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  • Title
    Series 2: Research papers, 1881-2021
  • Call number
    MLMSS 11616 /Boxes 4-18
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
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  • Physical Description
    2.4 metres of textual material (15 boxes)
  • Scope and Content
    BOX 4

    Comprises papers relating to the Dante Alighieri Society Sydney including minutes of Council meetings 1976; correspondence and programs; newspaper articles including an article by Renzo de Felice; 1979 notes for talks by Cresciani to schools; notes, letters, transcript of speech by Cresciani at Gramsci Institute; society journals 1975-79 including “Quaderni” and “Dante review”
    Papers relating to a 1977 exhibition in Bolgna on the life of anti-Fascist Omero Schiassi organised by Cresciani comprising logistical arrangements, programs, posters, documents, newspaper reviews and colour photographs, speeches. Includes some personal Schiassi correspondence and papers (1922-1943), a copy of Provincia e Comprensori, Volume VII, n. 9-12, Sep-Dec 1977 featuring an article on the exhibition and copies of papers relating to Omero Schiassi’s political career in Italy 1902-1914; Frederick May Foundation papers including invitations, programs, poster for 1978 conference; photocopy of 1910 -1914 Council minutes with Schiassi’s address
    Correspondence relating to Affari Sociali Internazionali 1987-1989; Italian Women in Australia: 1920-1940 essay by RA Diana, 1987

    BOX 5
    The Italians” ABC TV series and book 1983-5 including correspondence, newspaper cuttings, script, flyers
    “Vade mecum” guide for Italians living in Australia. (Fascist magazine published in Australia by Giornale d’Italia and Italian chamber of Commerce 1936, 1937)
    Photographs of Serbian migrants in Australia during the 1930s, booklet commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Stefanovic Karadzic
    Italian Anti-fascism and Prisoners of War: Al Grassby speech on Pietro Callipari “the Godfather’ 1988, papers by Montagnana, 1987 Torino conference on Prisoners of War, G Rudè paper on Kalgoorlie riots 1934
    L’Italiano in Australia Conference papers, Latrobe University, 1985
    Correspondence relating to publications, 1986; New Norcia WA and Rudesindo Salvado correspondence with S. San Paolo Turin and materials on possible project, 1999
    Istituto Socialista di studi storici, Florence - correspondence and articles; “Italia Libera’ information, newspaper, letters, including list of material acquired by the Mitchell Library for The Italians in New South Wales Project
    Photographs of Italian POWs copied from the Australian War Memorial
    Miscellaneous newscuttings, invitations, quotations 1936-1988

    BOX 6
    Cresciani correspondence 1986-1993 to individuals and organisations including Franca Arena, Marcello Montagnana, Sergio Romano, Wal Costanza, David Faber, Giuliano Pieri-Nerli, CoAsIt; brochures, invitations, letters, Dante Alighieri conference papers (1988); Carnevale 1988 brochure, pamphlets
    Journal articles by Gianfranco Cresciani: “Fascist opposition in Australia” Rivista del movimento di liberazione in Italia (1973) – his first published work, “Francesco Fantin, Anarchist Abstract by David Faber (1988), Dignan, Don “Queensland internment Italian POWs” (1990)
    The Encyclopaedia of the Australian People entry by Gianfranco Cresciani “Italian Immigrants from 1920-1945” (April 1986); correspondence 1984-88; Typescript (corrected) Chapter 1: The Italian Community at the outbreak of the War
    Schiassi Conference Bologna 1993 papers, correspondence, flyers, program, poster
    Proposed Lombardy History in Australia through the Frederick May Foundation for Italian Studies, 1982 including correspondence 1980-1982
    Brodolini Fondazione Milano Conference “Italians overseas” and other matters correspondence 1981-1983
    Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli Italy and “Altre Italia” correspondence re membership of Scientific Committee, publishing articles, and other matters 1989-97. 1992 Cresciani article “documents of history of Italian migration”. Articles and book reviews by Gianfranco Cresciani
    Original papers in boxes 7 and 8 contain material by Italian Anti-fascists and members of Italia Libera 1920s-1940s given to Cresciani

    BOX 7
    Comprises the papers of Luigi Stellato (1897-1983), a Calabrian born anarchist who migrated to Australia in the late 1920s. He owned a wholesale fruit and vegetable stand at the Victorian Market in Melbourne and was a founder of the Italian Group Against War in 1934

    Stellato papers 1931-1950
    Comprises original press cuttings, newspaper articles, magazines, “correspondence” newsletter, The Australian Statesman, casa d’Italia 1938, “Italians against War” 1930s, flyers Italia libera, a copy of Moscow news 1936; Italo-Australia Social Club members book, papers, Australian/Italian Anti-fascist movement Victoria, flyers Italia libera, Australian Peace Program 1950, “Il Risveglio” newspaper editions from 1920s, 1940s, 1950s

    BOX 8
    Comprises the papers of Italian born Matteo Cristofaro (1908- ) who migrated to Australia in 1927, eventually settling in Melbourne in 1931. He became involved in the Anti-Fascist movement at the Victoria Market, where he was employed as an agent but later became the leader of Italian Communists in Australia

    Cristofaro papers 1934-1949
    Comprises meetings, minutes, agendas of Italia Libera; brochures; papers relating to Italia Libera activities, correspondence with international organisations and handbills. Correspondents include Alcorso, Montagnana, Schiassi, d’Ettore, Muggia, Danesi, Professor Chisholm, correspondence “Il Risveglio” 1944-45; letters 1970s and papers relating to the Fantin murder case
    Note: there is further correspondence from Cristofaro to Cresciani during the 1970s in box 1

    BOX 9
    Anti-Fascist newspapers 1929-1955
    “la Riscossa” 1929,1931
    “Il Risveglio” 1927,1944,1945,1946,1955
    “la liberta” Paris,1929
    “L’avanguardia libertaria” 1931
    “L’unita” Italy, PCI (Italian Communist Party) 1933, 1935

    Anti-Fascist leaflets
    “L’Italia del Popolo”, Buenos Aires 1929
    “il becco giallo” 1929

    Stato Operaio New York 1942-43 PCI monthly originals [possibly only copies in Australia] given to Cresciani by Cristofaro
    Anti-Fascist and Fascist leaflets 1920s, 1930s and 1940s many given by Cristofaro to Cresciani including Australian, Paris, Mexico, and Italian (PCI); la Fiamma subscription slip 1947
    Archivio Centrale Dello Stato Romadi INCLUDES Correspondence with Tocco, Testino
    1975 Italo/Australian cultural agreement; transparencies of Anti fascists in Australia
    Diary of unnamed farmer in New Italy (1911) (courtesy of C. Houghton Sawmill, Pomona NSW) displayed at Ellis Island NY exhibition organised by Cresciani
    Ellis Island NY exhibition 1997 correspondence; newspaper, flyers, fascist flyers
    Italian passports/ID documents Manera 1924
    Orient Line Foglio di identita Alagic 1924
    List of Italian communists in Australia, 1934 by Italian government
    New Italy papers
    Communist Party leaflets, 1933
    Crown Lands and emigration pamphlet, 1840
    Fascist legislation 1930s hand typed by Cresciani
    Papers of Ugo Modotti, an Italian Fascist priest [Jesuit Archives Melbourne] includes 1881 address to Australian immigrants at new Italy by Colonial Secretary
    “Corriere della sera” September 1917
    B.A. Santamaria ‘the Italian problem” photocopy of typed document, annotated
    “5th column activities” UK pamphlet, ca. 1938
    Italo-Australiano 1908, 1929
    “Apuntamento con la nazione” 1969 Italy
    Dante Alighieri 1925 program for 100th anniversary of Carducci’s birth
    Flyer Giustizie e liberta, 1935
    Article by L Einaudi against centralised government, 1944

    BOX 10

    Umberto Gnata biography

    Papers relating to Italian Women:
    Includes Story of “Maria’s life” (1920-1940) by Rina Scalgiatti, 1980
    Bernadette Kelly conference paper on Italian women, 1986 Frederick May Foundation
    Tonina Gucciardo:” Italian Women Identities”
    Bernadette Kelly “Italian Women and communities” 1985
    Franca Arena “Political involvement of Italians” conference paper 1985
    Bernadette Kelly “Women in Griffith” chapter of book

    Commonwealth Attorney Generals Department: Nazi Collaboration in Camps, 1949, newspaper clips and records
    Correspondence; photos, original letters to other Italians including Cristofaro, 1946
    Copies of Cristofaro’s service record
    Papers relating to Frank Carmagnola (1900-1986) including court case materials 1920s and 1930s, ‘Riscossa’ and ‘Risveglio’, MAE records of trial, Qld archives records
    Cresciani handwritten transcript of correspondence with consuls Vitali and Arrighi
    Nuovo Paese magazine 1986
    Angela Caporaso thesis “Italian community in Port Pirie” with Cresciani comments
    Battistessa (Italian Fascist) articles, flyers, letters, photo includes original letter from Filippo Marinetti about Battistessa and other Fascists 1926
    Massimo Montagnana (anti-fascist) including documents of arrival, letters, photographs, letters to Cresciani, (maybe only extant)
    Draft article by Cresciani 1975 with comments by Rosa Montagnana (wife of Togliatti and sister of Mario and Massimo Montagnana)
    Del Pin (fascist) letters, 1920s
    Tommaso Saviane (Anti-fascist) 1950s newspaper articles
    Correspondence from Schiassi
    Italo-Australian Club material including Free Italy card, unemployed Italians flyer and typed drafts in Italian and English
    Newspaper articles on riots,1952
    Giuffre (fascist) exhibition of artisan objects at Loveday POW camp

    BOX 11

    Trieste documents including Canevari
    1950s migration form
    Richardson, Gerald. “Crime Zone” p/c of book chapter 1959 head of Police Force in Trieste
    Trieste, 1953 pamphlet on the riots in Trieste
    Slovene migrants booklet
    Magris, Claudio [Triestini writer] correspondence with Gianfranco Cresciani
    “La Cittadella” Triestini newspaper in Sydney 1960, 1969, 1964
    Carli, Enrico papers, meetings, correspondence
    Trieste Club, Sydney including documents, articles of Association,1975
    1910 Trieste census
    Scucchi Andrea correspondence
    Malusa, Fabio. “Multiculturalism Italian Style” 1986 paper
    1970s Associazione Giuliani nel Mondo (Fed president of Trieste Federation of Australia, ex-riot squad Polizia Civile given to Cresciani)
    Mayer, Tulllio, articles
    “L’melon” Triestini newspaper in Sydney, 1970s
    “L’eco” 1970s Triestini Police Force newspaper, Trieste

    BOX 12

    “The Capuchins in Australia” booklet, 1955
    “Victoria’s Italians, 1900-45” Ercole Nano and Tence Maria, book
    1st Conference of Italians Abroad, Rome, booklet, 2000
    “Australia through Italian Eyes”, 1988 Lygon Arts Festival exhibition catalogue
    “Australia through Italian eyes" 1988 Powerhouse Museum Sydney
    Photographs of ex-Polizia Civile Trieste, 1950s. They left with UK troops, later migrated to Australia includes negatives
    Marshall Tito speech, 1953 on Trieste
    Passenger lists from Italy, 1950s
    Benedetti Livio - ex-Trieste Polizia Civile, Ethnic Affairs Commission NSW Officer including correspondence, photos
    Multicultural young Labour, 1984
    “Trieste goes to Australia” book by Gianfranco Cresciani includes various photos of Triestini in Australia, conferences, papers
    Abbiezzi Mario, ASIO papers
    Conference papers, various - migrants from Istria, Fiume, Dalmatia; Pippan Moreno papers, 1957 travel documents
    Archivio di Stato di Trieste documents, exodus of Polizia Civile

    BOX 13

    Frederick May Foundation, 1976-1981 possibly only extant copies of documents

    1976 list of members, constitution, meetings agendas and minutes
    1977 meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning
    1978 First Conference papers including program, letters, meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; papers given at conference; catalogue of Book Fair programs, letters; “la Voce”; newspaper articles; Catalogue Anti-fascism and Fascism exhibition at conference
    1979 letters to academics; report on First Conference; meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; “Altro Polo” letters re publishing the conference papers; letters to publishers for Italian Book Fair
    1980 University of Sydney booklet of Italian department and FMF for open day; Gough Whitlam address at Frederick May Foundation; letters to publishers, academics and speakers; 2nd Conference poster; program. Gianfranco Cresciani paper ‘the roots of Anti-Fascism/fascism”; article by Richard Bosworth; meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; press clippings; letters to publishers regarding book fair, list of books, flyers, fair held at Surry Hills casa d’Italia; “Incontro” journal of ILTA June 1980
    1981 B&W original of 1978 conference; meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; press clippings; “Incontro’ May, 1981 and December, 1981 ILTA

    BOX 14

    Frederick May Foundation, 1982-1991 possibly only extant copies of documents

    1982 meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; budgets; 1982 Conference including program, letters, meetings progress reports, planning; papers given at conference; conference package; paper by Gorlier on Australian literature; “Altro Polo” letters re publishing the conference papers; newspaper articles
    1983 meetings agendas and minutes; progress reports, planning; budgets; letters with academics, publishers, MPs, invitations, photos, flyers, Carmagnola TV program proposal; “Migrations to Australia” flyer La Trobe university; Cultural relations between Italy and Australia reports and letters
    1984 Conference program, letters, meetings progress reports, planning; papers given at conference
    1985 Conference program, letters, meetings progress reports, planning; papers given at conference; budgets; “Altro Polo” letters re publishing the conference papers; Conference USA Ambassador
    1986 3rd Conference program, letters, meetings progress reports, planning; papers given at conference; budgets; Australia Council application; Robert Pascoe “Italian migrants in Victoria” paper
    1987 letters, meeting minutes
    1991 Conference program

    BOX 15

    FILEF (The Italian Federation of Migrant Workers and their Families) 1970s material
    “ASIO and persons of Interest” and “No Country for revolutionaries”
    List of members, addresses
    FILEF Italy ‘Emigrazione” magazine 1983,84, 84
    FILEF “those final moments“ Denis del Favero 1984 ACP Sydney
    Prospectus, slides, dialogue; speech by Paolo Totaro list of members Italian Communist Party, ASIO surveillance; “no country for revolutionaries” book by Gianfranco Cresciani including letters, launch material, speech 2019, Palmada letter about book 2016
    FILEF national conference papers including articles, newsletters, leaflets 1974-1978, newspaper articles FILEF Proposal for a conference 1970s
    International Festival committee 1944 meeting minutes re International Aid [given by journalist Ignazio Salemi, Italian Communist Party or PCI]
    FILEF letters from Gianfranco Cresciani, re exhibitions, newspapers, “Role of the ICP in Australia” article 1970s and 1980s
    Leichhardt Council letters re research grant given to Gianfranco Cresciani 2014 for history of FILEF, miscellaneous papers, newspapers articles copy of Nuovo Paese, 2012
    FILEF questionnaire for book; Connor Court “API” publishing letters, article
    SLNSW letters re awarding of RE Currey fellowship
    Letters to PCI from Gianfranco Cresciani re FILEF newspaper clips, flyers, ”risveglio” magazine
    “circolo” subscription
    2nd Migrant workers conference, 1975 flyer; handwritten transcripts of interviews with FILEF members, questionnaire sent to members
    National Conference on Emigrazione Rome FILEF 1975; “Emigrazione” supplement

    BOX 16

    ABC research for Drago for “Who do you think you are?” 2013
    Bathurst Heritage medal - award to Gianfranco Cresciani 2018 letters
    Reviews of “Anti-fascism and fascism” book by Gianfranco Cresciani
    Letters with Annita Garibaldi, 2008
    Letters re Baracchi, 1977, photos, article in Overland, poems by Baracchi
    Antico Terribile, anarchist in 1920s Italian Police surveillance report
    Societa Umanitaria Milan archives Il fondo” index
    Report “I wouldn’t want my wife to work there” late 1970s, Centre for Urban Research Action, Victoria
    Alberto Arpino paper on Italian studies of military history 1980s
    WA Parliament 1991 reconciliation dinner for Italian internees, letters
    Giuliano/Dalmati nel mondo 1996 and 2000 program conference, invitations, letters
    Trieste to Australia, papers include a passenger lists handwritten by director of Assimilation Keith Stodden and letter 1995
    Italian architect Gae Aulenti visit to Australia 1993, letters, photos
    letters with Robyn Manakis, 2021 Italian anarchist, Bertazzon and Franceschini and others); Croats in Australia - article 1987, newspaper, original photos and copies; photocopy of L’Italo Australiano newspaper, 1885 (original in Trapani, Italy)

    BOX 17

    Gianfranco Cresciani interviews of Triestini in Australia. Transcripts and original notes, photos. for TGT
    Second Conference on Migration Rome 1988 Guide and letters
    Ambassador Sergio Romano. Articles and letters
    Italian Cultural Institute, Sydney, 1980s. Flyers, magazines, letters. rare
    SISA Conference, Venice 1982. Venetian migration to Australia. Bernard Hickey Venice
    Centre for Migration Studies, Sydney 1981. Survey, Research project. Opinions of young people, second generation
    Current Affairs Bulletin, 1970. P. O’Farrell “Australian Catholics”
    ABC “The Italians”. Contract. 1987
    Publishers’ flyers of Gianfranco Cresciani’s books
    Gianfranco Cresciani’s Honorary PhD UNSW - Totaro’s letters and emails
    Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta. Email
    Consul General Fabio De Nardis. Correspondence with Gianfranco Cresciani. De Nardis’s article on Italian Culture in Australia, 1990’s. Not published
    Gough Whitlam letter to Gianfranco Cresciani requesting information
    Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director General of Archives Enrico Serra to Gianfranco Cresciani. Correspondence
    Brochure “Lettera dall’Italia”, 1975. Front page photo of Aldo Moro and Gough Whitlam signing the Cultural Agreement; Anti-fascist pamphlet “Fascism Exposed!” printed in Melbourne by Omero Schiassi, 1943
    Ellis Island Exhibition, 1997, organised by Gianfranco Cresciani. Correspondence with Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    Ros Pesman Cooper. Article on Garibaldi in Australia, 1985
    Omero Schiassi’s biography by Gianfranco Cresciani, 1970’s. Typescript Italian and English versions, un-published
    Electric Power Transmission’s CEO Enzo Oriolo. Christmas cards.
    Cresciani’s transcripts of interviews with Carmagnola (1971), Tom Saviane (1971), Eustacchio Del Pin (1971), Carmagnola (1978); Anarchist newspapers edited by Francesco Carmagnola in the 1920s.

    BOX 18

    Gianfranco Cresciani’s paper on “Dossier Italia-Slovenia”, 2001. Paper given at COASIT, 2001
    Correspondence re Italian Encyclopedia, 2001; Correspondence with historian Patrizia Dogliani, her paper on war memorials and biography
    Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome. Documents on Anarchists, consular reports, Melbourne International Exhibition, 1861-1914
    Associazione Giuliani, Sydney. 25th Anniversary booklet, 2008
    E.T. Dean, (Commander), “History of Internment in South Australia”, 1946 photocopy of original. Rare
    Glenda Sluga, “Bonegilla. Place of no hope”, 1985. Rare publication
    Società Umanitaria, Milan. 19th Century migration to Australia
    “Risiera” Nazi Extermination camp, Trieste. Flyer and brochure, 1995
    Gentilli, “Italian migration to Western Australia”, 1982. Rare publication
    Pamphlet on Antonio Gramsci, 1976
    Booklet on Sydney’s International Exhibition (1879), printer by MAAS, 1979
    James Kerr, “Goat Island” booklet, 1987
    Renzo De Felice, “Fascism”, article, 1977
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