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  • Title
    File 3: Photograph album and photographs mainly of views of Orange, New South Wales
  • Call number
    PXA 7791/Box 3
  • Level of description
  • Date

    probably between 1866 and 1940, predominant 1870s
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1 album (32 photographs, 2 photomechanical prints) - chiefly albumen prints on card mounts - album 18 x 27 cm
    19 photographs - chiefly albumen - various sizes
  • Scope and Content
    Album mainly of carte de visite photographs of views of Orange, N.S.W.

    1. [Missing]
    2. [Band members of Great American Circus in carriage in front of circus tent] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90455
    3. Mr R. Frost & family, Campdale Orange [Robert and Bridget Frost, with their children Emma, Maria, Polly, Anne, Elizabeth, Catherine and Fannie] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90660
    4. [Robert Frost and horse] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90649[?]
    5. [View of Post Office and Dalton Brothers, Summer Street, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90557
    6. [Missing]
    7. [View of Summer Street, Orange, with Telegraph Hotel, ] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90592
    8. [Bank of New South Wales, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90519
    9. [Missing]
    10. [Missing]
    11. [Arch celebrating railway extension to Orange, Anson Street, Orange, with John Woodward's Store in background, 1877] / T.J. Hollands, Photographer, Orange N.S.W.
    12. [Missing]
    13. [Group, including several women with babies, in front of buildings] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90686
    14. [Group in front of cottages] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90687
    15. [View of Summer Street, Orange, with Dalton Brothers in background] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90470
    16. [Summer Street, Orange looking east from Sale Street, with J. Douglas, Builder & Joiner, General Timber Yard in foreground] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90590
    17. [John Martin, Blacksmith & Wheelwright, Shoeing Forge, Summer Street, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90494
    18. [Albin house, D. McKay, Anson Street, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90561
    19. [Court House and Gaol, Orange, N.S.W.] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90598
    20. [Group of females outside Glenroi House, Bathurst Road, Orange]
    21. Orange N.S. Wales [Dalton Bros. storage yard and stables, Summer Street, Orange]
    22. Orange N.S. Wales [view looking south east from the Courthouse corner across paddock, later Robertson Park]
    23. [Star of Orange] / The "Eclipse" Photos...Victor & Kittch, Managers
    24. Orange N.S. Wales [looking east from James Dale, saddler, Summer Street and Anson Street, Orange]
    25. [View possibly of Lucknow, N.S.W.] / Albert Nichol & Co., Photographic Artists, 645 George Street, Sydney
    26. [Missing]
    27. [Orange Bakery, Summer Street, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90481
    28. Dalton's Mill, Summer St. Orange / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90525
    29. Dalton Brothers, Summer Street, Orange / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90600
    30. [Doman & Pike's Coach Factory]
    31. [Stockwell's Commercial Hotel, Byng Street, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90646
    32. [Wellington Inn, Summer Street and Lords Place, Orange] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90652
    33. [Cart with Exchange Hotel in background, Summer Street, Orange]
    34. [Man with horse and dog]
    35. Messrs Russell, Forrest, Finch and Templar, 1866 [?] / Albert Nichol & Co., Photographic Artists, 645 George Street, Sydney
    36. Messrs Russell, Forrest, Finch 2, Templar 2, Body[?], Tarpy[?] & McDonald[?], Orange, 1866 / Albert Nichol & Co., Photographic Artists, 645 George Street, Sydney
    37-42. [Missing]
    43. How we discuss the Question of Water Supply [copy photograph of illustration]
    44-45. [Missing]
    46. Definitely Summer St. Orange [R. J. Parker, Blacksmith]
    47-49. [Missing]
    50. [Cook Park, Orange, in snow] (photomechanical print)
    51. [Cook Park, Orange, in snow] (photomechanical print)

    52. [View of Orange, N.S.W., showing St. Joseph's Catholic Church] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90666
    53. [Post Office, Orange, N.S.W.] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90558
    54. [View of Orange, N.S.W., from corner of Summer and Anson Streets] / American & Australasian Photographic Company...Beaufoy Merlin, no. 90478
    55. [Anson St, Orange, Private School] / The "Eclipse" Photos...D. B. Kittch & Co.
    56. [Group of men, possibly in timber yard]
    57. [Photograph of building] / Lockie Brothers, Photographers, Orange
    58. The Seminary(?) Anson St., Orange, Private. Building on the left became St. Helen's Private Hospital
    59. Orange N.S.W. [View of Summer Street, looking west with Lord's Place and the paddock that was later Robertson Park on the right]
    60. Unknown school, Orange District
    61. William Edwin Agland ?, 3rd from left at front, possibly Lucknow
    62. Now Hotel Canobolas site, 1883 [Club House Hotel, Summer Street, Orange]
    63. [Australian Hall, Lords Place, Orange] / G. Plummer, Anson Street, Orange
    64. Corner of Summer and Anson St Orange, W. M. Lee [?] 1885 [Exchange Hotel] / The "Eclipse" Photos...D. B. Kittch & Co.
    65. Lords Place, Orange N.S.W. [Western Advocate office]
    66. [View of Summer Street, Orange, showing Buckham & Warry's[?] and Lamrock & Co. Auctioneers / Welch & Krutli, Anson Street, Orange
    67. St Joseph's Church, Orange / from G Lockie Junr., Photographer, March Street, Orange [View towards St. Joseph's Church from Clinton St.]
    68. St Joseph's Church, Orange / Lockie Bothers Photographers, Orange
    69. Ophir. Spot where payable gold was first discovered in Australia, 1851, just below junction of Lewis Ponds & Summer Hill Creeks. Left to right: Dr A. Colvin (Mayor of Orange), James Uren[?], John H. Lister, F.J. Mulholland (Town Clerk), J.J. Glasson ("leader"), J.W. Torpy[?] ("Advocate") / inscription on photograph signed R.H. Cambage 29.3.23
    70. [W.T. Gardiner's Coach & Buggy Works, Peisley Street, Orange] / Austral Photo Company, Alice Street, Newtown
  • Copying Conditions
    Out of copyright:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Published Information
    Some photographs in album published in: Orange and district : a history in pictures / Robert Bartlett. [Orange, N.S.W.] : R. Bartlett, c1994 (Mitchell Library call no. Q994.45/82). Orange and district : a history in pictures. 2 / Robert Bartlett. [Orange, New South Wales] : Robert Bartlett, 2018 (Mitchell Library call no. HQ 2019/0007). The magic of Merlin : a collection of photographs by Henry Beaufoy Merlin / Robert Bartlett (Mitchell Library call no. HQ 2024/1089).
  • Description source

    Some photographs titled, dated, and inscribed verso. Content titles in square brackets devised from information supplied by donor or devised by cataloguer.
  • General note

    Photographs in album numbered. Photographs missing from album when acquired by the Library.
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Subject
  • Place

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