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  • Title
    Box 17: Subject and place file, Cox to Derwent Valley, Tas., ca. 1838 to 1950
  • Call number
    PXA 2113/Box 17
  • Level of description
  • Date

    between ca. 1838 to 1950
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    105 photographic prints, prints, drawings and clippings (1 box)
  • Scope and Content
    1. William Cox, undated
    “William Cox (Clarendon) Vault, St. Matthew’s church yard, [Windsor?]” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned

    2. Cox’s River, 1911
    “Cox’s River, 45 miles from Camden” – below picture
    From: Mail, 27 December 1911

    3. Cranes, c. 1875 – 79
    Photograph, black and white
    Original available at PXA 439 : 24
    Negative available at ONCY 41 : 24
    4. Cranes, undated
    “Giant Crane in Melbourne” – below picture
    Print, sepia toned

    5. Creswick, undated
    “Victoria. View of Creswick” - verso
    “John Plummer, Sydney” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned

    6. Cricket, 1855
    “The first cricket match between Sydney and Melbourne was played on the Richmond ground in Victoria in 1855. In the foreground are several notabilities of the period, including the family of Commissary General Coxsworthy” – below picture
    7. Cricket, 1855 / J.B. Henderson
    “First cricket match, Sydney v. Melbourne, played on the Richmond (Vic.) Ground in 1855. In the foreground are several notabilities of the period, including the family of Commissary-General Coxsworthy”
    Photograph, sepia toned
    8. Cricket, c. 1860s
    “Melbourne Cricket Ground, from complete set of Melbourne Album by Charles Troedel, tinted lithograph”
    9. Cricket, 1874?
    “Cricket Lord’s Ground” – at foot of picture
    Print, black and white
    10. Cricket, 1893
    “Sketches at the Senior Match, Carlton v. Ivanhoe” – near top of picture
    “January 1893”
    11. Cricket, 1893
    “The Intercolonial Cricket Match – Some Impressions by our special artist” – at foot of picture
    “January 1893”
    12. Cricket, undated / Jones Lith.
    “Play!” – caption
    Published by S. Knights, Cornhill; W. Day, Lithographer to the King
    13. Cricket, undated / Fred Leist
    “The cricketer’s nightmare: run out” – caption
    Print, coloured
    14. Cricket, undated / Fred Leist
    “The cricketer’s nightmare: silly point” – caption
    Print, coloured
    15. Cricket, undated / Fred Leist
    “The cricketer’s nightmare: the batsman” – caption
    Print, coloured

    16. Crookwell, N.S.W. – Banks – Bank of New South Wales, 1950
    Photograph, black and white
    17. Crookwell, N.S.W. – Clubs – Services Club, 1947, photograph no. 1
    “Photographed on opening day, 6th Sept., 1947” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned
    18. Crookwell, N.S.W. – Clubs – Services Club, 1947, photograph no. 2
    “Photographed on opening day, 6th Sept., 1947” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned
    19. Crookwell, N.S.W. – Shops, offices, etc. – Crookwell Refrigerating Company, undated
    “Freezing Works of Crookwell Refrigerating Company in Findhorn Street near the Railway Station. They were erected in 1909 and destroyed by fire in 1930” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned
    16. Crookwell, N.S.W. – Streets – Goulburn Street, 1905
    Letter to Dot Riley of Goulburn on verso
    Post card, black and white

    17. Cue, W.A., 1895
    “Extracted from album … of views of countries visited presumably by J. McDakin Clench (whose ticket was in the album) on a world tour begun … leaving London 5 April 1895 for Albany, W.A.” – verso
    Photograph, sepia toned
    18. Cue, W.A., c. 1895
    “Extracted from album … of views of countries visited presumably by J. McDakin Clench (whose ticket was in the album) on a world tour begun … leaving London 5 April 1895 for Albany, W.A.” – verso
    Photograph, sepia toned

    19. Cullen Bullen, N.S.W. – Shops, offices & factories – Lime & Cement Works, c. 1883
    “Property of Goodlet & Smith. This was the first attempt to place cement on a commercial manufacturing basis in Australia”
    Photograph, black and white
    Original available at PXD 534, no. 16
    Negative available at ONCY 36:16

    20. Curl Curl, N.S.W., undated
    “Curl Curl Lagoon, near Manly”
    Photograph, sepia toned
    21. Curl Curl, N.S.W., undated
    “Curl Curl Bridge, near Manly”
    Photograph, sepia toned

    22. Cycling, undated
    “In the Domain” – verso
    Stamped “Tyrrell’s Museum, 149 Castlereagh Street” on verso
    Photograph, black and white

    23 - 30 Dairying, undated
    Folder with 8 pages of black and white photographs
    Originals available at `Photographs of Coolangatta [N.S.W., and panoramas of Sydney, Newcastle and Sydney Cricket Ground and Showground], ca. 1879-1898' (PXD 534)
    Negatives available at ONCY 36
    23. Dairying, undated
    1. Original at PXD 534, No. 2; Negative at ONCY 36 : 2
    2. Original at PXD 534, No. 3; Negative at ONCY 36 : 3
    2 photographs, black and white
    24. Dairying, undated
    1. Original at PXD 534, No. 4; Negative at ONCY 36 : 4
    2. Original at PXD 534, No. 5; Negative at ONCY 36 : 5
    2 photographs, black and white
    25. Dairying, undated
    1. Original at PXD 534, No. 6; Negative at ONCY 36 : 6
    2. Original at PXD 534, No. 7; Negative at ONCY 36 : 7
    2 photographs, black and white
    26. Dairying, undated
    1. Original at PXD 534, No. 8; Negative at ONCY 36 : 8
    2. Original at PXD 534, No. 9; Negative at ONCY 36 : 9
    2 photographs, black and white
    27. Dairying, undated
    1. Original at PXD 534, No. 10; Negative at ONCY 36 : 10
    2. Original at PXD 534, No. 11; Negative at ONCY 36 : 11
    2 photographs, black and white
    28. Dairying, undated
    Original at PXD 534, No. 12; Negative at ONCY 36 : 12
    Photograph, black and white
    29. Dairying, undated
    Original at PXD 534, No. 13; Negative at ONCY 36 : 13
    Photograph, black and white
    30. Dairying, undated
    Original at PXD 534, No. 14; Negative at ONCY 36 : 14
    Photograph, black and white

    DALGETTY [i.e. Dalgety]
    31. Dalgetty, N.S.W., 1925
    Photograph, black and white

    32. Daly River, N.T., undated
    “Daly River – Northern Territory. [Aboriginal Australian] is 50% Malay. W. Strethon with pagaree” – handwritten above photograph
    Photograph, sepia toned

    33. Daly River Mission, N.T., undated
    “The Daly River Mission, Northern Territory”
    Photograph, sepia toned

    34. Dams and reservoirs, undated
    “Northern Spillway – looking upstream” – verso
    Stamped “Commonwealth Immigration Office” on verso
    Photograph, black and white
    35. Dams and reservoirs – N.S.W., undated
    Photograph, black and white

    36. Dandenong, Vic. – churches – St. Michael’s Church of England, undated
    “Built 1945” – handwritten note in bottom left corner
    Post card, black and white

    37. Dangar Falls, N.S.W., undated
    “Dangar Falls 20 miles from Bellingen onto Dorrigo”?
    Photograph, sepia toned

    38. Dapto, N.S.W., undated / Kerry Photo, Sydney
    “Cabbage Palms, Dapto” – at foot of picture
    Photograph, sepia toned
    39. Dapto, N.S.W., undated / Kerry Photo, Sydney
    “At Dapto” – at foot of picture
    Photograph, sepia toned
    40. Dapto, N.S.W., undated
    “A creek at Dapto” – verso
    Photograph, black and white
    41. Dapto, N.S.W. – Churches – Dapto Church of England, undated
    Photograph, black and white
    42. Dapto, N.S.W. – Mullet Creek, 1885
    Photograph, sepia toned
    43. Darling Downs, Qld, undated
    “Scene on Emu Creek, D. Downs” – in bottom right corner of picture
    Post card, coloured

    44. Darling River, N.S.W., c. 1838 / Major T.L. Mitchell del.; G. Barnard, lith.; J. Graf, Printer to her Majesty
    Print, black and white
    From: Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia : with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales / by T.L. Mitchell. London : T. & W. Boone, 1838 / 1839?, Vol. 1, opposite p. 294
    Negative at FM1 / 1769
    45 - 46 Darling River, N.S.W., c. 1845 – 47
    Folder with 3 prints, black and white, on 2 pages
    From: Collection of 10 original drawings, 2 MS, maps and 15 proofs for the lithographs of Sir Thomas Mitchell’s Journal of an exploration into the Interior of Tropical Australia, in Search of a Route from Sydney to the gulf of Carpentaria 1845-47
    45. Darling River, N.S.W., c. 1845 – 47
    Plate 12, p. 395. Original pencil sketch inscribed on back “Lithog. last use of the Boats crossing the Darling”
    Print, black and white
    Original at PXA 3, f. 25
    46. Darling River, N.S.W., c. 1845 – 47
    Plate 12, p. 395.
    1. Proof of lithograph, before numbering and without the tinted background printing, titled “Last use of the boats”
    Original at PXA 3, f. 26
    2. Proof of lithograph, numbered and titled. Inscribed by Mitchell “Crossing the Darling in a flood – returning”
    Original at PXA 3, f. 27
    2 prints, black and white, on 1 page
    47. Darling River, N.S.W., 1886
    “Caption with original photo: A Reach on the Darling River, about 40 miles below Bourke” - verso
    Photograph, black and white
    Original available at PX*D 255, No. 4
    Negative available at ONCY 37 : 4
    48. Darling River, N.S.W., c. 1890 / Kerry Photo, Sydney
    “Loading wool. Compadore. Darling River” – at foot of picture
    “Dated about 1890 because this is the approximate date that Kerry & Co. were in Sydney. Also because we have been able to date some of his views at this date” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned
    49. Darling River, N.S.W., undated / Kerry Photo, Sydney
    “Loading wool. Compadore. Darling River” – at foot of picture
    Photograph, black and white
    This is a black and white copy of item no. 48
    50. Darling River, N.S.W., undated
    “Darling River taken from Bourke Pumping Station” - verso
    Photograph, sepia toned

    Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods
    51 - 59 Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    Folder with 14 black and white photographs on 9 pages
    Originals available at PX*D 255.
    Negatives available at ONCY 37
    51. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    1. Caption with original photo: Jandra Rocks, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255; Negative at ONCY 37 : 5
    2. Caption with original photo: Distant view of Jandra Rocks, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255; Negative at ONCY 37 : 6
    2 photographs, black and white
    52. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    1. Caption with original photo: A Reach on the Darling River, below Jandra.
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 7; Negative at ONCY 37 : 7
    2. Caption with original photo: Homestead “Yanda” Station, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 8; Negative at ONCY 37 : 8
    2 photographs, black and white
    53. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    1. Caption with original photo: Junction of the Darling and Warrego Rivers (first view). Original at PX*D 255, No. 10; Negative at ONCY 37 : 10
    2. Caption with original photo: Junction of the Darling and Warrego Rivers (second view). Original at PX*D 255, No. 11; Negative at ONCY 37 : 11
    2 photographs, black and white
    54. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    1. Caption with original photo: View from Dunlop Range, overlooking Louth, Darling River (looking west).
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 13; Negative at ONCY 37 : 13
    2. Caption with original photo: Woolshed on “Dunlop” Station, Darling River (first view), Original at PX*D 255, No. 15; Negative at ONCY 37 : 15
    2 photographs, black and white
    55. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    Caption with original photo: Woolshed on “Dunlop” Station, Darling River (second view). Original at PX*D 255, No. 16; Negative at ONCY 37 : 16
    Photograph, black and white
    56. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    Caption with original photo: Homestead “Dunlop” Station, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 17; Negative at ONCY 37 : 17
    Photograph, black and white
    57. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    Caption with original photo: Mob of 1,000 Bullocks crossing Darling River at Wilcannia (first view)
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 21; Negative at ONCY 37 : 21
    Photograph, black and white
    58. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    Caption with original photo: Mob of 1,000 Bullocks crossing Darling River at Wilcannia (second view)
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 22; Negative at ONCY 37 : 22
    Photograph, black and white
    59. Darling River, N.S.W. – Floods, 1886
    1. Caption with original photo: Woolshed on “Moorara” Station, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 31; Negative at ONCY 37 : 31
    2. Caption with original photo: View of Wentworth, Darling River.
    Original at PX*D 255, No. 15. Negative at ONCY 37 : 15
    2 photographs, black and white

    60. Darling River District, 1886
    Caption with original photo: View from Dunlop Range, overlooking Louth, Darling River (looking south )
    Photograph, black and white
    Original available at PX*D 255, No. 14
    Negative available at ONCY 37 : 14
    61. Darling River District, 1886
    “Yanda Station, Darling River (Flood of 1886)” – caption
    Print, sepia toned
    From: Appendix to Report on Darling River, No. 6
    62. Darling River District, 1886
    “Homestead lease on Toorale Station, Darling River (Flood of 1886)” – caption
    Print, sepia toned
    From: Appendix to Report on Darling River, No. 7

    63. Darling River steamers, undated
    Photograph, sepia toned

    64. Darwin, N.T., 1942
    Photograph, sepia toned
    65. Darwin, N.T., undated
    “Fort Hill: Dr. O’Hartley’s residence in the rear”
    Photograph, sepia toned
    66. Darwin, N.T., undated
    Government House and Government Offices are each indicated with an arrow
    Photograph, sepia toned
    Negative available at FM1 / 3640
    67. Darwin, N.T. – Residences – The Residency, 1911
    “The Residency, 2nd January 1911. Mr Stretton attaching the flag for hoisting” – verso
    “Philip R. Allen Esq, Box 657 G.P.[O?], Sydney” - verso
    Post card, sepia toned
    68. Darwin, N.T. – Residences – The Residency, 1911
    “Group at The Residency, 2nd January 1911. Darwin – Separation from S.A. 1911” – verso
    “Philip R. Allen Esq, Box 657 G.P.[O?], Sydney” - verso
    Post card, sepia toned

    69. Bessie Davidson (artist), undated
    “Still Life” / by Bessie Davidson
    Original is oil on board
    From: Bulletin of the National Gallery of South Australia, vol. 18 no. 3, series no. 67, January ‘57

    70. Delegate, undated / Kerry Photo, Sydney
    “Delegate from river” – at foot of picture
    Photograph, sepia toned

    71. Deloraine, Tas., undated
    Stamped “Commonwealth Immigration Office” on verso
    Photograph, black and white
    72. Deloraine, Tas. – Bridges, undated
    “Road bridge over the Meander at Deloraine, Tasmania” / by Alfred H. Cook
    Folder containing 1 colour print of a watercolour, with short clipping of text on verso

    73. Demonstrations, 1927
    “Unemployed dem[onstration] Sydney. 4/3/27” – below photograph
    Photograph, black and white

    74. Denham, W.A., undated
    “Denham, Sharks Bay, W.A.” – verso
    Stamped “Commonwealth Immigration Office” on verso
    Photograph, sepia toned

    75. Deniliquin, N.S.W., undated
    “Deniliquin: Bridge”
    Photograph, sepia toned
    76. Deniliquin, N.S.W., undated
    “Deniliquin: Gardens”
    Photograph, sepia toned
    77. Deniliquin, N.S.W., undated
    Photograph, sepia toned

    78 - 87 Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    Folder with 10 pages of photographs, black and white, of Denison’s artworks
    “Views mainly of Sydney, Wollongong, New England, Cook’s River, Hawkesbury River, Norfolk Island, Hobart and Franklin Valley, Morton Bay, c. 1846-1857”
    Originals at DG*D 4
    78. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 1 Valley with hills in the background
    2. f. 3 Four people sheltering from the rain under a tree trunk. Pencil
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    79. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 5 Landscape. Watercolour
    2. f. 7 Four people sheltering from the rain under a tree trunk. Watercolour
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    80. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    f. 8 Four people sheltering from the rain under a tree trunk. Two tone wash
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    81. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    f. 9 Waterside view. Pencil
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    82. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 11 Cross on a beach with mountain in background. Monotone wash
    2. f. 12 Lake with cattle on the side of the water and fishing boats. Monotone wash
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    83. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 15 Landscape with cattle, trees and mountains. Pencil
    2. f. 17 Silhouette of mansion. Monotone wash
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    84. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 18 Landscape with fence. Pencil
    2. f. 27 View of water with mountains in background, and sailing ship. Watercolour
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    85. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 31 Forest scene. Pencil
    2. f. 32 House and headland. Monotone wash
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    86. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 35 Mountain scene. Two tone wash
    2. f. 38 Seascape with buildings on far bank. Two tone wash
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    87. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-54
    f. 41 Flowers. “A E B 1846.” Watercolour
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    88 - 95 Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    Folder with 8 pages of photographs, black and white, of Denison’s artworks
    “Views mainly of Sydney, Wollongong, New England, Cook’s River, Hawkesbury River, Norfolk Island, Hobart and Franklin Valley, Morton Bay, c. 1846-54”
    Originals at DG*D 4
    88. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 42 Landscape with man and woman in centre. Watercolour
    2. f. 44 Landscape with man and woman in centre. Watercolour
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    89. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 47 Four men in fishing boat rowing towards the shore. Watercolour
    2. f. 53 Ship which has run aground, island in the background, two fishermen in the foreground. Watercolour
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    90. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 55 Bearded man lying down. Photograph
    2. f. 57 Five children, 4 girls and one boy. Photograph
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    91. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 58 Five children. Photograph
    2. f. 59 Portrait group including two dogs. Photograph
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4
    92. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    f. 60 Portrait of a Persian? Photograph
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    93. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    f. 61 Portrait of a Persian? Photograph
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    94. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    f. 65 Field, with mill in background. Photograph
    Photograph, black and white
    Original at DG*D 4
    95. Denison, M.C. (artist), ca. 1846-1857
    1. f. 36 Two wooden posts in foreground, water and hill in background. Monotone wash
    2. f. 36v Figure studies
    2 photographs, black and white
    Originals at DG*D 4

    96. D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “D’Entrecasteaux Channel from Middleton” – at foot of picture
    Post card, black and white

    97. Derwent River, New Norfolk, undated
    New Norfolk is a town on the Derwent River in Tasmania
    Photograph, sepia toned
    98. Derwent River, Tas., undated / J.W. Beattie, Hobart
    “Derwent above New Norfolk” – inscribed on verso
    Post card, black and white
    99. Derwent River, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “Derwent from Botanical Gardens” – inscribed on verso
    Post card, black and white
    100. Derwent River, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “Derwent R. near New Norfolk” – inscribed on verso
    Post card, black and white
    101. Derwent River, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “The Derwent near New Norfolk” – at foot of picture
    Post card, black and white
    102. Derwent River, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “Derwent River (near New Norfolk)” – inscribed on verso
    Post card, black and white
    103. Derwent River, Tas., undated / Beattie Studios, Hobart
    “Derwent showing … [?] distance” – inscribed on verso
    Post card, black and white
    104. Derwent River, Tas., undated / J. Walsh & Sons, Hobart
    “The Derwent, at New Norfolk” – below picture
    Post card, black and white

    105. Derwent Valley, Tas., undated / Beattie, Hobart
    “The Derwent Valley looking E. from above New Norfolk”
    Photograph, sepia toned
  • System of arrangement
    Box contents arranged in alphabetical order subject or location.
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright restrictions may apply: Photographs in this collection created before 1955 are all out of copyright. Photographs created after 1955 are in copyright for the life of creator plus 70 years.
    Copyright holder:: This collection has multiple rights owners
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Name
  • Subject
  • Place

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