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  • Title
    Archive of the Association Culturelle Franco-Australienne, 1975-2015
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 9740
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    4 metres of textual material, some folders contains photographs and ephemera (24 boxes) - manuscript; typescript; black & white; colour

    The Association Culturelle Franco-Australienne was founded in October 1980 as a non-profit organisation to foster cultural exchange between Australia and France, specifically in literature, art, performing arts and historical research. Between 1980 and 1999 the Delamottes provided accommodation for Australian writers, academics, researchers and journalists to pursue their work in Paris, entertained visiting Australians and hosted a range of events to foster Franco - Australienne relations, many activities were in partnership with the Australian Embassy in Paris. For example, the association was the initiator of the Colloque of d’Etudes Franco-Australiennes held in Paris and Le Havre in December 1987. The proceedings of the colloquium, consisting of thirty papers were published in 1989.

    The membership list of the Association included Nancy Cato, Donald Horne, Colleen McCullough, Phillip Adams, Alan Brissenden; and Peter Curtis and Kim Jones, former Ambassadors to France. The Association also generated a number of publications through the publishing venture Éditions La Petite Maison including works by Paul Wenz, Katherine S. Prichard and Frank Moorhouse. Margaret and Gough Whitlam were strong supporters of the Association and frequent visitors to the home of the Delamottes. In 1992 Jean-Paul was recognised as a Member of the Order of Australia.

    Reference: Library file.
  • Scope and Content
    The archive includes the records of the association including arrangements for events including invitations, proceedings and guest lists as well as correspondence from a range of friends including Frank Moorhouse, Pat Lovell, Lloyd Rees, Geoffrey Dutton, Kay Suters and Carla Zampatti.

    BOX 1
    1. Helen Politi-Ledwige: DEA, Correspondence P W et André Gide (1911-1933). 1988-1989.
    2. Helen Ledwidge: Mémoire de Maîtrise, P W écrivain Français ET Australien. 1987-1988.
    3. Helen Ledwidge: Thèse doctorat sur Paul Wenz, vols. 1-2, 1993-1994.
    4. Helen Ledwidge: Correspondence 2008-2011.
    5. Published books: Recits du bush, trois nouvelles Australiennes by Paul Wenz, 1998; Atelier Litteraire Franco-Australien by Paul Wenz, 1998; Le Pays de leurs Peres by Paul Wenz, 1996; La Route de namima by Jean-Paul Delamotte, 2011; Un dimanche a Melbourne by Jean-Paul Delamotte, 1998.

    BOX 2
    1. Travaux préparatoires no. spécial Revue du Lérot sur P. W.; Articles de Press sur P.W.; expo Double Bush Binding.
    2. Traductions en anglais publiées ou inédites, de Patricia Brulant, Bruce Pascoe, G. Sherman, Hilary McPhee.
    3. Photocopies Nouvelles de P. W.
    4. Papers of P. W. State Library NSW.
    5. Correspondence Ivan Barko (Univ. Sydney).
    6. Chemise Forbes pays de P. W.
    7. Nanima, famille Bruce; Janet Moxey (nouvelle propriétaire) ; Toby Barton (petit-fils du premier Premier Ministre Australien ; filleul de P. W).
    8. Informations sur Nanima; Photos Netley (famille Hettie Wenz) et Nanima.
    9. Alan Wilson, Droubalgie (voisin).
    10. Lorna Braid (de Forbes) et Katherine Thomas.
    11. Français invités par nos soins à Nanima.
    12. Jill e t Jim Perrottet (dernier intendant de Nanima, après le décès de P. W).
    13. Michel Reymond (lawyer, vieille famille de Forbes).
    14. Merril Findlay, activités et Projects P.W. Wenz blog. Document "The Gows of Scotland" (manager Nanima, cf. photo).
    15. P.W. présenté par Pr. Werner Friederich, Univ. North Carolina USA (1967); Article Winifred James (London); Rencontre P. W. et Nettie Palmer (Uni of Queensland Press, 1988).

    BOX 3
    1. Réédition La petite Maison de L'Echarde.
    2. Collection Wenz, bibliothèque de P.W. conservée à la Mitchell (State Library).
    3. Correspondence Famille Wenz rencontrée à Paris.
    4. P.W., misc : editeurs Paris, Dr Beard, Ogilvie, Project Prix P.W.
    5. Conférences etc. de Jean-Paul Delamotte sur P W.
    6. Project scenario P.W. de Marion Ord.
    7. Dossier Reims and rue Paul Wenz and Lucette Turbet.
    8. Letter Claude Bouret re Frédéric Wenz.
    9. Jeanne.
    10. Paul Krug.
    11. Photocopies transcription Letters de P.W. à Joseph Krug.
    12. Famille Wenz: Soutien famille Wenz ; Emile Wenz (biographie de Denis Wenz) ; Documentation Claude Gonin & aviateur Lawrence Hargreave.

    BOX 4
    1. French-Australian Research Center (Dr Maurice Blackman); Andrew Game.
    2. P. W. & Jack London.
    3. Intendant Cassidy - Visite Della Jallade - Jeanne Wenz.
    4. Letters to Hugh Mackness - Nance Palmer.
    5. File National Library of Australia.
    6. Alliance Française Sydney re P. W.
    7. Antipodes (Robert Ross, Univ of Texas).
    8. Nouvelle Revue Française, Jack London, letter Perpetual Trustees; Jean-Paul Delamotte: Documentation on P. W.
    9. Letters to and from André Gide.
    10. Short Stories by P. W.
    11. Essay by Angela Bettington, Uni of NSW, 1996.

    BOX 5
    1. Possible translations collection Jean-Paul Delamotte "Signe de Vie".
    2. Translation presentation F. M. for Michel Reutz'book Regard sur l'Australie. Hologramme.
    3. Translation and original of Durruti's Funeral for the magazine Letter Internationale.
    4. Australian Press re F. M. (mentions Jean-Paul Delamotte included cf. 5 pages Janet Hawley, Good Week-end, Nov. 23, 1991; evening at the Delamotte's described); Diverses tentatives; correspondence F. M/J-P. D. Translation La Letter de Johnson; Presss de la Renaissance, (Coca-Cola Kid); Reviews. J-P sur F.M. (first draft); Miscellaneous.
    5. Australian Press 2.
    6. Coca-Cola Kid, idem.
    7. F. M., his life, his stories (Southerly, Dec 86, Graeme K. Smith, translation Jean-Paul Delamotte, Oct. 93)
    8. Translation Jean-Paul Delamotte (La Fibre Paternelle: Anderson, how can there be a baby).

    BOX 6
    1. Press re Un Australien garanti d'époque (40-17): Filming a Hatted Australian.
    2. P. D. Du côté de chez Frank (Moorhouse) with translation: Où notre héros se laisse aller, for L'Atelier du Roman. No. 36 Déc. 2003. (Literary Review).
    3. Translation Jean-Paul Delamotte, 40-17.
    4. Le Vagabond (40-17, transcript).
    5. 40-17, documentation publisher, press and correspondence
    6. Grand Days, Frank Moorhouse, French transcript by J-P. D., corrected.

    BOX 7
    1. Project documentaire 52 minutes Nadine Lermite.
    2. Reading Paul Wenz : préface à Diary of a New Chum, réédité par Tom Thompson.
    3. F. M., messages to Jean-Paul Delamotte; Idem Le Vagabond (in 40-17.)
    4. Press - Reviews - clippings Grand Days, Dark Palace
    5. Présentation & translation Filming the Hatted Australian, transcript J-P D.
    6. Translation Letters to Twiggy.
    7. Correspondence F. M. - Jean-Paul Delamotte, 17 Sept 1975-2003
    8. Correspondence F. M. - Jean-Paul Delamotte, 2005-Feb 2015
    9. Envelope, misc. (cards, postcards, invitations, photographs)
    10. Review John Pilger's book by F. M.

    BOX 8
    1. Coca-Cola Kid, transcripts Jean-Paul Delamotte.
    2. Coca-Cola Kid, transcripts Jean-Paul Delamotte.
    3. Presss de la renaissance; contract.
    4. F. M. Postcards from Paris.
    5. Grand Days.
    6. Published books: Et Voila! / Geoffrey Dutton; En fin de contes / David Malouf; Douce illusion / Jean-Paul Delamotte; Un Australien garanti D’Epoque / Frank Moorhouse.

    BOX 9
    1. Correspondence between Margaret Whitlam and the Delamottes. 1983-2012. 2 photographs of Gough and Margaret Whitlam with Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte, waiting for the bus 72 in Boulogne, France, after lunch August 18, 1985.
    2. 13 Christmas cards from the Whitlams to the Delamottes. 1984-2011.
    3. 14 cards with messages and dates from Margaret Whitlam to the Delamottes. 1984-2000. 6 cards with messages and no dates from Margaret Whitlam to the Delamottes.
    4. Various invitations, guest lists, Poetry Australia.
    5. Letters from Margaret Whitlam to the Delamottes, 1984-2007.
    6. Gough and Margaret / Jean-Paul Delamotte.
    7. Copy letters from Monique Delamotte to Margaret Whitlam 2001-2002 with a photograph of Monique.
    8. Letters from Georgia Swift to the Delamottes concerning Margaret and Gough Whitlam. Postcard from Catherine Whitlam and Katty Lette. 6.6.1986.
    9. “Our dear Margaret”. Clippings and printed articles concerning the death of Margaret Whitlam, together with a copy of the Memorial Service of Thanksgiving, 23 March 2012.
    10. Gough Whitlam. Documents, Larousse Australie, Croiseur Jeanne d’Arc.
    11. Charles Mott, letter and invitations.
    12. Newspaper clippings, magazine copies, articles giving biographical details of Margaret and Gough Whitlam. Newspaper headlines and articles printed after the death of Gough Whitlam.

    BOX 10
    1. Letters and emails to Kay and Brian Suters from Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte, 1985-2015.
    2. Letters, emails and cards to Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte from Kay and Brian Suters, 1977-2015.
    3. Documents re: Brian Suters.
    4. Cap sur l’Australia, 18 January-31 March 2007; Conference ‘Aspects of Australian Architecture’, February 2007; File – Gorse, Graziani de Vassal, Fourcade, Sorman, Duhamel; File – BB Divers; File – Quentin-Heuze, Boisaubert; File – Marchand, Quince, Chandelier; File – Xavier Pons, Redonnet, Castro, etc.; File – Sylvie Petin.
    5. French Poetry Now, Poetry Australia, 1984.
    6. Ken Dutton; Noumea to Newcastle, the story of an escape / Henri Rochefort, translated by Ken Dutton.
    7. Louis Brauquier, mon ami de Sydney.
    8. Robert Brissenden ‘Verandahs’.
    (Labels on original boxes: Correspondence JP Delamotte to Kay & Brian Suters; correspondence Suters to JPMD approx. 65 letters. Robert Brissenden ‘Verandahs’ & Alan Brissenden; French Poetry Now, Poetry in Australia; Louis Brauquier ‘Mon ami de Sydney’).

    BOX 11
    Correspondence, letters and cards to Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte from the following writers.

    1. Gentlemen Writers 1: Stephen Alomes, Tom Carment (& Fiona), Robert Carter, Richard Cassidy, Brian Cole, Mat Condon (bis), James Cowan, Jim Davidson, Ron Geering, James Hall, Rodney Hall, Frank Horner, Anthony Jack (bis), Bruce Keller (bis), Anthony Macris, Robert Macklin, Roger McDonald, David McRae, Ian Moffitt, Barry Oakley, Geoff Page, George Papaellinas, Peter Rose, John Tranter, Judah Waten, Brian White, Michael Wilding.
    2. Gentlemen Writers 2: Brian Castro, Bernard Cohen, Mat Condon (bis), Ross Cooper, Victor Crittenden, Chris Cyrill, Jim Davidson, Liam Davisson, Justin Fleming, Peter Goldsworthy, Donald Horne, Tony Ingram, Anthony Jach (bis), Bruce Keller (bis), Jean-Claude Lacherer (publisher), Geoffrey Lehmann, Jim Morgan, Gerald Murnane, Mark O'Connor, Bruce Pascoe, Angus Strachan, Tom Thompson (peintre) - B. Wongar.
    3. Ladies Writers 1: Wendy Beckett, Carmel Bird, Fiona Capp, Anne Coombs, Sarah Day, Robyn Ferrell, Gerda Foster, Sue Gillett, Darylin Gunsburg, Janet Hawley, Nance Irvine, Susan Johnson, Dorothy Johnston, Jean Kent, Gabielle Lord(bis), Gillian Mears, Maurilia Meehan (bis), Clare O'Farrell, Cathy Peake, Patricia Rolfe (cf. aussi enveloppe mixte 1).
    4. Mixed Writers 1: Marion Halligan, Patricia Rolfe (cf. aussi Ladies), John Rowland, Leon Saunders, Thea Welsh (+ her French translator) - David Young (& Cynthia Troup).
    5. Mixed Writers 2: Barbara Beckett, Edward Dwyker, Mark Hertzberg (bis), Jack Hibberd, Patti Miller, François Rosolata (photographe), Peta Spear.
    6. Mixed Writers 3: Victor Barker, Alec Bolton, Davis Brooks (& Nicolette Stasko), Nancy Cato, Patricia Clancy, Geoffrey Dutton, Ninette Dutton, Frank Horner, Nancy Keesing & (bis) Mark Hertzberg.

    BOX 12
    Correspondence, letters and cards to Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte from the following writers.

    1. Mixed Writers 4: Paul Kavanagh, William La Ganza, Tony Maniaty, Patti Miller, Joanna Murray-Smith.
    2. Ladies Writers 2: Glenda Adams, Jane Burke, Sarah Dowse (bis), Michele Field, Katherine Gallagher, Helen Garner, Darrelyn Gunzburg, Jocelyne Harewood, Paul Harrison, Elizabeth Harrower, Carmel Kikkin, Sylvia Lawson, Gabrielle Lord, Jane Owen, Fiona Place, Flowen Reads, Beth Roberts, Elaine Rolls, Rita Sharf, Anna Ward.
    3. Mixed Writers 5: Barbara Ker Wilson, Christopher Koch, Ken Green, John Marsden, Sophie Masson, Gillian Mears, Mike Thornill (Film Director), Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Sue Woolfe & Gordon Graham.
    4. Mixed Writers 6: Alan Brissenden, Cherry Ripe (bis), Peter Corris, Sarah Dowse (bis), Edward Duyker, Cris Eilis, Justin Fleming, Paul Harrison. Bruce Keller, Sasha Soldatov.
    5. French or living in France, New Caledonia, Singapore. Tim Baker, John Benson, Jean Chesneaux, Claude-Michel Cluny, Bernard Cohen, etc
    6. Robin & Virginia Wallace-Crabbe; Les Moments Littéraires, review.
    7. Didier Coste.

    BOX 13
    1. Revue des Deux Mondes; UTA.
    2. Ivor Indyk & Evelyn Juers; Sue Ryan; Xavier Pons & Géraldine Pons.
    3. Remus Leaping (12 pages of Kelver Hartley, page 13 is missing); Kelver Hartley.
    4. Kelver Hartley Fellowhip Jean-Paul Delamotte, Newcastle & Mitchell Library, 1997.
    5. Jean-Paul Delamotte’s address, Reciprocity.
    6. Dossier John Emerson, academic & author.
    (Label on original boxes: Kelver Hartley, Reciprocity; Revve des 2 mondes; Sue Ryan (la Rochelle); Ivor Indyk; Xavier Pons)
    7. Cannibal Pierce (memorable small Aus. bookshop in St. Denis - Paris)
    8. David Hannay (film director) & Mary Moody (writer).

    BOX 14
    1. Maurilia Meehan (writer).
    2. NRF (Nouvelle Revue Française, June 2003): 12 major Australian writers presented and translated into French by Jean-Paul Delamotte.
    3. NRF, October 2003: 4 Auswriters.
    4. Ambassador (and poet) John Rowland.
    5. Bob Carr.
    6. P. M. Bob Hawke.
    7. Evan Williams.
    8. Peter Collins.
    9. Dame Joan Sutherland & Richard Bonynge.
    10. (not there: folder Didier Coste, acdemic (Uni of Sydney, etc), writer.)

    BOX 15
    1. K.S. Prichard's Coonardoo, translated by Jean-Paul Delamotte.
    2. Tim Curnow, agent.
    3. Ric Throssel, son of K.S. Prichard, and our friend, together with his full page in the Weekend SMH, about his mother.
    4. Correspondence with Hélène Jaccomard, first translator (translation unused, name kept).
    5. Lérot, printer; Documents translator; KSP Foundation
    6. Sociéte des Gens de Letters (SGDL); Australian Society of Authors.
    7. Correspondence with Australian Publishers.
    8. Mitchell Library (Alan Ventress).
    9.Anciens Combattants. (file in box but not on original list)
    (not there: Attempts to raise attention : Dominique Aury, NRF ; Claude Roy, idem. Etc.).

    BOX 16
    1. Marcus Clarke, For the term of his natural life... French manuscript translation Jean-Paul Delamotte. Part 1 of 2.
    2. Marcus Clarke, For the term of his natural life... French manuscript translation Jean-Paul Delamotte. Part 2 of 2.
    3. Letters from Stephen Murray-Smith, Geoffrey Dutton, French Ambassador, Australian Ambassador, Patricia Rolfe (Bulletin).
    4. Reviews - 4 letters to V I P's.
    5. Publisher (Presss de la Renaissance).
    6. Michel Houdiard.
    7. TV series on French Channel 2.
    8. Published book: L’Indien-Pacifique, conte franco-australien.

    BOX 17
    1. Tom Thompson, friend, publisher, auctioneer, cultural figure & his wife Elizabeth Butel: correspondence & documents.
    2. Allan Chawner, photographer and friend: exhibitions in Paris and Australia, Hunter Valley. Part 1.

    BOX 18
    1. Allan Chawner, photographer and friend: exhibitions in Paris and Australia, Hunter Valley. Part 2.
    2. Tom Maher, painter, exhibition in Paris.
    3. Isabella Pluta, photographer.
    4. Canberra: Lynn Hard, friend, poet, Librarian Australian Defense Force Academy; John Tonkin, friend, design-bookbinder; Alec Bolton, friend, Brindabella Press.
    5. Melbourne: Dianne Drury, friend, Librarian La Trobe Library, & her husband John Reilly, patron of the Arts.
    6. Gail Cork, Australian Society of Authors; Rosemary Sorenson, (Australian Book Review).
    7. Australia Council (grant $5000 etc.), Rosemary Sorensen, Tom Shapcott, Sandra Forbes
    Tom Shapcott's, Dr Lit. Board, first visit.
    8. Anna Ward, director, National Association of Visual Arts; Fran Awcock, National Book Council; Sandra Forbes, Australia Council; Australia Council: Irene Stevens, Karine Graham.

    BOX 19
    1. Hon. Jack Snelling, MP Adelaide; Dr Blandine Stefanson, Academic (Adelaide); Bill Bunbury (ABC Radio, Adelaide), letter re Rainbow Warrior tragedy.
    2. Tasmania, 1987; Monash University; Correspondence, Switzerland, Belgium, G B., Germany, Venice; Helen Topliss, ANU; Perth: Terry Owen, close friend & remarkable woman; Jacques Bernard; (French bookseller, Fremantle + re research Jules Kahn); West Perth, Mathew Crowe, writer; Perth (& Boulogne), research on Jules Kahn, buried in Perth, brother of famous Albert Kahn (cf. Albert Kahn Museum & Gardens, in Boulogne).
    3. Correspondence, writers, academics etc. Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane; Prof. Robert Mane, Sorbonne.
    4. Report by Michael Costigan, Director Literature Board, 1979; Michael Costigan.
    5. Sandra Forbes, Brian Matthews, Rosemary Wighton; Australia Council (Elaine Lindsay / Nancy-Belle Brown).
    6. Literature Board: To Tom Shapcott; From Tom Shapcott; Added: Tom Shapcott.

    BOX 20
    1. Brochure: Belles Étrangères Australie, mai 90. (11 Aus. writers invited.); Belles Étrangères (initiated by Jean-Paul Delamotte, with the backing of Tom Shapcott and Jean Gattégno, Centre National des Letters, Paris): main file.
    2. Nancy Keesing Studio, Paris.
    3. Judith Rodriguez (writer & wife of Tom Shapcott).
    4. Australia Council.
    5. Misc. Michele Field, Mme Brunau (Keesing Studio), Western Australia, Alan Renouf, Tom Pascoe, Mavis Gallant, Max Bourke, Donald Horne.
    6. Philippe Tanguy (writer, publisher, translator).
    7. Published books: Paul Wenz (1869-1939); Gough et Margaret / Jean-Paul Delamotte.

    BOX 21
    1. French Ambassadors in Australia.
    2. French Consuls in Sydney.
    3. French Cultural Services.
    4. French Residents in Sydney (and Alliance Française); French residents in Melbourne;
    5. Correspondence re books with writers, journalists, academics.
    (Not in original box, see Box 6 & 15
    Australian & French Publishers.
    Mitchell Library
    SGDL (Société des Gens de Letters; French Society of Authors), Atelier du Roman (Monthly Lit. Review).)
    6. Jean-Paul Delamotte, Order of Australia (1992); Jean-Paul Delamotte, Translation Prizes 1988 & 1992; Jean-Paul Delamotte, 1974-1977: French Film Festival - Travelling Film Festival (David Stratton).
    7. Michael Costigan (Literature Board) & Family.
    8. Austrade: Sally Ann Atkinson, Trevor Baldock; (Writers & Journalists :) James Hall, Richard Hall, Janet Hawley, Patricia Rolfe, Bruce Keller.

    BOX 22
    1. A.F. Bambach, patron; Brian Johns, David White (SBS); Nicholas Pounder, bookseller & bibliophile; Qantas (Mario Borg).
    2. Coordination meetings at the Embassy in Paris.
    3. Ambassador Alan Brown (& his wife Gillian Trigs); Ambassador Kim Jones (and his wife Elizabeth); Evening Function at the Embassy 25/11/92.
    4. Ambassador Ted Pocock & Megg.
    5. Ambassador Peter Curtis & Chantal.
    6. Ambassador David Ritchie; Amb. Ric Wells; Ambassador Penny Wensley & Jeff Roach; Ambassador William Fisher.
    7. Ambassador John Spender; Miscellaneous correspondence with the Embassy in Paris; Ambassadors; Collaborateurs Ambassade (Embassy staff).

    BOX 23
    1. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    2. French National Assembly; French Senate.
    3. President Jacques Chirac (friend from youth).
    4. P M Lionel Jospin's visit; Diplomatie; Presidence de la Republique and Divers Ministeres.
    5. Ministeres a Paris, correspondence.
    6. Published books: Ah, Simone / Maurilla Meehan; Hors-texte / Tom Thompson.

    BOX 24
    1. Professor Ross Steele.
    2. Professor Colin Thornton-Smith.
    3. Dr Patricia Clancy.
    4. Professor Keith Goesch..
    5. Professor Ivan Barko letters included amongst the following folders: Universities; Monash Uni; Sydney University and Musuem; La Trobe; Sydney University; Taylor; Tasmanie 2000.

    NOTE: [Following the contents list, Jean-Paul Delamotte has added the Addendum. The cataloguer was unable to find the following items, but they may be found on closer inspection. Under “Out, lack of space – to remain in Boulogne”, the item “Ken Dutton of Henri Rochefort's, Noumea to Newcastle, the story of an escape, 1874”, was located in Box 10, folder 6.]


    BOX Nr. 1.
    Newcastle : Prof. Ken Dutton ; Dr Marie Ramsland, University (teaching + correspondence). + Misc. (Alliance Française, Newcastle Herald, Week-end Australian, etc.)

    BOX Nr. 2.
    Newcastle & Sydney : ACFA's branch, Newcastle ; Cinema (teaching & active life) ; Nicole Valaire (... year old girl, who shared our home in Paris for a year, as part of the family) ; Misc. friends : Vannak Bollen ; Charlie Goffet & Michael Taper (wonderful teachers of French) ; Bernadette McKenna (moved to Sydney) ; Patricia Wilson-Adams (etchings) ; Dr Denise Yim, academic & writer (+ Sally Murray) ; Rodney Young + 9 other friends from Newcastle... ; Margie Bryant (Sydney & London TV producer) ; Loma Henry (ex-Secretary of the Australian Ambassador in France) ; Robert Mc Cormack (Sydney lawyer & patron of the Arts) ; Cherry Ripe ( journalist & TV) ; Maro Soldani, Le cinéma australien, graduation thesis, Bruxelles/Belgium 1981.

    (Out - to remain in Boulogne)

    Publication of The War in New-Caledonia (1878). La petite Maison (see above).
    English translation by Ken Dutton of Henri Rochefort's (Noumea to Newcastle, : the story of an escape, 1874). + both titles published by La petite Maison.
  • System of arrangement
    The collection and content list is in it's original arrangement by Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte. It came in 30 boxes packed in 6 cartons but has been rehoused in more suitable archival boxes.
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: Copyright held by the Delamotte's has been transferred to the State Library of New South Wales
    Copyright holder:: State Library of New South Wales
    Research & study copies allowed: Applies only to material in which the author has been deceased for more than 50 years
    Copyright status:: The remainder of the collection has multiple copyright holders.
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and courtesy Jean-Paul and Monique Delamotte
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