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  • Title
    Award winning Higher School Certificate Personal Interest Projects (PIPs), 2016
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10006
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.16 metres of textual material (1 box)

    The Personal Interest Project (PIP) is a compulsory section of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Society and Culture course. The PIP can be up to 5,000 words and is worth 30% of the course for the HSC. It provides an opportunity for students to carry out guided social and cultural research in an area of personal interest.

    The annual Society and Culture Awards are held under the auspices of the Society and Culture Association at the Mitchell Library. These awards acknowledge both excellence in the overall HSC examination for the ‘Top 10’ candidates and for excellence in the Personal Interest Project by acknowledging candidates who have achieved a High Distinction. Each recipient is given an individually engraved medal and in some cases a specific prize.
  • Scope and Content
    Award winning Personal Interest Projects for 2016

    Adelaide Bragias (Merewether High)
    'In Gov. we trust' : How has Australia's trust in government been impacted through changing forms of communication technologies and the explosion of the information age?

    Seda Hamoud (Liverpool Girls High School)
    Survival in the digital eco-system : An inquiry into identity and authenticity of the self in the digital age

    Gloria Nasr (Castle Hill High School)
    Say it loud, say it clear, protesters always welcome here : An investigation into the changing nature of protesting through the rise of virtual activism

    Fatima Olumee (Moorebank High School)
    One who flew over the cuckoo's nest : A study on television's negative portrayal of mental illness and its impact upon social attitudes

    Thalia Park (Willoughby Girls High School)
    It does not matter how slowly feminism goes as long as it does not stop (Confucius) : An investigation into feminism in Australia and Korea with a cross-cultural comparison of the cultural values that either support or challenge the movement

    Louise Press (Gymea Technology High School)
    Stand. Speak. Type. Act. : An investigation into the social and cultural value of social activism over time as an institutional marker of social change

    Nicolette Seroukas (Willoughby Girls High School)
    You have the right to remain polarised : An investigation into the polarisation of masculinity and femininity in crime shows, and how this enculturates a narrow view of gender identity

    Lauren Tillman (Willoughby Girls High School)
    The political A-gender : An investigation into new forms of masculinity in Australian politics and how patriarchal structures in the government continue to subordinate women

    Sophie Totonjian (Central Coast Grammar School)
    An investigation into the impact of western education on an indigenous Australian's development of self efficacy and its direct relation to perceptions and attainment of cultural group success

    Prudence Wilkins-Wheat (Menai High School)
    The F-word : An investigation into the homicide of the 'Modern Feminist'

    Jessica Wilson (Wadalba Community School)
    The rage for raunch : An investigation into the enculturated values of hypersexualised music videos and the relationship between sexual discrimination and objectification in western youth culture
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - multiple copyright owners
    Rights and Restrictions Information:: Reproduction restricted
  • General note

    Reference copies of all PIP papers are available in the SRL Reading Room
  • Subject

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