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  • Title
    Award winning Higher School Certificate Personal Interest Projects (PIPs), 2015
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10005
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.16 metres of textual material (1 box)

    The Personal Interest Project (PIP) is a compulsory section of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Society and Culture course. The PIP can be up to 5,000 words and is worth 30% of the course for the HSC. It provides an opportunity for students to carry out guided social and cultural research in an area of personal interest.

    The annual Society and Culture Awards are held under the auspices of the Society and Culture Association at the Mitchell Library. These awards acknowledge both excellence in the overall HSC examination for the ‘Top 10’ candidates and for excellence in the Personal Interest Project by acknowledging candidates who have achieved a High Distinction. Each recipient is given an individually engraved medal and in some cases a specific prize.
  • Scope and Content
    Award winning Personal Interest Projects for 2015

    Jessica Cortis (Caroline Chisholm College)
    Digital Jesus. An investigation into the influence of communication technologies on religious belief systems

    Nicola Haggerty Mayers (Willoughby Girls High School)
    The culture of a new war

    Elliott Holohan-Hill (Central Coast Grammar School)
    An investigation into how the portrayal of patriachal attitudes in western print advertising media is used to inform the construction of feminine identity.

    Elizabeth Lim (North Sydney Girls High School)
    Bamboozled. A cross-generational investigation into the implications of both the perpetuation and maintenance of the bamboo ceiling on the experiences of Chinese-Australians seeking positions in corporate leadership

    Riley McDonagh (St Augustine's College)
    A fifth column? A study into the difference in the treatment of Islam in the Northern Beaches and Western suburbs

    Sophie Payton (Northholm Grammar School)
    News changes views changes news. Is news reporting a reflection of Australian society or is Australian society a reflection of the news?

    Natasha Tioukavkin (St Marys Senior High School)
    I observed, I learned and I ran. A study into how socio-political factors have defined the intergenerational transmission of Iranian cultural values of Iranian-Australian youth

    Josh Vanjara (Normanhurst Boys High School)
    It's all a bad joke. A critical evaluation of antagonism in the cinema as a representation of society
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - multiple copyright owners
    Rights and Restrictions Information:: Reproduction restricted
  • General note

    Reference copies of all PIP papers are available in the SRL Reading Room
  • Subject

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