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  • Title
    Stuart Inder papers, ca. 1910-ca. 2010
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10017
  • Level of description
  • Date

    ca. 1910-ca. 2010
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    2.56 metres of textual material (16 boxes)

    Stuart Inder was a journalist, editor and publisher. Born in Sydney 1926, upon leaving school in 1942 become a cadet at the Sydney Sun. In 1944 was conscripted into the army and was to be sent to Papua New Guinea when the war ended. From 1945 to 1947, worked in Japan with the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces on their newspaper. After being demobbed, returned to the Sydney Sun and remained until 1953 when he went to then Australian Territory of Papua as the ABC correspondent. In this time he was invited to contribute articles to Pacific Islands Monthly (PIM). In 1957 returned to Sydney and, following work at People magazine, joined the Pacific Islands Monthly staff. From 1957 to 1964, Inder was PIM joint editor, was editor from 1964 to 1975 and from 1979 to 1980 when he retired from PIM. He was also the publisher from 1972 to 1980. Inder also worked for Australian Geographic, the Bulletin and the Sydney Morning Herald.
    Harry Dexter arrived in Papua in 1910. Except for a break in Malaya in 1918-1924, he worked as a plantation manager, assistant resident magistrate, captain of coastal vessels and trader at Milne Bay until returning permanently to England in 1937.
    Robert Langdon (1924-2003) was a journalist, academic and historian of the Pacific. He wrote for six years on the Pacific Islands Monthly and established in 1968 the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau at the Australian National University. Following retirement from PAMBU after 18 years he wrote and worked as Visiting Fellow in the ANU. He published a number of books.
    R.W.(Robert William) Robson was the founder of Pacific Publications and the Pacific Islands Monthly. Judy Tudor was editor of Pacific Islands Monthly.
    Reference: Library correspondence file
  • Scope and Content
    The collection includes published material and photographs selected by Stuart Inder illustrating the story of the Pacific Islands mainly over the period 1940s to 1990s. Unpublished material includes his unfinished memoir. There is also material documenting Inder’s time in Japan after the war working for the British Occupied Forces on their newspaper, including letters to his family. The collection also includes photographs taken by Harry Dexter which were selected by Pacific Archives Manuscript Bureau to be digitised. There is a group of material relating to Robert Langdon and correspondence between R.W. Robson, Judy Tudor and Stuart Inder regarding the Pacific Islands Monthly.

    BOX 1
    History of the Fiji Times – paper read to the Fiji Society on Oct 14, 1962 by L G Usher. (3 copies)
    Miniature of the Fiji Times – August 29, 1967
    The Alliance Newsletter Published at The Alliance Headquarters, 41 Gladstone Rd, Suva. Statement of Aim by Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, August 22, 1981. Issues (monthly) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10. Sept 1981 – June 1982.
    Times on Sunday newspaper – November 29, 1987. Marked for Fiji Coup article on page 15 by Stuart Inder.
    Fiji Coups - The Mythology of US Involvement – by American Ambassador Laurence William Lane, Jr, plus an addendum. Nov 12, 1987. Plus business card from John C Dorrance, Consul General of the United States, Sydney.
    The Fiji Constitution of 1990 – A Fraud on the Nation. A report by the Fiji Labour Party and the National Party Coalition. Pub 1991, Nadi, Fiji.
    The Fiji Times newspaper, Mon Feb 15, 1982. Front page article by Stuart Inder. 'I’d have done the same'.
    Booklet – Fiji Today 1982-83. Ministry of Information Publication.
    Strategic Issues Facing the Fijian Government, Nov 1981. Photocopy of report of consultants to the Prime Minister of Fiji.
    Article from the Fiji Times, Oct 16, 1998. Opinion piece by Sir Len Usher on the history of the Great Council of Chiefs.
    Report of The Fiji Constitutional Conference 1970. Legislative Council of Fiji. Council Paper No 5 of 1970
    Article by Stuart Inder (possibly unpublished) marked by Stuart as Off-the-record talk with Sir Derek Jakeway, Sydney, Confidential. 6/12/1968.
    Cession Day, 1962 – address given at Levuka on Oct 8, 1962, at the celebration of the signing of the deed of cessation of Fiji to the British Crown on Oct 10, 1874. Address by Mr L G Usher, editor and publisher of the Fiji Times. Printed by the Fiji Times.
    Fiji in the Summer of 2009: Impressions of Society and the Post-Coup Regime by Kelly Schumann Aug 28, 2009
    Pacific Islands Communication Newsletter (Pacific Islands News Association, Suva; Social Sciences and Linguistics Institute, Honolulu; East-West Communication Institute, Honolulu). Vol 6, No 3, September 1976. Vol 8, No 1 – April, 1978.
    Pacific Islands Report – Pacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center, Honolulu. The Contemporary Pacific Vol 15, No 1, Spring 2003, pp 75 – 90.
    Correspondence from Len Usher to Stuart Inder, and to the Editor of the Bulletin following an article printed in the Bulletin. Oct 26, 1987, and Nov 6, 1987.
    Fiji Times Australian Monthly Edition, 900 Canterbury Rd, Lakemba. April 1994. Front page article, 'Rabuka Sworn In'.
    Handout from Pacific Islands News Association- Pacific Regional Media Seminar at Crow’s Nest, Korotoga, Fiji. Dec 1-4 1982.
    Islands Business – The News Magazine that Talks to the Leaders. June 1987 issue, Vol 13, No 6. Front page headline 'Fiji Under the Gun'. The uncensored story.
    Address by HE Rt Hon Ratu Sir KKT Mara, GCMG, KBE, CF, KStJ, MSD, President of the Republic of Fiji on the 50th Anniversary of the South Pacific Conference, Canberra. Oct 19, 1997.
    Article from Sydney People 10 Feb 1965. By Colin Dangaard about Fijian Finger-painter Semisi Maya.
    Article from Post-Courier Weekend Fri Oct 6, 1978. Press Freedom in the Pacific _ comment by Robert Keith Reid. Reply by Ratu Sir Kamises Mara.
    Collection (in plastic bag) from Victor Carrell aut Dance Theatre of Fiji, Cultural Centre and Marketplace of Fiji, and Manoa Rasigatale.
    Letter from Brian O’Flaherty, Managing Director, Fiji Times, to Stuart, Dec 21, 1992. Accompanying the book 'Letters from Fiji 1987-1990' by Sir Leonard Usher
    Letter from Sir Leonard Usher, to Stuart, Feb 10, 1989. '…the world we knew has gone, and forever.'
    Article by Stuart Inder for The Bulletin (marked 'if needed only') – 'Fiji can look after itself.' 1987
    Letter. To Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara from Stuart Inder, Nov 19, 1987. Thanking Mara for his personal interview and offering advice about 'media people you can trust.'
    Letter. From Stuart Inder to Editor in Chief, The Australian, July 16, 2001. Regarding Stan Ritova, who, if returned to Fiji, would be unable to get the kidney dialysis he needed to survive.
    Email. From Melisha Hughes, granddaughter of Stan Rotova, regarding his obituary written by Stuart Inder.
    Letter. From GD Sharma, to Editor, The Bulletin, August 29, 1983. Compliments regarding articles by Stuart Inder published in The Bulletin.
    Eulogy. Given by Stuart Inder at funeral service of Victor Carrell.
    Biography. Victor Carrell. Born 1916.
    Letter, humorous. From Stuart and Jo Inder to Victor Carrell and Beth Dean on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Dec 4, 1994.
    Letter. From Rob Wright, photographer, to Stuart Inder, Feb 14, 1969. Reasons for his retirement.
    Newspaper. The Fiji Times. Special Edition. April 12, 1987.
    Article. Letter from Fiji – Politics in the South Pacific by Ruth E Lechte. Stuart Inder is mentioned in the article in regards to Tuvalu.

    Agence de Developpement de la Culture Kanak – Press Dossier for the official opening of Tjibaou Cultural Centre, May 4, 1998.
    Photocopy of The Bulletin Sept 3, 1985. Articles by David Armstrong and by Stuart Inder- New Caledonia moving towards independence.
    Report on New Caledonia in 1985 with regard to possibility of independence, includes a statement by Francois Mitterrand following his visit there.
    Graphs and maps showing ethnis groups, population growth, European settlement and political distribution in New Caledonia in 1977. Copied from various published sources.
    Review. Book Review of 'Jean-Marie Tjibaou: Journey of a New Caledonia Kanak' by Eric Waddell. Revieweer Nathalie Mrgudovic. 2008.

    From 4TH Waigani Seminar – The Politics of Melanesia, The Political Situation in the New Hebrides by AG Kalkoa. 1968?
    Copy of letter and report to Prime Minister and Government ministers from Alan Ward, Rural Lands Department. Both marked Confidential. Subject: Land Administration in Vanuatu. July 17, 1981
    Copy of letter from Dr Alan Ward to Prime Minister and ministers re Purchase of Improvements. August 5, 1981. Marked Confidential.
    Photocopies of map and relief maps of the islands of Vanuatu. Source unknown.
    Special Information Paper Aug 6, 1976 from the National Party, Vila. 'Nagriamel Federation….a question of puppets and strings…'
    Press Release – Constitutional Talks in Paris July 19-21 1977 on the future of Vanuaaku (or New Hebrides). Preliminary Report by British and French government ministers, and reply by Vanuaaku Pati. Also includes United Solomon Islands Party Manifesto Dec 1973.
    Letters from W. Hadye Lini, President of the National Party, New Hebrides, Oct 16, 1974. Plus copy of the National Party to the Governments of Greta Britain and France.
    Photocopy of excerpt about The New Hebrides from All the Year Round, weekly journal by Charles Dickens, 1887.
    Printed material. Vanuaaku Pati 11th Congress. Tangoa South Santo. 19-25 July 1981. In Bislama.
    Folder marked 'Reece'. Collection of correspondence and information regarding 'identities and Past Identities of the South Pacific Islands.' Correspondence between Jim Burton, Reece Discombe, Stuart Inder. 1994-95.
    Booklet. Vanuatu Red Cross Society. Stori Belong Blad, written in Bislama. Port Vila, sponsored by ANZ Bank. Annotations on cover by Stuart.

    Copy of Personal and Confidential Despatch to Rt Hon David Owen MP, Secretary of State of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, London from T H Layrg, Government House, Funafuti, Tuvalu. 20 September 1978. A valedictory despatch – the last before Independence.

    Unused postcard from Aggie Grey’s Hotel, photo of Aggie Grey.
    Signed printed sketch of Apia Harbour by Leonard Goodman 1964

    An envelope labelled Rabi Reports and containing reports regarding, Ocean Island phosphate, the Banaban people, reports to the British High Commission as well as letters to Stuart Inder regarding his articles in PIM. Plus a notebook of Stuart’s dated 7 Sept 1965.
    Letter to Stuart Inder from Stacey M King, Banaba/Ocean Island Newsletter, regarding Sixty Minutes program on Ocean Island and the Banabans. Oct 4, 1993.
    Pamphlet 'Banaba and the Gilbert Islands – A Factual Summary'. Feb 1, 1979.
    Copy- Kiribati and Banaba – Why Banaba should remain part of the Gilbert Islands. Pub on behalf of the Gilbert Islands. No date.
    Report: Ocean Island and the Banabans. A Report to the Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by R N Posnett, CMG, OBE MA (Cantab), Barrister-at-Law.
    Banabans House of Lords, Tues 28 June – statement regarding a question by Lord Brockway regarding compensation offer to Banaban people.
    News Statement – 'The Banaban people are seeking an increase in their royalty payment from phosphate mined on Ocean Island.'
    Press Release. June 22, 1979. Office of Rabi Council of Leaders, Rabi Island, Fiji. '…Banaban community ... not accept the British Government’s decision on the future of Ocean Island…'
    Collection. Articles, reports and 'a batch of correspondence' sent to Stuart Inder by Quentin Weston, Nauru Representative, UK June 27, 1977 and Douglas E Donald, British Consulate-General, Sydney, about the Banabans and Ocean Island.

    Review ‘on spec’ of Tonga Islands, William Mariner’s Account from Vava’u Press. Includes photos and a letter to Staurt Inder, Editor, PIM from Pesi Fonua, Managing Director. Aug 25, 1981
    Photocopy from Taikava, A Tongan Literary Journal of The Glorious Pacific Way by Epeli Hau’ofa. June 1980
    Map of Tonga in plastic pouch. Published Pacific Maps with Pac Pub. Plus another, neither dated.
    Booklet: The Historical Ties Between Germany and Tonga 'The Friendly Islands', in German and in English. Author Charles H. Sanft.
    Coronation of His Majesty King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV – booklet on the ceremonies to be performed on July 4 1967. Printed by RS Wallbank, Govt Printer, Nuku’alofa, Tonga.
    Living on a Volcano, An Unspoiled Patch of Polynesia is Niuafoo, Nicknamed 'Tin Can Island' by Stamp Collectors, by Thomas A Jaggar. Illustrated from photos by the author.
    Article from Pacific Economic 24 No 3 ANU, Policy Dialogue. Accommodating monarchy and representative government: Tonga’ political reform process by Guy Powles, Monash University. 2009
    Pacific Maps. Nuku’alofa.
    National Geographic Vol 133 no 3 March 1968. Contains two articles abouer from W S Waterhouse, Honorary Consul General in Australia for Tonga to Mr Peter Sim, Chairman, Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence. March 16, 1977. Regarding aid for Tonga.
    Leaflet. Walking Tour of Central Nuku’alofa. Tonga Visitors Bureau.
    Tonga – Economy, Foreign Policy, Bilateral Relationship.
    International Dateline Hotel, Tonga – information for guests staying during the celebrations for coronation of King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV. Pass for Mr and Mrs Stuart Inder to visit the grounds. Address Aggies Hotel.
    Map of Tongatapu Island, distributed by International Dateline Hotel. Plus another map the same without the Hotel Information.
    Letter from Judy Tudor to Stuart, from 'Tin Can Island', January 7, 1971. '…I’ll be just in the next room, sweating on PIYB. There must be a better way to earn a living.'
    Correspondence. A series of letters between Miss M H Free, St Laurence Commercial School, Suva, and Stuart Inder, Pacific Publications. Contains stories about Tonga which interested Stuart and he may have run an article about her in PIM. 1971.
    Unbound sheets of Mariner’s Tonga, 1817 edition, printed in Nukualofa at the Govt. Printery.
    Article. 'Tongan-German-Relations: Anniversary of Treaty of Friendship (1876-1976).' A report on a visit to Bonn of three Tongan royalty. Heinbauer, October 20, 1976. Submitted to PIM magazine.
    Report. US Congress 100th Congress Second Session. 'Saiki Heads Pacific Delegation. Historic US_Tonga Ties Reaffirmed.'
    Correspondence and interview. Copy of letter sent to Prince Tupouto’a, Sept 6, 1983 from Robert Hesketh, Chairman of Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, who sent 50 bottles of wine to the Prince in Tonga as asked by Stuart Inder. Plus, a hand-written summarised interview with Prince Tupouto’a.

    BOX 2
    Traditional Handicrafts from the Marshall Islands – brochure and price list. Robert Reimers Enterprises
    Booklet – The Handcrafts of the Marshall Islands 1993. Compliments of Hon Amsa Jonathan, Minister of Resources and Development, Republic of the Marshall Islands
    Photocopy of Marshall Islands A Chronology: 1944 – 1983. A publication of the Micronesia Support Committee, Honolulu
    United States Dept of the Intererior, Information Memo Dec 1984 – From L Morgan, Director, Legislative and Public Affairs : The people of the Bikini Aoll

    Booklet – Alfred Sadd of The Gilberts, A Memoir by Nelson Bitton, 1944. Livinstone Press, London
    The Future of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands - A Note on the Implications of Separation and continued Association. April 4, 1972. Includes handwritten notes of messages from each island representative.
    Country Paper of the Kiribati Government. Prepared for Pacific Islands Conference: Development the Pacific Way, East-West Center. March 1980.
    Booklet from Kiribati Visitors Bureau – Taraw after the Battle, A Guide to the War Relics. Some useful facts about the remains of the Japanese Strong Fortifications on Betio.

    Perilous Reefs, Cook Islands by J Reason. Published Livingstone Press, London.
    Booklet – Cook Islands Custom. First published 1892. Republished by Uni of South Pacific, 1979.
    4 original news articles by Edward C Snow on Rarotonga, submitted to Editor PIM Jan 4 1954. Unpublished? Includes letter to Editor.
    Booklet – South Pacific Commission Country Report No 2: Cook Islands. Migration, Employment and Development in the South Pacific. Published in Noumea, 1983.
    Photo of Sir Thomas Davis KBE
    Photocopy – Message from the US President, Sept 3, 1980. Treaty with the Cook Islands on Friendship and Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary
    Article. Unknown author and undated. Anecdote about Sir Albert Henry.

    Article from The Bulletin Nov 2, 1982. Dilemma of the orphans of the atom by Robert Trumbull
    Booklet – Ailin in Enewtak Rainin, The Enewetak Atoll Today. Published by US Dept of Energy, Sept 1979
    Copy of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, Interim Use Agreement, 1982 – 85
    Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee Report No 1 and Interim Report. Resettlement of Bikini Atoll. Nov 15, 1984 and Nov 23, 1983
    Press Release. Oct 20, 1982. US-Marshallese Agreement on Kwajalein Missile Range
    United States Claims Court – People of Enewetak, Plaintiffs, v USA, Defendant. Copy of formal papers. No 461-82L
    United States Claims Court – No 172-81L. Oct 5, 1984. Memorandum of Decision.
    Essay. Identity and Relocation: The Bikini Case by Robert C Kiste. Original copy.
    As above. Printed mock-up copy with photographs.
    'Welcome to Kwajalein.' Information sheet.
    Map of Kwajalein Atoll showing Missile Range Sites. Undated.
    Brochure. Kwajalein Missile Range. Marshall Islands, 1982. Prepared by the Staff, KMR Headquarters.
    Itinerary. For Stuart Inder, Journalist, April 12-15, 1983, Kwajalein and April 15-17, 1983, Kolonia, Ponape.

    Report. American Samoa – A Briefing Paper. Prepared by Pacific Basin Development Council. Government Office of Tourism, Pago Pago
    Letter. From Peter Tali Coleman, Governor, Pago Pago, to Stuart Inder, July 3, 1980.

    Brochure. Man Madol. A Tour Through the Venice of Madolenihmw. Ponape Tourist Commission
    Letter and Article. To Stuart Inder from John Dorrance, Consul General, USA. Jan 27, 1988. The Political Future of Palau and Nuclear Issues: Myth and Reality by James D Berg
    Report on Palauan Out-Migration by Michael C Johanek, 1982. With Letter from Director of Micronesian Seminar, Truk, Caroline Islands
    Printed material – Compact of Free Association – The Governement of the United States of America, and the Governments of Palau, The Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. 1982.
    Brochures in folder – The Federated States of Micronesia. Department of Resources and Development, Pohnpei.
    Copy of Oral Statement of Ambassador Peter R Rosenblatt, The President’s Personal Representative to the Negotiations on the Future Political Status of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. June 3, 1980.
    SS270 Compact of Free Association. Part 1 – A History of the Status Negotiations. Class Notes by Henry M Schwalbenberg, SJ.
    Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, 1975.
    Northern Mariana Constitution. Newspaper supplement. Marianas Variety News and Views – Feb 17, 1977
    Survey of the Fisheries of the Former Japanese Mandated Islands by R O Smith. Fishery Leaflet No 273, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
    Review. Police Studies. The International Review of Police Development. Vol 4 No 4, Winter 1982. Article – Cross Cultural Law Enforcement Development and Training: Innovation on the Island of Krosnae by Bryan J Vila, Saipan, Mariana Islands.
    Statement. Prepared statement of Hon Peter R Rosenblatt, Ambassador and the President’s Personal Representative to conduct negotiations on the future political status of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. For the Committee of Energy and Natural Resources, US Senate (Briefing on Micronesian Staus Negotiotions) June 3, 1980.
    Report. The Emergence of the Micronesian Mini-States into the International Community: The Strategic Underpinnings of Free Association by Arthur John Armstrong. Undated.

    BOX 3
    Pamphlet – A Drive Around Honiara and Environs. Govt Printing Office, Honiara, 1965.
    Booklet – Proposals for the Election of Members to the British Solomon Islands Legislative Council. Honiara, 1963.
    Report – Report on the Prospects for the Tourist Industry in the British Solomon Island Protectorate by RJ Scott, Managing Director, Fiji Visitors Bureau, June 26, 1968.
    Report – A Trip Report by Senator John Glenn to the Committee on Foreign Relations, US Senate. Dec 1978. 95th Congress Committee Print. South Pacific Regional Overview and Solomon Islands Independence Ceremonies.
    Book – ‘O’O, A Journal of Solomon Islands Studies. No 4 1988 – Special Issue. Taem Blong Faet: World War II in Melanesia Edited by Hugh Laracy and Geoffrey White. Uni of South Pacific, Solomon Islands Centre
    Pictorial Book – Binabina, the making of a Gela War Canoe by Robert T Pule. Uni of South Pacific, 1983.
    Handwritten letter. From Charles Fox, author of 'The Power of the Lamb', to Mr Inder, thanking him for a contribution which enabled him to pay for the typing of the book. Charles Fox was almost blind. April 29, 1979.
    Handwritten letters. To Stuart Inder from Dr Ken Hutton, Dental Surgeon, Vila, May/June 2002. Memories of wartime Solomon Islands.
    Letter. From Tom Hepworth, Pigeon Island, Solomon Islands, to Stuart Inder, talking about life there. April 1970
    Teaching Notes – Solomon Islands. 'Coconuts'. Faculty of Education, University of New England, NSW. Alan Sutherland

    BOX 4
    Booklet – The Army in Papua-New Guinea by Robert J O’Neill. Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No 10. ANU 1971.
    Story – Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels Wait for Compensation by Government Information Officer, Maclaren Hiari. Released by the Officer of Information, Koedobu, 1981.
    Typewritten Copy of Report – To the District Officer at Wewak from RG Ormsby, Assistant District Officer, Sub-District Officer, Angora. Feb 25, 1947. TIMBUNKI MASSACRE.
    Papers. From The Rabaul Times, Fri June 4, 1937. Delicate condition.
    Notepad. Handwritten story. Begins 'There were many tragic stories of the early days of the Japanese invasion of New Guinea that were never told and some of our readers may be interested to read of a few of them.' Date and author unknown.
    Material for possible publication - Pre-War Shipping, Huon Gulf, New Guinea – and explanatory letter to Editor PIM from Bert E Weston. June 18, 1976.
    Printed material – From Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra. Census, June 1954. No 21: Summary of Non-Indigenous Population and Dwellings for the Territory of Papua New Guinea.
    Pages torn from Pacific Affairs, Oct 1961. Recent Developments in West New Guinea. Author Justus M van der Kroef. Uni of Bridgeport, Sept 1961. Annotation in Stuart’s hand –'v.g. summary of position which preceded Invasion Threats of Dec-Feb 1962.'
    Booklet – Australian External Territories Vol 12 No 2, April/June 1972. Special Issue on Constitutional Development in PNG.
    4 Booklets – Papua New Guinea Prime Ministers by Dianne McInnes. Titles: Julius Chan and Namatanai; Paias Wingti and Western Highlands Province; Michael Somare and East Sepik Province; Rabbie Namaiu and Kokopo. National Library Service of PNG, 1995.
    Newsletter of the Miklouho-Maclay Society of Australia, Vol 5 No3 (Series 19) Aug 1984. Contains article: The Germans in New Guinea 1884 – 1914. By Peter Lawrence.
    Booklet. National Broadcasting Commission of PNG. Tenth Anniversary Booklet. Dec 1 1973 – 1983. Contains article by Stuart Inder 'The beginning of Radio News in PNG.'
    Script and program – The Bougainville Photoplay Project by Paul Dwyer. Belvoir Theatre .
    6 copies of Paradise magazine – Inflight complimentary magazine for Air Niugini. No 1, July 1976, No 5, May 1977, No 21 Jan 1980, No 56 April 1986, No 101 Nov-Dec 1993, Vol 5 2012
    Report. Lapita Homeland Project, Report of the 1984 Field Season. J Allen, J Specht, W Ambrose, D Yen. Dept of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU.
    Magazine. Transmitter 84 Series, Issue No I. NBC Tenth Anniversary Special Issue. 1983.
    Booklet. Notes on the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Australian School of Pacific Administration 1968.
    Photocopy. One Page. The Rabaul Times, Fri June 4, 1937. Our Volcanic Issue. Sketch of region showing volcano eruption and statement of apology for being unable to publish as normal!
    Fax. Nominations for 30th Independence Anniversary Commemorative Awards. Nomination of Freddie Kaad. Annotated comment to Stuart 'In confidence'.
    Newspaper. Word Publishing’s Air Niugini Special 20th Anniversary Feature. 1973 – 1993.
    Obituary. Photo. Thomas Tobunbun. Author Steve Simpson. July 22, 1970.
    Photocopy. From The Rabaul Record. Feb 1, 1917. Article The North-Western Islands by J. Lyng.
    Newspaper articles. Post-Courier, Dec 12 and 13, 1994. 'Advisor ousted. Chan: we were threatened'.
    Article from the Bulletin, Dec 26, 1989/ Jan 2, 1990. 'Mystery of the medals' about Noelle Masn and the World War 11 coastwatchers.
    Photocopy. Department of the Navy Minute Paper. Report by Lt Sp W J Read- Coastwatching activity in Bougainville Island.
    Photocopy. From The Infantry Journal (Mhow Central Indies) Vol1 No 1 1949. PP 56-62. The Experiences of an Indian Prisoner of War in New Guinea by Captain Chint Singh, Dogra Regt.
    Printed copy. Letter from Sister M Colomba to 'My dear Mother, Brothers, Sisters and Friends'. Ramalei Camp Nov 13, 1945.
    The Australian Newspaper WW 11 60th Anniversary Series supplement. Part 7 (Australia’s War), Part 11 (Battle of the Coral Sea), Part 12 (Kokoda and New Guinea).
    Booklets. 'Development in Irian Jaya'. Published by Departement of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. 1986. 'Transmigration Programme (an example from Irian Jaya Province).' Published by Department of Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia. 1983.
    Working paper. The Indonesia- Papua New Guinea Border: Irianese Nationalism and Small State Diplomacy. Edited by RJ May. August 1979. Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU. Inside cover is a copy of a statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hon Rabbie L Namaliu. 'Recent developments on the common border and in relations with Indonesia.' Plus 4 x A4 unlabelled photographs.
    Photocopy. From the Pall Mall Gazette, Sept 18, 1885. 'The Old Muddle in a New Colony'. An account of Sir Peter Scratchley’s difficulties in New Guinea.
    Article. By Stuart Inder. SMH March 3, 1982. Finance and Business. 'PNG provinces go for sales tax in a big way.'
    Map of PNG. Pacific Maps, Pac Pub. Date unknown.
    Manuscript with photos. 'You wouldn’t know the old place now! Or Moresby’s Changing Face' by Malcolm McLauchlan. Date unknown.
    Story. 'Read, Mason, Tashiro and the Bougainville Mystery' by Ken Wright. 2009.
    Page from a German booklet. Photos of huts. In German.
    News Sheet. Moresby Army. Feb 2, 1942.
    Letter. From RB Pape, Principal Publications Officer, Dept of Information and Extension Services, Konedobu to JH Berg, Commonwealth Dept of Works. Oct 27, 1972.
    Newsletters. GARAMUT. The Gold Coast PNG Club. March 1979. Oct 1983.
    DVD. Montevideo Maru Memorial 2004.( Lorna Johnston, AANS Rabaul 1942.) Sold with 'Lost Woman of Rabaul by B Miller 2007.
    Booklet. 'New Guinea' by Roger Joyce. From Australian Explorers series, Oxford University Press. Presented to the Stuart Inder Pacific Library by Gavin Souter, April 26, 1961.
    Advertisement. Book 'Mastamak – the land surveyors of PNG' by James Sinclair.
    Letter to Rachel Cleland, wife of Administrator of Papua, from Sir Paul Hasluck. Stuart was goiung to publish a book by and about Rachel Cleland. Sept 1976.
    Newsletter. The Southern Partner, newsletter of the Australian PNG Friendship Assoc Inc. Quarterly. Fourth Quarter 1994.
    Map. Port Moresby. Published by Gordon and Gotch (PNG) Pty Ltd. No 520.
    Postcards. Black/white. Copyright Hollandiafilm, Hollandia, Nieuw-Guinea.
    Essay. 'The Art of Encounter. Verisimilitude in the imaginary exploration of Interior New Guinea, 1863-1876.' Chris Ballard. 3/7/2005.
    Letter and photocopies. From Digital Archives of Australia. Subjesct – a collision between the natives of Muria Village, near Mt Obree, and a patrol. 1908.
    Booklet. Rules and By-Laws of New Guinea Club, Rabaul. Reprint. 1966.
    Newsletter. Goroka District Newsletter. No 34, Nov 1964.
    Information Sheets. Detailed Information for your Stay in PNG. Consulate-General, Sydney. 1979?
    Pamphlet. Photocopies. Pamphlet of War Cemeteries and Memorials in the PNG and Indonesia Region. Office of Australian War Graves, Dept of Vet affairs. Plus copies of details of Bomana War Cemetery, Port Moresby.
    Photocopy. Letter to Mr Gavin Souter from GAV Stanley. Moresby General Hospital, Papua. Sept 14, 1965.
    Booklet. Constitution and Rules. By-Laws and Regulations. Papua Yacht Club. 1965/66.
    Leaflet. Ferry Flight in a Tiger Moth VH-ALU, Archerfield to Port Moresby, Oct 1977. VT Sanders and Ray Thurecht.
    Newsletters. Papua New Guinea Newsletter. No 53, June 15, 1979. No 54, June 22, 1979.
    Card. The proposed PNG flag.
    Report. Advance copy. 'Foreign Economic Trends and their Implications for the United States. PAPUA NEW GUINEA.' Prepared by American Embassy, Port Moresby, March 1982.
    Letters. Collection of handwritten or typed letters to Kiap Kimmorley. 1948. 1956. In an envelope marked 'Kimmorley Letters'.
    Pages. Marked 'Copy of Errol Flynn’s Diary' in Stuart’s hand.
    Certificate of Appreciation mock-up. From The Airmen’s Memorial Foundation of PNG to Eric Storm. Nov 1 1999. Note from Harry West to Stuart. Signed Fred Hargesheimer and Freddie Kaad.
    Newspaper supplement. Post-Courier, PNG, Dec 18, 1997. Special Supplement. HR Holdings 30th Anniversary. Article about Ray Thurecht OBE.
    Newspaper article. SMH April 10, 1971, Weekend Magazine and Book Reviews. Gavin Souter reports a hitherto untold story of Sepik Exploration.
    Letters. Photos. Regarding Planters’ Association of New Guinea reunion. Marked 'Ted Fulton pics.'
    Paintings. Three paintings by Jack Nigilis, C Nigilis. Milne Bay, 1968.
    Downloaded material. From PacificWrecks.org 1995-2010. Article. 'Bougainville – Australian Army Campaigns in New Guinea.'
    Letter from Stuart Inder to Mum, Mrs Lilian Inder, from ABC Port Moresby, Sept 27, 1953
    Letter form Walter Lord, to Stuart, Dec 1976, regarding his book 'The Coastwatchers'.
    Letter from A Tololo, PNG High Commission, Canberra, to Stuart, April 26, 1984, regarding suggestions Stuart made regarding how the High Commission can best approach giving out information on PNG.
    Letter from Roy D Mackay to Stuart, Feb 12, 1986, regarding research for a book on the Nomad River cannibals, Western Province, PNG.
    Photocopy of The Rabaul Times, Fri June 4, 1937. One page only. 'Our Volcanic Issue.' There is another copy of this in the PNG box, but this one is the complete one.
    Statements. A series of statements given by Paulias Matane, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of PNG to the United Nations. Cover letter dated Nov 6, 1979
    Briefing. A PNG Foreign Affairs briefing paper for Ratu Mara’s visit to PNG, Feb 11-14 Feb, 1982
    Photocopies. Series of letters from Heinrich Rudolph Wahlen, to Mr Archer, September 1964, November 1964, Oct 1967, regarding 'The grave of Queen Emma I erected myself' and memories of living in PNG.
    Folder marked 'Mason medals'. Collection of correspondence and information regarding the case of Noelle Mason, widow of Paul Mason the celebrated Coastwatcher, who discovered fake medals of her husband were sold at auction. She holds the originals. Article later published in The Bulletin. 1988-89.
    Letter. Photocopy. From Doug Franklin, to Marie, Editorial Sub Committee, Una Voce. Dec 11, 2002. Regarding the book 'Tales from Papua New Guinea'.
    Paperwork. Relating to Gordon Thomas book, Prisoners in Rabaul, published posthumously edited by Stuart Inder. Appendix and Epilogue. Unsure if these went into the final publication. 2012.
    Letter. From Ray Thurecht to Stuart Inder regarding a manuscript on Coastwatching, and another from a planter in New Ireland. Jan 27, 1998. Relating to Jack Reid.
    Letter. From Rachel Cleland to Stuart Inder regarding progress on her book. Undated.
    Article. Sir Hubert Murray’s Grave. July 10, 1995. May have been published in Una Voce.
    Correspondence. Letters between P.R. Kennedy Murray, Baia Plantation, Kavieng, New Ireland, (the Planter from New Ireland?) and Stuart Inder.
    Letter. Photo. Poem. Anecdote. From Judy Fairhurst, Jack Read’s daughter?
    Obituary. Ian Downs, by Stuart Inder.
    Correspondence between Stuart Inder and Ian Stuart, regarding reprinted Port Moresby: A History and Guide. September 23, 1980
    Address. By Michael Somare, Prime Minister, PNG, to Australia-PNG Business Co-operation Committee, March 23, 1984
    Letter. From Stuart Inder to HE Alkan Tololo, High Commissioner for PNG, Canberra. April 12, 1984. Regarding Australian media coverage of PNG.
    Letters. From Rachel Cleland to Stuart Inder, regarding progress on her book. October and November, 1978.
    Letter from Stuart Inder in Port Moresby to his wife, Jo, 1982. Regarding his experiences on an extended trip for various publications.
    Report. New Guinea News Service. Profit and Loss statements for 1970. Also Confidential Report on PacPub NG Affairs, Feb 1971. Also Letter from Stuart Inder to John Ryan, Editor, New Guinea News Service, regarding management of News Service and disposing of his shares. March 1971.
    Article. By Stuart Inder in Port Moresby. Regarding the grave of Sir Hubert Murray, 'Australia’s most famous colonial administrator.'
    Information on the documentary by Gregg Schiffner, on The School That Fell From The Sky – a story about Fred Hargesheimer.
    Report. Read at the PNG 10th Survey Congress, Port Moresby, July 21-25, 1975. A Little Bit of the Past with Backsight by CW Marshall, Surveyor.
    Series of letters. From Stuart Inder to Danny Leahy, Planter, Mt Hagen, and to Jim Leahy, regarding a painting by Dobell.
    Article by Stuart Inder about the poem Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels by Bert Beros. Let’s Recall what Bert Really Wrote in Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels and other verses.
    Review. In National Library of Australia News, February 2002. The Time of their PNG Lives. Judy Cannon looks at Una Voce, a newsletter in the Library’s collection.
    Review. From Panorama, February 2, 2002. Review of Tales of Papua New Guinea: Insights, Experiences, Reminiscences, edited by Stuart Inder. Reviewer John Farquharson.
    Letter. From Ray Thurecht to Stuart Inder, further to Jack Reid’s Coastwatcher. Oct 24, 2001. Port Moresby.
    Review. From Post-Courier, November 8, 1974. Percy Chatterton’s 'Day That I Have Loved'.
    Envelope containing PNG Government Gazettes. Various issues from January to December 1947.
    Newsletter. No 17. University of PNG. November 1969.
    Booklet. International Development Issues No 16. PNG Economic Situation and Outlook, Leslie Stein, Feb 1991.
    Program. Madang Province, Madang Area Authority, Aug 26-28, 1977.
    Booklet. Linking the Territory, The Vital Role of Roads in developing PNG. Nov 1970. (From the Australian High Commission Library).
    Booklet. PNG, Foreign Affairs Review, Vol 1 No 4. Jan 1982.
    Booklet. PNG, Foreign Affairs Review Vol 2, No 2, July 1982.
    Booklet. PNG, Foreign Affairs Review Vol 4, No 3. Sept 1984.
    Booklet. Privatisation in PNG: Limited Scope, Slow Progress. John Millett. April 1993.
    Speech. The PNG/Australia Relationship. Given by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade , Rabbie L Namaliu, March 17, 1983.
    Paper. By Julius Chan Minister for Finance, Financial Structure of a New Nation, Feb 13, 1976.
    Memo. From Stuart Inder to Dr Brij Lal, University of Hawaii, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. Nov 20, 1985. About JK McCarthy. Attached are copies of two memos – Movement Order: 400 Natives from New Britain to Bougainville, 1945 and Timbunki Massacres 1947.

    BOX 5
    Constitution. First draft for the Constitution of Norfolk Island 18 January 1978. A Norfolk Island News Publication.
    Personal Copy. First draft for the Constitution of Norfolk Island, 18 January 1978. Copy plus letter, dated 19 January 1978, from Duncan McIntyre to Stuart Inder, PIM. Plus typewritten Minutes of Norfolk Island Council Meeting, 18th Jan 1978.
    Newsletter. Norfolk Island News, Nov 20-Dec 18, 1980.
    Newsletter. Norfolk Island News, Feb 19-March 18, 1980.
    Folder marked Ed Howard. Correspondence.
    Booklet. 'Which future for Norfolk Island?' by Christopher Nobbs. Includes brochure and letter to Editor, PIM.
    Folder. 'Territory of Norfolk Island'. Contains, Black/white photos, map of Kingston, fact sheet on Norfolk Island. Published by the Dept. of Territories, Commonwealth of Australia. 1954.
    Paper. 'Norfolk Island on ‘Development the Pacific Way’'. Prepared by Govt. of Norfolk Island for The Pacific Islands Conference: Development the Pacific Way, Honolulu, March 26-29, 1980.
    Policy Statement. Letter to John Carter, Editor PIM, from Duncan McIntyre, May 23, 1978. Copy of Policy Statement by RJ Ellicott, QC given at Norfolk Island Council Meeting May 8, 1978.
    Report. Norfolk Island Council Report of the Delegation to Canberra, Oct 1988.
    Newspaper article. Article about Mr and Mrs Ward, Seventh-Day Adventist missionaries on Pitcairn, plus a letter from them to Stuart Inder. 1962.
    Manuscript. Folder marked 'Norfolk book'. Material for a proposed book on Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island to be published in the Australian Geographic Book series, Christmas 1997.
    Extract. From the diary (believed unpublished) of Captain Foster Fyans, Temporary Commandant at Norfolk Island, 1834. Includes letter to Stuart Inder. Author unknown. Plus a second copy of extract, with contact numbers for further research attached.
    Reproduction. Eleven Basic Historical Documents of the Pitcairn Settlers’ Rights to Norfolk Island, June 25, 1856.
    Original letter. Handwritten. To Mr Ellicott, QC, MP. From Elva Yager, April, 1978.
    Poster. Norfolk Island Management Plan, Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area. Undated.
    Biography and Opinion. By Ed Howard, Candidate for the Legislative Assembly, Norfolk Island. Undated?
    Submission. A Submission to the Industries Assistance Commission Inquiry into 'Passenger Concessions’. April 1985, Norfolk Island.
    Report. Norfolk Island 1984-85 Annual Report. From Administrator, JA Matthew to Hon Gordon Scholes MP, ACT.
    Letter to the Editor of PIM from Ed Howard, Publisher, Norfolk Island, about the departure of Stuart Inder as Editor of PIM. May 15, 1980.
    Statement. By the Society of Descendants of the Pitcairn Settlers. John Pearson, Secretary. August 12, 1979. About self-determination and being NOT FREE.
    Letter and brochure. Norfolk Island 'The most boring place in the whole wide world'. Feb 27, 1981.
    Statement. Request for publication. Signed GA Adams, GR Quintal, BE Christian, Norfolk Island, Sept5, 1972.
    Newsletter. The Norfolk Islander. Vol 6 No 38, July 24, 1971.
    Letter. From Ed Howard, to Stuart Inder. Dec 9, 1990. Ed’s frustration over the Norfolk Island self-government battle.
    Newsletters. Norfolk Island News. New look. Issue 1: 20 Nov1990, Issue 2: 5 Dec 1990.
    Letter from Ed Howard to Stuart, May 15, 1980, regarding Norfolk Island Handbook for Pacific Publications.
    From The Norfolk Island News. The Norfolk Island Political Situation ..in brief. Undated.
    Letter. From Ruth Niland, BookWorm, Norfolk Island, Jan 3, 1981 to Stuart Inder. Regarding books available about Norfolk Island. Stuart was interested in writing his own book on Norfolk Island.
    Petition. To Queen Elizabeth 11, Request to repeal the Customs Ordinance 1954, and to restore the right of control over domestic affairs.
    Report. National Capital Development Commission, Norfolk Island Planning Report, April 1968.
    Newsletter. The Norfolk Islander, Vol 14, No 19. Aug 4, 1979. Members of the First Legislative Assembly.
    Report. Norfolk Island Tourism. May 1981.
    Booklet. Norfolk Island, circa 1959.
    Brochure. Norfolk Island, The Madeira of the Pacific. Published by the Norfolk Island Tourist Bureau, undated.
    Papers. United Nations Association of Australia. 'Norfolk Island, Australia and the U.N.' Vol 2. – Appendices. 1977.

    Report. 'Nauru Administration Secondary School. Report to the Education Advisory Committee'. From the Headmaster, DJ Dickson, and staff. July, 1965.
    Report. Follow Up Report on Secondary School August 1966. DJ Dickson, Headmaster.
    Brochure. 'Nauru 1990. An Environmental Challenge for Australia and the Pacific'. Produced for the Govt. of the Republic of Nauru by Helen Bogdan and Associates, Melbourne, 1990.
    Correspondence. Postcard to Stuart Inder (PIM Editor) from JA Doguape. 'Keep the PIM rolling. It is a beauty.'
    Pamphlet. Nauru Phosphate Corporation. The Phosphate Story – A Flow Diagram of the Phosphate Industry. On cardboard.
    Opening Address. Commission of Inquiry into Rehabilitation of the Worked-Out Phosphate Lands in Nauru. Opening address by Counsel assisting commission. Feb 23, 1987.
    Address. Commission of Inquiry into Rehabilitation of the Worked-Out Phosphate Lands in Nauru. Opening Address of the Chariman, Prof CG Weeramantry. Feb 23, 1987
    Letter to Stuart Inder from HB Connell, Counsel Assisting the Commission.
    File. Marked 'Nauru'. Contains reports, articles, handwritten notes – various.
    Envelope. Marked 'Nauru Background. Keep for PMB (include letter).
    Article. 'Bankroll Instead of Bullets – Nauru’s Role in the Birth of the Marshall Islands Republic' Marked NOT RELEASED FOR PUBLICATION. However I think there is a copy of this as a publication in the box in the collection marked GENERAL SOUTH PACIFIC. Also a letter from Norman Meller, to Stuart Inder. Mentions Hammer DeRoburt’s opinion of Stuart – not complementary. Not true?! Sept 14, 1987.
    Constitution. The Constitution of Nauru. 1968.
    Newsletter. The Bulletin, published by the Republic of Nauru. No 40/86. Oct 8, 1986.
    Address. Given by Hammer DeRoburt, OBE, MP on Independence Day 1976.
    Essay. Nauru, the Remarkable Community by Carlton Skinner, Consul-General, the Republic of Nauru. Dec 1977. Centre for South Pacific Studies, Uni of California. Also, notes taken by Stuart (at a conference, perhaps?)
    Photocopy. The Nauru Crest. Sent to Editor, Pacific Islands Year Book, by Chief Secretary, Republic of Nauru.
    Fact Sheet. Official Opening Nauru House, 80 Collins St, Melbourne, April 15, 1977.
    Typewritten article by Stuart Inder, with edits. 'Nauru' – about the loss of leadership of Hammer DeRoburt.
    Confidential Report from Stuart Inder. Visit to Nauru, Guam and Saipan, From Friday June 22 to July 7, 1979. Regarding the commercial possibilities for PIM and Pacific Publications distribution in the region.
    Biographical Note. Hammer DeRoburt
    Memo to Bob Kiste, Acting Director, CAPS, Uni of Hawaii, from Stuart, 'on DeRoburt Court Case', Jan 23, 1986.
    Printed Article. From The Economist, December 22, 2001. Paradise well and truly lost. Greed, phosphate and gross incompetence in a tropical setting:the history of Nauru is stranger than fiction. Unnamed author.
    Christmas Card. From Hammer DeRoburt, Stae House, Nauru, 1969.
    Memo on the DeRoburt Court Case. From Stuart Inder to Dr Robert Kiste, Acting Director, CAPS, Jan 23, 1986.
    Booklet. Nauru and Ocean Islands Story by TG Tyrer, 1965.
    Booklet. Air Nauru Anniversary Booklet, Dec 1980.

    BOX 6
    Magazine, National Geographic June 1942. Contains article 1) 'Treasure Islands of Australasia – with 23 illustrations and map of the Pacific Field of battle' by Douglas L Oliver. 2) 'Hidden Key to the Pacific – with 24 illustrations and map showing Pacific Ocean distances' by Willard Price
    Paper. 'Guide to Islands in the Tropical Pacific (Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia)' compiled by EH Bryan, Jr. Pacific Scientific Information Center, Bernice P Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 1972.
    Papers. The Summit of the United States and the Pacific Island Nations Oct 27, 1990. 'Concluding Remarks'. East-West Center Honolulu.
    Maps. Pacific Atoll Populations. Edited by Vern Carroll, University Press of Hawaii.
    Magazine, National Geographic, Dec 1921. Contains articles 1) Special Map Supplement – The Islands of the Pacific, showing Sovereignty and Mandate Boundary Lines. 2)'The Islands of the Pacific' by JP Thompson 3) 'Nauru, the Richest Island in the South Seas' by Mrs Rosamond Dobson Rhone. 4) Yap and other Pacific Islands under Japanese Mandate' by Junius B Wood. 5) 'The Mystery of Easter Island' by Mrs Scoresby Routledge.
    Map. The Pacific Island Nations and their 200 mile exclusive economic zones. Jan 1989. Published by State of Hawaii Dept of Business and Economic Development and the Pacific Basin Development Council.
    Map. Area Served by the South Pacific Commission. Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra, 1984.
    Paper. 'Migration in the South Pacific: An Overview' by John Connell. SPC/ILO Conference on Migration, Employment and Development in the South Pacific. Noumea 22-26 Feb 1982.
    Paper. 'Pacific Power Maps: an analysis of the constitutions of Pacific Island politics'. Stephen Levine. 1983. Working Paper Series, Pacific Islands Studies Center for Asian and Pacific Studies in collaboration with the Social Science Research Institute, Uni of Hawaii.
    Map. 2 copies. The New Pacific. Hawaii Geographic Society 1980.
    Newsletter. Pacific History Association No 34, March 1996.
    Editorial. Taken from Food Management News magazine, July 1997. Comment by Ken McGregor, Editor. 'Joe, where are you?' About the state of affairs at Burns Philp.
    Newspaper article. Subject: Stuart Inder, outlining important trends he sees sweeping through the Pacific Islands. 'Vast Pacific Island Changes'. Contributing Editor AA Smyser. Taken from Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Feb 25 1986.
    Paper. Pacific Media Seminar, Crow’s Nest, Fiji. Dec1-4, 1982.
    Digest. Islands Economic Report, No 2, Sept 1977. Includes letter from John Vile, Editor. Pub by Islands Economic Publications Ltd, Fiji.
    Submission. 'The South Pacific'. Aid for the South Pacific. Other details?
    Paper. 'Increasing Urbanisation: An Inevitable Development?' Presented by the Secretariat. South Pacific Commission, 22nd South Pacific Conference, Pago Pago, Oct 23-29 1982.
    Booklet. 'Canoes of Polynesia'. Illustrations and text by Herb Kawainui Kane. An Island Heritage Book. 1974.
    Magazine. EastWest Perspectives. Special Edition. 1983? Bob Hawke and Ratu Mara meet at the East West Center, Honolulu.
    Extract. 'The Pacific Islands and US Security Interests – A New Era Poses New Challenges' by John C Dorrance. Taken from Asian Survey, Vol XXIX No 7, July 1989.
    Report. 'The Political Status Negotiations for the Territory of the Pacific Islands and the Compact of Free Association' April 1983. Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations, Washington DC.
    Draft. 'The Pacific Islands: Change and Challenge – An Analysis of US Interests, Objectives and Policy in Oceania' by Jon C Dorrance, Senior Fellow, National Defence University. August 30, 1989.
    Joint Press Release – one in English, one in French. Followed an 'unprecedented and historic meeting' of foreign ministers of Melanesian countries, PNG, Solomon ISLANDS, Vanuatu, FLNKS Minister of External Affairs in Port Vila, June 3 1985, regarding New Caledonia.
    Handbook. Media Handbook from 14th South Pacific Forum, Canberra Aug 29-30 1983
    Report. Communique from 24th South Pacific Forum, Nauru Aug 10-11 1993
    Pacific Island Treaties. 'Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate 97th Congress.' Kiribati, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, New Zealand.
    Address. 'Australia’s Relations with the South Pacific- Challenge and Change'. Address by the Hon Gordon Bilney MP to Foreign Correspondents Association, Sydney, June 15, 1994.
    Report. Pacific Island Economic Trends. 'American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Guam, Republic of the Marshall Islands'. Report to the Pacific Business Opportunities Conference, Honolulu Jan 16-17 1992.
    Manila folder of photocopied pages. Labelled 'Fr. George Breakdown + Dummy. '
    Report. 'Foreign Investment Climate in South Pacific Forum Island Countries.' South Pacific Forum Secretariat, Suva, May 1998
    Journals. Pacific Islands Communication Journal. Vol 10, Nos 2 and 4, 1981.
    Publication. 'Pacific Perspective' Vol 9 No 2. 1980. Law and Politics.
    Photocopy. From The Nautical Magazine and Naval Chronicle. January 1870.
    Newsletter. The Centre for South Pacific Studies Newsletter (UNSW). Vol V No 2. Oct 1991. 'Not the last newsletter. AIDAB saves the day!'
    Booklet. Australian Territories Vol 2 No 3 May 1962.
    Statement. 'Emerging Pacific Island Community'. Hearing before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Foreign Relations United States Senate 95th Congress, Second Session on The Emerging Pacific island Community. July 31, 1978
    Envelope marked Nauru pics for return. Contains Photos and negatives Nauru, plus an article 'Bankroll Instead of Bullets. Nauru’s role in the birth of the Marshall Islands Republic'. Annotated.
    Folder – Jim Burton. Correspondence.
    Publications. Australian Foreign Affairs Record. Canberra. Vol 58, No 6, June 1987. Vol 58, No 10, Nov-Dec 1987
    Newsletter. Pacific History Association Newsletter 39 Dec 1999.
    Program. South Pacific and National Folkloric Festival. Official opening in the Sydney Opera House. Australian Tour 1973
    Compact of Free Association Act of 1985. Public Law 99-239 – Jan 14 1986
    Booklet. 'Research in Fiji and Samoa'. Hindu Firewalking, the Sufi Ratib, Polynesian Atua, Fijian Black Magic. Authors George and Helen Sandwith. Omega Press. 1954
    Booklets. Notes on Member Nations and Personalities – 14th South Pacific Forum Canberra 29-30 Aug 1983. Also, Program.

    BOX 7
    Booklets. 8th Australian and Pacific Regional Parliamentary Seminar, Kingston Norfolk Island Oct – Nov 1986. Program. Biographies.
    Essay. 'Self-Government in the South Pacific’ by Carlton Skinner. Foreign Affairs An American Quarterly Review Oct 1963
    Fact sheet. South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation (SPEC). Suva, Jan 1976
    Handbook. South Pacific Athletics Handbook. 1976. Assoc. of Track and Field Statisticians
    Booklet. 'The South Pacific Commission, the First Fifty Years'. In French and English. Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1976
    Journal. Pacific Studies Vol 1 No 2 Spring 1978. A special bicentennial Issue honouring Captain James Cook, The Brigham Young University, Hawaii Campus
    Journal. The Contemporary Pacific, A Journal of Island Affairs. Vol 8 No 1 Spring 1996. Uni of Hawaii Press.
    Fact Sheet. South Pacific Athletics 1977 by Tony Isaacs ATFS
    Working Paper No 90. 'Soviet Strategy towards Australia, New Zealand and Oceania' by Paul Dibb. The Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, the Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU. Nov 1984
    Book. 'Marists and the Emerging Pacific'. 1963. Dedication to Stuart Inder by the author Stan Hosie.
    Correspondence between Stuart Inder and Royal Viking Line Manager Australia, Haakon Kierulf, May to Dec, 1983, regarding an invitation to give Enrichment Lectures on the Pacific Islands on board ship.
    Letter to Stuart from T Magi, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Australian Senate, Canberra, thanking Stuart for 'the evidence which you gave to the Committee in Sydney on Friday July 29, 1977.' (Copy of evidence not included.)
    Reference for Stuart Inder from Leicester Warburton, Publicity Manager, Macquarie Broadcasting Service. Jan 23, 1953. 'If you want a good man, here he is.'
    Letter from Denny Smith, Member of Congress, House of Representatives, Washington DC, to Stuart, Feb 18, 1986, following 1986 Pacific Forum in Hawaii.
    Letter from John C Dorrance, Consul General, USA to Stuart, April 16, 1985, regarding a request for Stuart to 'help us brief Mr J Tilley' on Pacific affairs.
    Letter from Uni of Sydney, in appreciation of a donation of listed artifacts to the Macleay Museum, June 14, 1984.
    Letter. From Stuart Inder to John C Dorrance, US Consul General, Sydney. July 27 1988. 'I believe my reporting of American interests in the Pacific has been better balanced because of your honest approach to information, your common sense, your wide personal interests and your regard for other points of view.'
    Article. Submitted to The Bulletin by Stuart Inder, Honolulu, 1986. 'History will record 1986 as the year the United States finally took the Pacific Islands seriously.'
    Letters to the Editor of PIM, Background of the Pacific Islands Yearbook. Stuart Inder. May 16, 1995
    Memo to staff of Pacific Publications (Australia) Pty Ltd, from Publisher, Stuart Inder, Dec 5, 1974, regarding the closure of the machine room and bindery section on Dec 31, 1974.
    Journal. 'Wings', Vol 36, No 2. Business card attached from Jack Percival – 'See page 5. Without PIM it wouldn’t have been done.' Article 'How Flying Boats Saved Over 1000 Lives' by Jack Percival.
    Map. The Pacific Islands. 1997. Autographed to Stuart by RB Dunn, SPC Secretary-General on release date.
    The Sun Newspapers House Memo from Blaine Fielder, A News Editor to Stuart Inder, March 25, 1953. '…very happy about your efficient handling of the Doyle case this week.'
    Article submitted by Captain Brett Hilder, 'Captain Cook and the Mahogany Ship' with 3 hand drawn maps. May 12, 1976.
    Letter. From Fred Radewagen, Publisher, The Washington Pacific Report, July 27, 1988.
    Letter. From John C Dorrance, Consul General of the US, Sydney, June 27, 1988, to Stuart Inder.
    Paperwork relating to Sketches and Profiles of Identities of the South Pacific Islands from the pen of Brett Hilder. Prepared by Jim Burton, July 2008.
    Letter and Talk. Edmund D Jung 'A Chinese American Physician’s Return to Paradise'. May 21, 1986.
    Paper. Prepared by Rabbie L Namaliu, PNG, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade for The Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1933-1983. 'Some Regional Attempts at International Order; The South Pacific.'
    Folder. Labelled 'Wake Island reports (for PMB files?) 1975.
    Report. A National Strategy for the Study of the Pacific by Samantha Rose, Max Quanchi and Clive Moore, for The Australian Association of the Advancement of Pacific Studies. 2009.
    Magazine. Islands Business, July 2000.
    Letters from Jim Sinclair, author, to Stuart Inder, undated.
    Brochure. List of PNG Titles. Robert Brown and Associates, 1984.
    Flyer. For 'Kiap' by James Sinclair.
    Letter. From Neville Chatfield, to Stuart Inder. August 17, 1972
    Press Kit. South Pacific Forum, Rarotonga, August 1985.
    Papers. South Pacific Commission 40th Anniversary.
    Biography. James Patrick Sinclair.
    Letter form Jim Sinclair to Stuart Inder. Undated.
    Article by Stuart Inder for World Book. 'Pacific Islands'.
    Letter. From Peter R Rosenblatt, Law Offices, Washington, DC to Stuart Inder, March 29, 1983. Compliments regarding articles in The Bulletin, January 11, 1983
    Letter and Paper. From John C Dorrance, Senior Fellow, National Defense University, June, 1989. Strategic and Security interests and objectives in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
    University Publication. Uni of South Pacific Extension Services. Selected Constitutions of South Pacific Countries. June 1982.
    Masters Qualifying Sub-Thesis, ANU. South Pacific Regionalism. Gregory E Fry, July 1974.
    Report. Communication in the Pacific. Edited by Daniel Lerner and Jim Richstad.
    June 1976.
    South Pacific Commission Papers prepared for Preliminary Conference, January 1947. Copies stamped from The British Phosphate Commissioners Library.
    Committee Paper Vol 1 to V1
    Plenary Session Papers
    Secretariat Memoranda
    An Agreement for the Establishment of Caribbean Commission 1946
    Constitutional Relations of Controlling Powers to Non-Selfgoverning Territories in the South Pacific Ocean
    South Seas Commission Conference Papers Jan 1947 – Handbook. Marked 'Restricted'.

    BOXES 8
    Photographs by Harry Dexter. 34 black and white prints and photographic postcards in plastic sleeves within a ring binder. Includes photographs
    of Samarai, Kwato, Abau Island, Port Morsbey and elsewhere in Papua, ca. 1910-1915.

    Printed invitations in plastic sleeves within a ring binder. Including:
    Sun Editorial Christmas Dinner, Sydney, Dec 17, 1952.
    Inauguration of Session of the House of Assembly, Port Moresby, June 8, 1964
    Opening of Legislative Council and Executive Council, Nauru, Jan 31, 1965. Invitation card plus personal letter from Hammer DeRoburt, Head Chief.
    'Return to Kokoda', Port Moresby, November 3-6, 1967.
    Tapa cloth invitation to banquet in honour of King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV, Nuku’alofa, July 4, 1967.
    Celebration to mark Independence, Nauru, Jan 31, 1968.
    Centenary of the Fiji Times, Suva, September 3-4, 1969.
    Fiji Independence Celebration, Sydney, October 10, 1970
    Duke of Edinburgh’s visit to Papua and New Guinea, March 17-23, 1971.
    Opening of the Flagship Beachcomber Hotel, Pacific Harbour, Fiji, November 4, 1972.
    Cocktail Party for 4th Anniversary of Independence Day, Nauru, Jan 31, 1972.
    Menus from MV Enna G, Nauru Pacific Line, June/July 1972.
    PNG Temporary Entry Permit, (PNG Post Courier), 1975.
    State Dinner, Nauru, Oct 6, 1975.
    Anniversary 13, Constitution Ball, Cook Islands, August 4, 1978.
    Picnic, Society of Descendants of the Pitcairn Settlers, Kingston, Norfolk Island, November 22, 1978.
    Opening of Norfolk Island Legislative Assembly, Norfolk Island, August 10, 1979.
    Celebration Ball to mark First Legislative Assembly in Norfolk Island, August 11, 1979.
    State Reception in honour of King and Queen of Tonga, Sydney, October 30, 1979.
    Pacific Islands Monthly 50th Anniversary celebrations, August 16, 1980.
    Investiture, MBE, Government House, Sydney, May 1, 1981.
    Cocktails, Prime Minister and Mrs Lini, Vila, Vanuatu, August 10, 1981.
    State Dinner, Sir Julius Chan, 2nd Anniversary of Government, Port Moresby, March 11, 1982
    Letter from John C Dorrance, Director for Australia and New Zealand Affairs, Dept. of State, Washington DC regarding a proposed USIA-sponsored visit to Honolulu, Micronesia and Guam, Nov 23, 1982
    Opening of Michoutouchkine Restaurant, Hotel Le Lagon, Vila, Nov 12, 1983.
    Grand Re-opening Celebration of The Regent of Fiji, Nadi, November 18, 1983.
    15th South Pacific Forum, Feast, Tuvalu, August 27, 1984. Also August 28, 1984
    South Pacific Conference, Reception, Noumea, October 15 1984.
    16th South Pacific Forum, Sir Thomas Davis, Reception, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, August 5, 1985.
    2nd Pacific Islands Conference, Reception, Honolulu, August 8, 1985.
    Dinner in honour of King and Queen of Tonga, Commander in Chief, US Pacific Command, Pearl Harbour, November 12, 1985.
    Reception, Consul General of Australia, to mark Australia Day, Honolulu, Jan 27, 1986.
    Norfolk Island government celebrations, October 27-30, 1986. Cocktails, Dinner, Fish Fry.
    Australian Geographic Awards Night, Sydney Opera House, 1988.
    APNGBC Dinner for Prime Minister Bill Skate, Sydney, August 4, 1998
    PNG Association of Australia celebrating PNG’s 30th Anniversary of Independence, December 2005.
    Inaugural Show Ball at The Hagen Country Club, Mt Hagen, PNG Sept 23 1961
    Inauguration of Session of the House of Assembly, Port Moresby, June 8, 1964
    Launch Burns Philp Wharf, British Residency, Iririke, Vila, March 26, 1974.
    Official Opening of new Chancery, PNG High Commission, Canberra, April 24, 1981

    BOX 9
    Peace Poster. Original poster by S. Imatake, 1949, for Peace Day in Hiroshima. [Call no.: POSTERS/2018/1]
    Envelope of black and white photos of Japan, mostly taken by Stuart Inder while working for BCOF in 1947, of Hiroshima and surrounding areas. The first photo, however, was taken by a Japanese fisherman and given to Stuart. It is of the Hiroshima bomb exploding and was taken from ten miles away. 'This is the only still picture of the actual Hiroshima bomb in existence.’ There is one photo of Stuart – a side view of him standing with two Japanese officials who are wearing stars on their jackets.
    Original manuscript by Stuart Inder. Typed and hand-written. It is about Stuart’s impressions of Japan, the occupying forces and the people in Japan in 1946-7.
    An envelope marked Japanese wartime MS, which contains drafts, notes and letters pertaining to the manuscript itself.
    Yellow folder marked ‘Stuart’s letters from Japan’, but which actually contains drafts of articles by Stuart.
    A collection of material collected while working for BCOF – business cards, letters to Stuart, printed articles and pictures, original articles by Stuart, factual information. Most is in delicate condition.
    Letter from OA Gillespie, NZ plus the Foreword from his book The Pacific which contains information on the background of BCOF. Stuart may have saved these to use in his Memoirs, a chapter on BCOF, so they may be in the wrong box.
    Typed information on BCOF background
    Notebook. One cover is labelled Books – Japan. The other cover is labelled Japan Diary September 23 – October 1949. Contains more notes and draft chapters for the Japan original manuscript.
    Scrapbook labelled Bcon, Japan. Contains news clippings of articles written by Stuart for Bcon, 1946-47. Contains two loose typed articles by Stuart – Part 1 BCOF area Civillian Attitudes, and Why Is Patriotism Wrong?
    2 note books with jottings from interviews and thoughts for stories.
    Rough Diary. Japan Diary 1947
    2 different city maps – Japan, written in Japanese.
    GEN magazine, monthly journal of Army Education Corp in BCOF, Vol 7, Aug 1949. 3rd Anniversary issue.
    Brochure. Qantas Australia-Japan Air Service with map.
    Qantas Empire Airways’ Guide to Tokyo
    Brochure. Horiuji Buddhist temple. Written in German.
    Booklet. Hiroshima Yesterday and Today. Printed in Occupied Japan.
    Pamphlet. Visitors Guide to Hiroshima City Atomic Bomb Relics. Tour Publications, 1949.
    Booklet. Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands) Then and Now. Glenn E. McClure. Photos of WW2 and Today (1977). 5th edition 1982. In English and Japanese.
    Caption Sheet. Public Relations HQ BCOF. 1/11/49
    Note of farewell from Stuart’s Japanese house boy, Y. Kinoki. Written down in English by Stuart.

    BOX 10
    Papers relating to BCON, the newspaper for the British Occupied Forces in Japan. Stuart worked for them in Japan from 1945-1947.
    Package of mainly typescript letters in a folder, titled 'Japan family letters'. Includes;
    Collection of stamps and paper money from Japan 1947.
    Collection of letters, approximately 40 in total: the majority are from Stuart to his family, mostly his mother. The letters begin in April 1946 from Darwin en route to Japan. The final letter to his mother is dated September 26, 1949, as he had a short return to Japan that year. The majority of the letters were written in 1946 and 1947. The very last letter is from Frank Ryland to Stuart, talking about the end of BCON, March 1950. Also included are a few letters from S. Chang, a BCOF staff writer, from Korea.
    Manuscript – Every Goose A Swan
    Manuscript – Every Goose A Swan Part 2
    Folder marked 'Rbt Langdon Book'. Emails and letters regarding Every Goose A Swan.
    Emails regarding getting the late Robert Langdon’s manuscript Kon-Tiki Revisited published
    Commentary – Causcasian Maoris: 16th Century Spaniards in New Zealand by Robert Langdon From American Anthropologist 93(2), June 1991
    Newspaper Review. Review of The Lost Caravel. Post-Courier, Honolulu. July 15, 1975
    Newspaper article. From The Australian, April 10, 1996. 'Theoretical bombshell: no man is an Islander, entire of himself' by Nicolas Rothwell.
    Letter from Robert Langdon to Stuart Inder regarding last minute changes to The Lost Caravel.
    From Journal of Pacific History Vol 35, No 1, 2000. 'Dusky Damsels: Pitcairn Island’s Neglected Matriarchs of the Bounty Saga' by Robert Langdon. Plus cover letter commenting on 'what might have been' regarding The Lost Caravel. July 3, 2000
    From Journal of Pacific History XI 3-4. Review of The Lost Caravel by Peter Bellwood.
    Essay. 'New World Cotton as a Clue to the Polynesian Past' by Robert Langdon, reprinted from Oceanic Studies Ed by Jukka Siikala, The Finnish Anthrological Society, Helsinki 1982
    Essay. 'Manioc, a long concealed key to the enigma of Easter Island' by Robert Langdon. Dedicated to Stuart Inder from his old mate Robert Langdon 23/3/1989
    Essay. 'History of the South Pacific Cultures Fund' by Robert Langdon. 13/5/1986
    Lecture. The Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 1999. 'The Voyage of Alejandro Malaspina to the Pacific 1789 – 1794' by Andrew David. 2000. 2 copies.
    Review. From The New Zealand Journal of History, Oct 1975, Vol 9 No 2. Review of the Lost Caravel, by Hugh Laracy
    Brochure. 'Elcano, the ship, the man, the mystery.' The Spanish Embassy and Robert Langdon.
    Offprint. The Journal Society of the Polynesian Society Vol105, No2, June 1996. 'The Soapberry, A neglected clue to Polynesia’s pre-historic past' by Robert Langdon. Dedicated to 'collector of Collector’s items' Stuart Inder.
    Thank you letter from Louise Langdon, daughter, after Robert’s death
    Large brochure, essay and map. '200th Anniversary of the visit to Australia of the expedition of Alejandro Malaspina' by Robert Langdon
    Letter from Stuart to Robert Langdon, July 12, 2000, commenting on Robert’s Pitcairn paper.
    Correspondence between Stuart Inder and Patrick Gallagher, Managing Director, Allen and Unwin, July 2, 5 and 6, 2004, regarding posthumous possible publication of Robert Langdon book Kon-Tiki Revisited.
    Paper. 'Benevolent Invaders among Hawaii’s Aborigines' by Robert Langdon, 'For my old friend Stuart Inder – one of only 20 copies!!!' 5/8/1987.
    Reprint from The Journal of the Polynesian Society , Vol 86, No 1, March 1977. Review article by Bengt Danielsson of The Lost Caravel by Robert Langdon.
    Style Guide Pacific Islands Monthly. Mid 1960s. Compiled by Robert Langdon.
    Letter From Teresa Pitt, Lothian Books to Stuart Inder, regarding Robert Langdon: Kon-Tiki Revisited.
    Article. Ann Kengalu and the fate of Mendana’s long-lost Spanish colonists of 1595 by Robert Langdon.
    Email from Stuart Inder to Bob Kiste, East-West Centre, Honolulu, August 22, 2004. Regarding comments regarding Bob Langdon’s standing 'with most existing academics'.
    Proposal. A Proposal for a Debate on Polynesian Origins by Robert Langdon. Editorial board meeting, Journal of Pacific History, September 5, 2003, agenda item.
    Obituary. For Archives and Manuscripts (journal of the Australian Society of Archivists) – Robert Langdon, by Stuart Inder.
    Article. A Quite Different View on Maori Origins by Robert Langdon. Submitted to Human Mutation magazine, June 4, 2001.
    Review. Published in Fiji Times June 26, 1975. Do Spaniards Fit the Polynesian Puzzle? About The Lost Caravel by Robert Langdon. – Ron Crocombe.
    Seminar paper. ANU Department of Pacific History. 'European Castaways in the Pacific before Captain Cook. Robert Langdon. November 26, 1969.
    Brochure. For the Spanish Embassy, Canberra. 'The Spanish Language and Culture in New Zealand, Australia. Plus letter to Stuart Inder from Bob Langdon.
    Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. Pros and Cons of its continuance after April 15, 1986. An assessment by Robert Langdon, Executive Officer.
    Pamphlet. The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. Robert Langdon. Off-print from AARL, June 1971.
    Letter and attachments. To Stuart Inder from Robert Langdon. March 1978. Design dummy for a new publicity leaflet.
    Photocopy. The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. From Spam No 10, April 1980.
    Letters. Between Judy Tudor and Robert Langdon regarding Every Goose a Swan, July 1993.

    BOX 11
    Manuscript and notes for unpublished memoir, 'Stuart Inder’s Pacific', including;
    Foreword by Judy Tudor (in green clip folder). 45 pages.
    COMPLETED CHAPTERS (in blue hardback folder):
    Chapter 2 How to become a newspaperman
    Chapter 5 Back in the Big Smoke (1955-57). Includes article from PEOPLE. Is Our Justice One Eyed? Harry Cox. People, July 24, 1957, and contains a photo of Stuart carrying a red flag.
    Chapter 6 I join PacPub
    Chapter 7 The Fiji Times
    Chapter 8 Settling into PIM. Note at end of chapter: This may be the end of the chapter, or else follow on with Langdon’s Wall story after introducing Langdon.
    Chapter - Errol Flynn
    Chapter - True and not-so-true tales of the Western Pacific. Note at end of chapter: Chapter on Tonga follows, 4500 words. Should we follow with Tonga’s bottle story before going on to Tonga in general? Why not follow with the Joyita mystery?
    Chapter - The Joyita mystery, 1700 words
    Draft Chapter - Tonga/bottle
    Draft Chapter – Mariner (essentially Tonga/bottle – earlier version?)
    Chapter (rough draft) - ABC Days.
    Chapter (rough draft) - Percy Chatterton
    Draft Chapter – Timbunki, 1080 words.
    Draft Chapter – Captain Cook, the Writer
    Draft Chapter – Follows Cook the writer
    Rough draft – Cook the writer pages 2 to 7 with extracts held back from Cook the writer for another chapter
    Draft Chapter – Lanyon-Orgill
    Draft Chapter - The Battle of Matthew and Hunter (2 additional pages)
    General Construction
    Book Collecting
    New Hebrides
    Novel about the sub casual, who investigates
    General Intro
    Palau as against Belau
    Guano Act
    Beachcomber chapter
    Malaspina. Cook.
    Piece on Stephans Russia
    Life in the islands for the natives under Japanese occupation
    Easter Island
    Nauru, Rabi chapter
    War books, Japanese, histories
    Letters from:
    Robert Kiste, fax copy, February 22, 1993
    Robert Langdon, May 6, 1993
    Robert Kiste, May 24, 1993
    Robert Kiste, August 24,1999
    Robert Rankin, July 26, 2000
    Helen Fenbury, May 16, 2006

    BOX 12
    MEMOIRS CONT. Reference material:
    Notes on the News – Stuart Inder. PNG, and the new National Coalition, led by Michael Somare.
    Catchline Leaders, for PIM, from Stuart Inder. Whose name would be on the list of the men and women who have had the greatest influence on the development of the South Pacific? 1990s?
    Photos cut from pages of a German? manuscript of PNG people in traditional dress. Might be Parbeurin’s? book.
    De Berg Tapes transcript. Tape No 1173. Frank Ryland. August 6, 1980.
    Notes and a draft of an interview of Ratu Mara, November, 1969.
    Transcript of Interview by Stuart Inder of Ratu Mara, May 17, 1987.
    Notes on Mara, Sydney luncheon interview, Stuart Inder.
    Newspaper article. The Fiji Times, August 7, 1982. 'Soviet money used in election says Ratu Mara' by Stuart Inder.
    Address by Stuart Inder, 'Emerging form Paradise'. June 10, 1978.
    Letter to Mum. ABC PNG. November 27, 1953. Plus the last page only of another.
    Envelope containing letters to Mum, Margaret (younger sister), Roger (older brother) – dated October 8 and 10, 1953, December 21, 1953, February 21, 1954 – all from Port Moresby.
    Letter to Stuart from Lynette Townsend, September 1982, about old photos of Wewak.
    Paper – Some Political Aspects of the Pacific Islands Region. Stuart Inder.
    Article by Stuart Inder. 'Don’t give me back my daydreams…' From QV, Vol 1, No 12, October 1968.
    News Commentary by Stuart Inder. November 30, 1973
    News story by Stuart Inder. August 10, 1972? Self-government of PNG.
    Memo to RWR from Stuart Inder, October 11, 1971.
    Notes on the News, Stuart Inder, November 4, 1974. Unity in the Islands.
    Notes on the News, Stuart Inder, June 5, 1974. Regional aviation.
    Pages from PIM, February, 1962. Article by Robert Langdon 'Forgotten Navigator Annexed Vavau for Spanish Crown.'
    Handwritten list of PIM contents containing the stories Stuart wanted to refer to in his Memoirs.
    Photocopy from 'Around the World'. Story of Captain John Hunter and getting a letter from the ship to the shore and back again.
    Letters. Resignation letter from Stuart Inder to WS Hamilton, ABC, and two letters from WS Hamilton. January, February and June, 1955.
    Article from the Sun, January 15, 1951. By Stuart Inder about the coal industry.
    Transcript of interviews with Sir Albert Henry, December 1977 and August 3, 1978 by interviewers WG Coppell and Stuart Inder.
    Notes on the News. Stuart Inder. January 20, 1975. Papuan independence movement.
    Transcript of interview by Stuart Inder of Kaputin, PNG.
    Article by Stuart Inder, published in The Sun, August 25, 1952. 'Spotlight is on 10,000 boys and girls.'
    The Smedley Times Manly. Vol 11, May 1940. Published and printed by Stuart Inder, then aged 14.
    Article by Stuart Inder, published in The Sun, May 14, 1957. 'The powder keg of the north'.
    Article by Stuart Inder, published in The Sun, Feb 7, 1951. 'Bush fire-fighters are armed with wide authority'.
    The University of Sydney Gazette, Vol 3, No 7, July 1978. Article about the Seminar 1978 and especially about speaker Stuart Inder, and his quotes about a number of Pacific Island leaders.
    Main points of a statement made to Pac Pub staff by Publisher, Stuart Inder, Dec 5, 1974.
    Letter from Judy Tudor to Stuart Inder, undated, concerning the 'Armit saga'.
    Motion to PNG National Government by Sir John Guise to request War Pensions and Gratuity Payments from the Australian Government. Undated.
    Letter to Stuart from Ed Howard, January 19, 1991, Norfolk Island News.
    Obituary of Hammer DeRoburt, and an article by Ian Henderson 'Can Nauru clean up after the colonialists?'
    Biographical Note: Mara, Ratu Sir Kamisese.
    Letter from Stuart Inder, on behalf of the ladies and gentlemen of the press to Secretary-General of the South Pacific Conference. Humorous. Unsuccessful.
    Newspaper article. SMH, January 13, 1978. 'Where time is forgotten. Quiet power of Polynesia' by James Cunningham.
    Newspaper article. 'War, trade, shipwrecks made the headlines'. Stuart Inder looks at Australia, the Pacific and the Herald over 150 years.
    Book review by Stuart Inder of Keith Willey’s 'You might as well laugh, mate'.
    Notes by Stuart Inder about Walter Lini and Vanuatu.
    Cook Islands Booklet. Procedures of Government by Hon Albert R Henry. July 1971.
    Newspaper article from The Fiji Times, April 27, 1991 about 'Tonga’s Culture Shock' – Tongans distrust of their government is worsening.
    Photocopy of paper from 'Politics in Fiji, Studies in Contemporary History'. 'Ethnic Conflict Management, a government of national unity and some alternative proposals' by Ralph R Premdas.
    Biography of Robert William (RW) Robson.
    Fax copy of report from Pacnews, Feb 23, 1994. 'Tonga’s crown-prince says he will no longer stay silent in face of attacks from pro-democracy movement.'
    AMF Movement Order: 400 natives from New Britain to Bougainville. Report by Major, District Officer, New Britain, countermanding order and outlining reasons.
    Review of 'Our sea of islands', a paper by Epeli Hau’ofa, about a new paradigm for the Pacific (independence).
    Story by Stuart Inder. Volcanic eruptions in Rabaul. October 21, 1994
    Article titled Rabaul by Stuart Inder. About Captain John Hunter’s discovery and about volcanic action resulting in Vulcan.
    Notes on some Pacific Architecture, by Stuart Inder.
    Articles by Stuart Inder:
    Pacific Background – the four big powers shared out the rights to control the island groups.
    Leaders- for PIM
    The Pacific Economic Bulletin
    Pacific Overview - for Times/Sunday
    Obituary for Aggie Grey, Apia.
    Newspaper article by Stuart Inder, July 10, 1952. 'Dust on the moon meant a new type of vacuum flask'.
    Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication for Victory in Europe, Cessation of hostilities May 8, 1945, celebration of Thanksgiving May 9, 1945. Signed by Pte Stuart Inder, NX205167 and his comrades.
    Notes about the battle of Matthew and Hunter Islands.
    Booklet of hand-written notes on Tour of Tonga by Stuart and Jo Inder.
    Letter to Stuart from Sir Robert Sanders, February 6, 1986. Mentions Ratu Mara’s speeches amongst other things.
    Photocopy. Article 'Ratu Mara ‘solves crisis’. The Fiji Times, May 23, 1987.
    Photocopy from Islands, Vol 11, 1991. 'Planters: endangered species' by Denise Melinsky. Fiji.
    Newspaper article photocopy. 'Fiji Comparisons in PNG ban on ABC' by Stuart Inder.
    Notes on Tom Cole and his book on PNG and his life’s work, and AB Facey’s questionable book A Fortunate Life by comparison.
    A discussion paper from the Research Centre for south-west Pacific Studies, La Trobe University. May 1979. Various topics but all about PNG.
    Letter from Lady Cleland about the death of her husband which would be used in a postscript in her book. November 20, 1975.
    Letters regarding land use in PNG. May and July, 1954.
    Introduction to Rabaul 1942-45 about Gordon Thomas by Ian Frazer. Townsville Bulletin.
    Story by Stuart and Jo Inder, 'Houseboys'. Published in Woman’s Day (?) as written by Stuart and Joe Inder! Not written by Jo anyway but she certainly shared in the experience of living in Port Moresby.
    Story by Stuart Inder. Review of 'Guide to Newcomers to Papua-New Guinea' by Jessie Wyatt. 'How would you rate with your New Guinea houseboy?'
    Notes by Stuart on Tauu, Tasman Islands, PNG, now known as Nukumanu Islands.
    Story. New Guinea. Chapter 1, 4800 words. Is this part of the Memoirs book?
    Page from the Australian Magazine June25, 1994 – about the Herald and Weekly Times (John D’Arcy).

    BOX 13
    Papers relating to R.W. Robson, Judy Tudor and Pacific Islands Monthly.

    BOXES 14-15
    Photographs of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, ca. 1940s-ca. 1990s. An extensive collection by various photographers including A. G. Shearer and Stuart Inder.

    BOX 16
    South Pacific Commission. Papers prepared for Preliminary Conference, January 1947.

    1 poster from this collection is catalogued separately under the following title: Peace Forever : Aug 6th Peace Day in Hiroshima, the eternal peace commemorating city / S. Imatake. (Call No.: POSTERS/2018/13)
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Research & study copies allowed: Applies only to material in which the author has been deceased for more than 50 years
    Out of copyright: Applies only to photographs created before 1955
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
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    The contents list is adapted from an inventory compiled by the donor.
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