations, 1983

    36. Wild dingo in one of Kelly Diggins' traps caught 2 weeks ago, 5.2.76 / D. May Pix
    Transferred from SPF/Dingo, 1976

    37. Eleven yr old Ashley Miners drover....pix taken outside Adaminaby / Picture Stuart Menzies
    Transferred from SPF/Droving, c. 1981-82

    38. Mechanical cotton pickers harvesting a crop at Kununurra, used 22.9.65
    39. Cotton harvester built by Collier & Miller on laurie Jennings property - Coleambally NSW, used Aust 2-11-70 / C.S.I.R.O Australia
    Transferred from SPF/Farm Machinery, 1965 and SPF/Farm Machinery, 1970

    40. Brooklyn S.E.C fire - fire Brigade trucks parked on brink - with firemen unawares of S.E.C. wires shorting above / Pix Earle Mant, 6.2.82
    41. ...Brooklyn S.E.C. fire / Pix Earle Mant, 6.2.82
    Transferred from SPF/Fires – 1982

    42. Shop fire at Blaxland rd, North Ryde, no casualties, 5/4/82 / Pic: Simon Bullard
    Transferred from SPF/Fires and Fire Fighting – 1982

    43. Cans being pressure tested at Containers Ltd's Footscray plant, D/M 6 Dec 1979 / Stuart Penberthy Pty. Ltd. Photographers
    Transferred from SPF/Footscray, Victoria – Shops, Offices etc. – Containers Ltd.

    44. Lady Gaillaher, Red X boss retires
    Transferred from SPF/Gaillaher, Lady

    45. General view of part of BHP and Esso's Gippsland gas processing and crude oil stabilisation plant, 13/2/78 / Val Foreman
    Transferred from SPF/Gippsland, Vic. - Shops, Offices & Factories - B.H.P. & Esso Gas Processing Plant, 1972

    46-48. Greek National Day celebrations, Opera House / Bob Finlayson, 27/3/83
    Transferred from SPF/Greek National Day Celebrations, 1983

    49. This high-rate ICI 'Flocor' biofilter at Griffith NSW, serves two separate manufacturers - Penfolds winery and the juice factory...Aust. 8.5.74
    Transferred from SPF/Griffith, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices & Factories – I.C.I. Flocor Biofilter, 1974

    50. Injured bushwalker Barry Smith lifted to safety by RAAF Iroqois helicopter at Mount Wilson, N.S.W., 14-1-83
    Transferred from SPF/Helicopters, 1983

    51. Irish dancing in Martin Place. Dancers from the Janice Currie Academy of Irish Dancing... [dancers named in caption verso of photograph]
    Transferred from SPF/Irish in Australia – Social Life, 1973

    52. [Dancers], 1973
    Transferred from SPF/Israel – Social Life, 1973

    53. Power station, Killingworth N.S.W., 2-4-70 / Electricity Commission of N.S.W. Photographic Section
    Transferred from SPF/Killingworth, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices etc. – Killingworth Power Station

    54. [Dancers], 1973
    Transferred from SPF/Latvians in Australia – Social Life, 1973

    55. One of Australia's foremost cotton spinning authorities, Bond's Lithgow Project Manager, Mr. Stan Mather, inspects samples of cotton from one of Australia's fastest draw frames, now installed at Bond's Lithgow production unit...
    Transferred from SPF/Lithgow, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices etc. – Bonds Cotton Production Unit

    56. White buildings identify the $4 million extensions to Cottee's General Foods Liverpool plant, 30/10/79
    Transferred from SPF/Liverpool, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices & Factories - Cottee's General Food Plant, 1979

    57. Diesel locomotive replace steam locomotives
    Transferred from SPF/Locomotives

    58. [XPT at railway station]
    Transferred from SPF/Locomotives - XPT

    59. Kym Bonython wipes tears from his eyes at his burnt out Mt Lofty home
    Transferred from SPF/Lofty, Mount, South Australia, 1983

    60. The burnt remains of the township Macedon taken from the 10 chopper / Andrew de la Rue, 17.2.83
    61. All the remains of Macedon taken from chopper / Andrew de la Rue, 17.2.83
    62. The charred remains of cars and houses in the Main St of Macedon / Pic M. Potter
    63. Main St of Macedon after bush fire / Pic de la Rue
    Transferred from SPF/Macedon, Victoria, 1983

    64. Darrawett after the fire / Pic de la Rue at Macedon
    Transferred from SPF/Macedon, Victoria - Residences - Darrawett, 1983

    65. Portland Cement Works at Maldon / Pix McKenzie
    66. Metropolitan Portland Cement Ltd, Maldon
    Transferred from SPF/Maldon, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices & Factories – Portland Cement Works

    67. Rail & Power strike - Melb. Deserted railway lines at Finders St Station, 7-8-70
    Transferred from SPF/Melbourne – Public Buildings – Flinders St. Station, 1970

    68. A Red rattler at V. Rail's Jolimont Yard / pix Arthur
    Transferred from SPF/Melbourne – Railways & Trams

    69a. Exhauster house at Mortlake works of A.G.L. Co. Shown is exhauster driver John McDonald, 10/8/56
    69b. Crane and telpher trucks above coal stack at A.G.L. Mortlake gas works, 10/8/56
    69c. Coal dumps at Mortlake Gasworks, Dec. 1946
    69d. Coal going in to "cook" retorts at Mortlake works of A.G.L., 10/8/56
    Transferred from SPF/Mortlake, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices, Factories – AGL Gas Works, 1956

    70. Margaret Whitlam's Cancer bus, 20-12-82 / Ray Strange Pix
    Transferred from SPF/Motor Bus, 1982

    71. [Export motor cars] / Lloyd Buchanan and Norman Wodetzki Photography
    72. The solar car in action, with cyclist, Rodney Dale
    73. Holden Belmont, taxis bound for Zambi, Africa, 14/11/72
    Transferred from SPF/Motor Cars and SPF/Motor Cars, 1972

    74. Mercedes-Benz LPS 338/32 trucks delivered to Yass stock hauler Jack Cullen in 1962...
    75. Truckies on way up Oxford St on way to Wrans home, 18/7/82 / Pic Brennan
    76. The firetruck under which 12 firefighters died, 18.2.83
    Transferred from SPF/Motor Trucks & Lorries, c. 1962; SPF/Motor Trucks & Lorries, 1982; and SPF/Motor Trucks & Lorries, 1983

    77. Pollution signs at Narrabean Lagoon, 28/12/71
    Transferred from SPF/Narrabeen Lagoon, N.S.W., 1971

    78. [Aerial view of B.H.P. Steelworks, Newcastle, N.S.W.]
    79. [B.H.P. Steelworks, Newcastle, N.S.W.] / Mark Strizio Architectural & Industrial Photography
    80. [View of road and railway tracks with B.H.P. Steelworks in background, Newcastle, N.S.W.]
    81. The 390 ft. "double throw" cooling bed...which began operations at the B.H.P. Steelworks, Newcastle...
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – B.H.P. Steelworks

    82. B.H.P. works Newcastle from the air, 9/8/60
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – B.H.P. Steelworks, 1960

    83. B.H.P. works Newcastle, top section of huge blast furnace, used 2/1/62
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – B.H.P. Steelworks, 1962

    84. Newcastle Steelworks - ore blending & storage plant...9.4.70... / BHP Photo Service
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – B.H.P. Steelworks, 1970

    85. Aerial view of the Newcastle Steelworks showing the BHP heavy-lift ship 'Iron Banbury' at the products berth...
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – B.H.P. Steelworks, 1974

    86. The oldest escalator in Australia in David Jones Hunter St Newcastle store
    Transferred from SPF/Newcastle, N.S.W. – Shops & Offices – David Jones

    87. Laying out material on the cutting table at Pelaco's new shirt production unit at Nowra (NSW)...
    Transferred from SPF/Nowra, N.S.W. – Shops, Offices etc. – Pelaco’s Shirt Production Unit

    88. Crown St Womens Hospital, Nursery secton, Special Care Nursery, Sister Claire Molyneux, 16-2-82
    Transferred from SPF/Nursing, 1982

    89. Victoria State Opera, "The Pearl Fishers"...
    Transferred from SPF/Opera Companies – Victoria State Opera

    90. Hill Industries Ltd, new factory for production of steel tupe at O'Sullivan Beach, South Australia / Gordon Nobbs
    Transferred from SPF/O’Sullivan’s Beach, Sth. Aust. - Shops, Offices, & Factories – Hills Industry Steelworks

    91. Parramatta District Hospital, Rec 20/12/61
    Transferred from SPF/Parramatta, N.S.W. – Hospitals – Parramatta District Hospital, 1961

    92. Fibremakers Penrith Pty. Ltd. Tyre fabric weaving on the Draper 64" heavy duty Looms, Aust. 9-7-69
    Transferred from SPF/Penrith, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices etc. – Fibremakers Penrith Ltd., 1969

    93. An overall view of the two furnaces showing the huge buckets which contain raw material ingredients...Rec 9/11/71
    94. Glass Containers Ltd plant in Penrith NSW. Glass Container quality controllers inspect each container...
    Transferred from SPF/Penrith, N.S.W. - Shops, Offices & Factories – Glass Containers Ltd., 1971

    95. Mr Jim Bell with Punch & Judy characters, 30/10/81 / Frank Violi
    96. [Shadow puppet play, Parade Theatre, Kensington] / pix W. Russell 14/5/73
    97. Marionette Theatre takes over Old Sailors Home...Marionette "Morton Barman" operated by Ross Hill, and Michael Creighton operating "The Tramp"... / Bob Finlayson 23/1/81
    98. Beverley Campbell Jackson - Puppet designer with puppets in the play MacArther on at the Drama Theatre - Opera House / Pix Steve Brennan, 6-5-82
    99. Menzies Hotel. Captain Jim Gamble and Bones-A-Part / Pix Smidt
    100. Ben Franklin with his life size puppet (Rat)... / Pix: Steve Brennan 28-10-82
    101. Beauty Pt. Lorma Hartland with marionettes, 13-5-71
    102. [Female with emu puppet from The Great Adventure, 1977]
    103. [Boy with octopus? puppets from The Great Adventure, 1977]
    105. [Child with cockotoo and male puppet from The Great Adventure, 1977]
    106. [Girl with Neptune? puppet from The Great Adventure], Dec 1977
    107. Oscar Mesonero 8 yrs of Campsie with Pinnoccio & Crow Doctor, 1.1.81
    108. Clown, used 23/9/62[?]
    109. [Clown puppet]
    110. [Puppets] / Ron Perrott Photography
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays

    111. French Puppeteer "Chariot" from Velo Theatre performs from his bicycle in Hyde park..., 6-1-83 / Pic Charlie Steeil[?]
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays, 1983

    112. The World of Puppets Exhibition at the Opera House. 3 Can Can Dancers from the Ann Dancers Puppet Production
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Ann Dancers Puppets

    113. The Marionette Theatre of Australia's production of Charles Kingsley's "The Water Babies"...Tom and the Lobster
    114. [Tom] / Ron Perrott Photography
    115. The Marionette Theatre of Australia's production of Charles Kingsley's "The Water Babies"...Tom and Growler / Ron Perrott Photography
    116. The Marionette Theatre of Australia's production of Charles Kingsley's "The Water Babies"...Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby and her good Water Babies / Ron Perrott Photography
    117. The Marionette Theatre of Australia's production of Charles Kingsley's "The Water Babies"...Ellie, Tom and one of the Water Babies / Ron Perrott Photography
    118. Dunwinnie the Emu chats to "Turtle"...the Marionette Theatre of Australia's production of "tales from Noonameena" / Ron Perrott Photography
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Marionette Theatre of Australia

    119. Cast of 'The Magic Pudding' take a walk in Newtown...16/12/71 / Pix W. Russell
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – The Marionette Theatre of Australia, 1971

    120. Justine Becker 8 yrs with some puppets from Marionette Theatre...17/4/81 / Pix Gary Graham
    121-122. The Marionette Theatre of Australia's new home. Professor Cramchild and the swagg on the curbstone outside the Sydney Sailors home, The Rocks, 4/6/81 / Pix: Will Burgess
    123. The Marionette Theatre of Australia has moved to a new location...two of the Theatre's characters "The Judge" and "The Tramp"..., 25.2.81 / Muhlbock
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Marionette Theatre of Australia, 1981

    124. The World of Puppets Exhibition at the Opera House. Kathryn Gee with characters from Alice in Wonderland .. a Pilgrim Puppet Theatre production
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Pilgrim Puppet Theatre

    125. Wilpy Wombat & Krumpy Koala meet young friends
    126. Phillip Theatre..."Panjee" of the Tintookies..., 26/8/65
    127-128. II 5.67, Jannette Gould - Mrs Possum; Bruce Rowland - Baby Kangaroo Joseph; Robert Peet - Mrs Kangaroo; Graeme Mathieson - Emu; Penny Hall - Ga Ga; with Brett Hopgood...
    129. Tintookies, Elizabethan Theatre Trust, 6.68. Graeme Mathieson (24) who is also a puppeteer mends a stork
    130. A scene from the 'Magician's Journey'...
    Transferred from SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Tintookies Puppets and SPF/Puppets and Puppet Plays – Tintookies Puppets, 1965, 1967, 1968, and 1975

    131. St Mary's train crash
    Transferred from SPF/Railways – Accidents

    132. Dominion Wellington, train crash
    Transferred from SPF/Railways – Accidents - N.S.W.

    133-134. Summer Hill train smash
    Transferred from SPF/Railways – Accidents - Summer Hill, N.S.W.

    135. Erecting steel structures to carry overhead wiring - electrification of main line to Lithgow / Department of Railways, N.S.W. Photographic Section
    Transferred from SPF/Railways – N.S.W.

    136. Captain Kerry Boyle, Battery Captain of "A" Field Battery, 8/12 Medium Regiment, supervises the cleaning of six 105mm Howitzers in preparation for the Australia Day salute... / Photo Ray Strange
    Transferred from SPF/Royal Australian Army

    137. Navy Strong Man...flight deck captain aboard the RAN aircraft carrier and flagship HMAS Melbourne...14th September 1971 / photograph by Petty Officer B. Stringer
    Transferred from SPF/Royal Australian Navy, 1971

    138. The Grand Parade / Pix Gary Graham
    Transferred from SPF/Royal Easter Show

    139. Opera House during Queens 1st day in Australia, 1977 visit
    Transferred from SPF/Royal Visit, 1977

    140. Traffic from Nth Coast, 31-1-83 / S. Brennan
    Transferred from SPF/Roads, N.S.W. – Gosford Road, 1983

    141. Sapphire miner John Cregan at his Policeman Shack near Rubyvale
    Transferred from SPF/Rubyvale, Western Australia

    142. The two families that live and work at Seals Rock Lighthouse [Chalker and Lee families], 27/1/82
    Transferred from SPF/Seal Rocks, N.S.W. – Lighthouses, 1982

    143. Sheep shearing, rec 10/2/82
    Transferred from SPF/Shearing – 1982

    144. Mrs Rhonda Charity in front of her general store in Silverton, 18/8/82 / Frank Viol
    Transferred from SPF/Silverton, N.S.W. – Shops etc. – General Store

    145. Surf City, w/stomping, 7.10.64
    Transferred from SPF/Social Life, 1964

    146. Cossack Dancers entertain crowds at Martin Place during an exhibition, pre Xmas Show...23.12.80 / Ken Matts
    147. Colonial Ball 30/8/80 Willoughby Civ Centre / Robert L. Bolton, Photographer
    148. Colonial Ball 1980 / Robert L. Bolton, Photographer
    Transferred from SPF/Social Life, 1980

    149. Pirates of Penzance preview at Opera House, general scene, 9/1/82 / Pix: Simon Bullard
    Transferred from SPF/Social Life, 1982

    150. Surf Carnival at Newcastle Beach..Merewether Open boat crew...
    Transferred from SPF/Surf Life Saving

    151. Dogman...This Sydney - a picture to chill your spine!, 28/4/61
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W., c. 1961

    152. Balmain, used D.T. 5.8.72
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Bridges – Sydney Harbour Bridge, 1972

    153. Model of the gateway for the Quay, 21/1/82
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Circular Quay

    154. Aerial pix showing start of distributor...
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Harbour & Islands

    155. Sydney Harbour, the view overseas passengers would get from the plane
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Harbour & Islands - Sydney Harbour

    156. Aerial view of Simon & Garfunkel concert, 4-2-83 / Pix Ian Mainsbridge
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Parks & Gardens – Sydney Sports Ground, 1983

    157. Aust Museum Skeleton Show / Pic Bob Finlayson
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Australian Museum

    158. Fig tree fell on car at Central this afternoon, 20.1.83 / Pix: Steve Brennan
    159. People wait for trains on hard backed seats at Central (transparency available at FM5/1347)
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station

    160. Central Railway Station, 4-12-59
    161-162. Hole for the Eastern Suburbs Railway at Central, 4-12-59
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, c. 1959

    163. Central Railway clock, 1973
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, 1973

    164. Cars parked on platform at Central Railway Station, 29.3.76
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, 1976

    165. Ken Maughan, left, and David Webber, 12.4.77
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, 1977

    166. Artist's impression of updated concourse...15 Sep 1980 / Public Transport Commission of N.S.W. Photo Section
    167. Rail Strike, Central Station, 20/11/80
    168. Central Station (rail strike), 20/11/80 (transparency available at FM5/1344)
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, 1980

    169. Mrs Barbara Pike...waiting at empty Newcastle train station at Central Station..., 10/12/82 / Stuart Menzies
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Central Railway Station, 1982

    170-171. Sydney Entertainment Centre
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Entertainment Centre

    172. Michael Edgley (circled) made a t.v. commercial today on the top of the Sydney Entertainment Centre, 20-2-83 / Uwe Kuessner Pix
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Sydney Entertainment Centre, 1983

    173. The partly completed Kings X station, D.T. 11 Jul 1975
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Kings Cross Railway Station

    174. A workman puts the finishing touches to the walls of Kings Cross Station which is due to come into use in 1973, Aust 8-5-71
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Kings Cross Railway Station, 1971

    175. Martin Place Railway Station, advertising displays are already up, long before the Eastern Suburbs Railway starts operating, 24.5.78 / Uwe Kuessner
    176. Entrance to Martin Place Stat., 15/10/78
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Martin Place Railway Station, 1978

    177. [Interior display, Powerhouse Museum]
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Power House Museum

    178. Train strike, crowded No 1 platform, Town Hall Station, 28/5-81
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Public Buildings – Town Hall Railway Station, 1981

    179. Deserted Wynyard Station, 28/4/75
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Public Buildings – Wynyard Railway Station, 1975

    180. Royal Easter Show...12th April, 1981. Parachutist Ian Handley on his lap of honour...after successfully landing on the Slope Ski Magazine Snow Bus...
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. - Public Transport – Motor Bus, 1981

    181. Geoff Johnson & Mal McAuley with two old Sydney buses & Miss Shareen Frazer at wheel of Sydney's newest bus. 6.1.83 / Pix Steeil
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. - Public Transport – Motor Bus, 1983

    182. Detail of track / Public Transport Commission of N.S.W. Photo Section
    183. Eastern Suburbs Railways / Public Transport Commission of N.S.W. Photo Section
    184. Leading hand carpenter Gordon Harewood, Rigger - Jack Hutton, carpenter Harold Richards, the three longest members of the Eastern Suburbs Railway construction team, D.T. 11 Jul 1975
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway

    185. Eric Jermyn (Ganger), Mick Liddell (Foreman), Frank Franklyn (Engineer) inspect steel arches reinforcing a clay seam in the tunnel roof, July 1951
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1951

    186. Chalmers St Railway, 19/1/58 / Pix Sheehan
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1958

    187. Eastern Sub Railway cut, Macquarie St
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1959

    188. Eastern Subs Railway, used 20.2.68
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1968

    189. Excavations for Martin Place Railway Station, Elizabeth St & martin Place, 1.9.77
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1977

    190. View of East Suburbs Railway from Kingsgate blding
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Railways & Tramways – Eastern Suburbs Railway, 1979

    191. View of incomplete Western distributor ending at Harris St., Ultimo, 26 Aug 1977
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Streets – Northwestern Distributor, c. 1977

    192. [New distributor taken from the IBM building in Kent Street, 1963?]
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Streets – Western Distributor

    193. Looking more like a graveyard than a motor car overpass, the Western Distributo over Pyrmont continues its slow progress, 27.2.79 / pix Ken Matts
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Streets – Western Distributor, 1979

    194. Aerial view at the north Bondi sewer outlet, 17.9.64
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Bondi, 1964

    195. Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand Limited, one section of the polythene factory at Botany, N.S.W..., Aust. 26-6-72
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Botany – Shops, Offices & Factories – ICI Polythene Factory, 1972

    196. 5 yr old Odette Hamza takes a ride on the swings at Clovelly Beach, 13/1/80 / Burney
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Clovelly, 1980

    197. P.D.S. factory at Sth. Granville. The modern butter repacking section...7/2/59 / Pix Stark
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Granville – Shops, Offices & Factories – P.D.S. Butter Factory

    198. [Kingsgrove factory of Muller Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of National Consolidated Ltd], 26 Jul 1976 / Robert Haswell Photography Pty Ltd
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Kingsgrove – Shops, Offices etc. – Muller Pty Ltd

    199. "This - we breathe". Picture of unusual layer of smoke & smog covering the city...28/7/58
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Suburbs – Neutral Bay, 1958

    200. School girls in playground of Randwick School, 24-2-60
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Randwick – School, c. 1960

    201. [CSR Chemical plant, Rhodes], used Aust. 24.11.70 / Max Dupain Photographer
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Rhodes – Shops, Offices & Factories – C.S.R. Chemicals Ltd, 1970

    202. The phthalic anhydride plant at the Rhodes, N.S.W. factory of C.S.R. Chemicals Ltd..., 1972
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Rhodes – Shops, Offices etc – C.S.R. Phthalic Anhydride Plant

    203. Don Kramer of Kramer Productions, Surry Hills, with silent machines
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Surry Hills – Shops, Offices & Factories – Kramer Productions

    204. Demolitions taking place for Eastern Suburbs railway, 21/6/68
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Suburbs – Woolloomooloo, 1968

    205. Through Woolloomooloo looking towards William Street
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney, N.S.W. – Suburbs – Woolloomooloo, c. 1978

    206. [Aerial view of construction of Eastern Suburbs Railway] / Max Dupain Photographer
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Suburbs – Woolloomooloo, 1979

    207. Smog over Sydney, 27/10/60
    Transferred from SPF/Sydney – Wharves – Woolloomooloo Bay, 1960

    208. Boyer Mill, Tasmania / photograph by Benjamin A. Sheppard
    Transferred from SPF/Tasmania – Mills – Boyer Mill

    209. Parkes Telescope. Derek Fellows...Cliff Smith, 21-2-67 / Hickson
    Transferred from SPF/Telescopes

    210. 2 new police boats commissioned at Sydney Harbour, 15.12.82
    Transferred from SPF/Water Police

    211. The cut-to-length line installed by Salem Engineering (Aust) Pty. ltd. at Australian Iron & Steel Pty. ltd., Westernport, Victoria, rec 28/8/79
    Transferred from SPF/Westernport, Vic. - Shops, Offices & Factories – Australian Iron & Steel Ltd., 1979

    212. Opening of Boat Show - the main ring of the Showground...6-8-82 / Pix Fullagar[?]
    Transferred from SPF/Yachts & Yachting, 1982
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    Transferred from the Small Pictures File, Mitchell Library Reading Room, 2013
    Transferred from PXA 2144/Box 122 in January 2025.
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