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  • Title
    Series 01: Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders correspondence, 1957-1973 (bulk 1962-1973)
  • Call number
    MLMSS 2999/Box 1 (Y 599)
    MLMSS 2999/Box 2 (Y 600)
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1957-1973 (bulk 1962-1973)
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.52 metres of textual material (2 cartons)
  • Scope and Content
    Within each letter of the alphabet, correspondence is filed in reverse chronological order. Out-letters are chiefly by the General Secretary (Jack Horner, 1969-70, also as Honorary Secretary and Convenor of the Legal Reform Committee; Faith Bandler, 1970-73; Dulcie Flower, 1968-1969); also Jean Horner, Treasurer. A list of correspondents is included at the beginning of some folders.

    Correspondence is chiefly alphabetised by author, but is sometimes alphabetised by subject (e.g. Gurindji; Torres Strait), incorporating letters by different authors.

    Correspondents include members of Parliament, church organisations, unions, political parties, the Australian Broadcasting Commission, members of the public, and members of FCAATSI executive and Aboriginal organisations and affiliates. Some correspondence concerns the provision of support to individuals in relation to their financial, legal or housing circumstances.

    MLMSS 2999 / Box 1 (Y 599) Correspondence (A-L), 1961-1973

    A: Includes correspondence relating to Aboriginal Walkabout Committee walkathon, 1969; fundraising by Women’s Committee for Aboriginal Advancement

    C: Includes correspondence between Sir Charles Court, MLA, and Faith Bandler, 1972, concerning racial policy in South Africa; correspondence with H. C. Coombs, Chair, Commonwealth Department of the Environment Aborigines and the Arts Council for Aboriginal Affairs; national campaign for the abolition of the “Trust Fund” system in Queensland and boycott of Commonwealth Bank; draft minutes of Aboriginal Regional Council Conference, Casino, March 1969; list of officers elected to Cabbage Tree Island Village Council

    D: Includes correspondence relating to formation of Aborigines Affairs Association under auspices of Sydney Lord Mayor, 1963; correspondence file with Stan Davey, Field Research Officer, Aborigines Advancement League, Vic., re proposals for Aboriginal use of Forrest River, 1970; report from Broome, 1969

    F: Includes correspondence of Faith Bandler with Ted Fields of Walgett regarding Aboriginal representation and leadership, 1970; includes FCAATSI News (no. 6 missing, otherwise set complete)

    G: Includes folder relating to Save the Gurindji Committee, 1968-1972, including report from Darwin by Stan Smith, 4 August 1968; report of the inaugural public meeting for the Committee, 10 July 1970; “Report on the Gurindji Tribe” by Marjorie Pizer Holburn, 1971; correspondence; printed flyers and donation sheets; “Report from a member of the Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights”, undated (following walk off from Wave Hill Station)

    H: includes correspondence with R. J. [Bob] Hawke as ACTU President, 1970-1973; correspondence between Faith Bandler and members of the public concerning police action against Aboriginal protesters in front of Parliament House, July 1972; correspondence regarding housing, including copies of correspondence between Richmond-Tweed Trades and Labor Council and Minister for Housing concerning an eviction in Woodenbong, NSW, May-June 1972; correspondence relating to health and the Nancy Young manslaughter case, 1969; correspondence with Harry Hall of Walgett, re Nancy Young case and other matters, 1969; correspondence of Jean Horner, Treasurer, 1961-1968

    I: includes correspondence with Commonwealth Minister for the Interior re land rights and Aboriginal embassy, 1972, and re applications for authority to prospect in Arnhem Land by Goulburn Island people and Union Carbide, 1971; correspondence with Illawarra Advancement Tribe (Illawarra Advancement Committee), re affiliation, 1970 conference, Department of Social Services, and Bicentenary; letter from Les Clare, South Coast Labour Council, re Kevin Gilbert’s parole and writing, 1969; roneo report by A. Kalekerinos, Collarenebri, re health of Aboriginal infants in Northern Territory, [1971?]

    J: letters from Jean Jimmy, New Mapoon, 1968-69; Henry Joseph, Thursday Island, 1968; carbon copy of signed, undated petition from people of Aboriginal descent resident in the Walgett district pledging support for Reverend Rod Jepson; Jay Creek Progress Association brochure, with names of office bearers

    K: Includes correspondence with Senator Jim Keeffe concerning a Royal Commission into the death of Tom Geia on Palm Island, 1972; correspondence between Ruth Kaplan and Faith Bandler concerning John Belia case and other matters, 1972; letter from Rodney Knock, 1971, concerning gazetted changes to Aboriginal reserves

    L: Correspondence with John Little concerning the history land rights in common law; correspondence regarding relief for strikers at Wattie Creek; university admission requirements; the trade in Aboriginal artefacts; the “living-away-from-home” allowance paid under the Employment Training Scheme; correspondence with Mosman Branch of Australian Labor Party concerning resolutions passed relating to conditions at Dareton, NSW

    MLMSS 2999 / Box 2 (Y 600) Correspondence (McG-Z), 1957-1973

    M: Includes “McGinness file”, (Joe McGinness, FCAATSI President), containing correspondence (with Faith Bandler, Jack Horner and Dulcie Flower) relating to multiracialism in FCAATSI, 1972, reports on trip to the Northern Territory, trust fund system in Queensland, formation of Mona Mona Aboriginal Co-operative, wage discrimination aboard prawn processing vessels, fishery legislation, Banks Island mining, and many other issues in northern Australia and nationally, and concerning the administration of FCAATSI.

    N: includes file: “North Shore Women’s Aboriginal Committee” (Women’s Committee for Aboriginal Advancement); file: “Notices, agendas, memos to Executive”, including report on 1967 conference questionnaire by Stan Smith, Publications Convenor; FCAATSI Executive meeting reports, 1972-1973; correspondence with Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights, 1968

    O: Includes correspondence with Operative Painters and Decorators’ Union of Australia, NSW Branch, concerning affiliation with FCAATSI and emergence of Aboriginal organisations nationally; correspondence with Origin newspaper re inclusion of FCAATSI news (includes list of FCAATSI Associate members as at 13/3/70); oration by Kath Walker [Oodgeroo Noonuccal] presented to FCAATSI for use in the oration, Parliament House, Canberra, 27 March 1970.

    P: Correspondents include Pauline Pickford; Presbyterian Church, Queensland, Board of Local Mission, re award rates paid by Comalco; Point Pearce Reserve Council; Charles Perkins, re trust fund system and other matters; Neville Perkins, FCAATSI Abschol Convenor, re conditions in Alice Springs and proposing it as location of 1972 FCAATSI Conference; Pensioners’ Little Budge Campaign; Barrie Pittock, FCAATSI Legislative Reform Convenor, re campaign for land rights, royalties for Pitjantjatjara people, and proposed amendments to FCAATSI constitution, with paper, “Why I believe only Aborigines and Islanders should decide FCAATSI Policies”, 1970; Commonwealth Patents Office, re protection of traditional craftsmanship, 1969; Prime Minister and Premiers, re formal recognition of land rights, 1969; file, “Press statements and letters to press”

    Q: Includes correspondence with Queensland Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, re Queensland Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Bills, 1971, and wages and fieldwork of FCAATSI President

    R: Correspondents include Frank Roberts, Chair, NSW Aboriginal Land Board re proposed emergency Aboriginal meeting and other matters, 1971-1972; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers); Lloyd Rees. Includes correspondence and papers concerning 1967 Referendum

    S: Correspondents include Seamen’s Union; Bobbie (Roberta) Sykes; Ern Skuthorpe, Goodooga, NSW, re appropriation of Aboriginal designs in manufactured products including boomerang, 1971; Stan Smith, re termination of employment of Alf Stanislaus at NT Department of Works, sales of book Equal Rights for Aborigines, land rights campaign; Mamie Smith; W. C. Wentworth (Minister in Charge of Aboriginal Affairs) re proposed establishment of Aboriginal township near Wattie Creek, 1968; with report from Northern Territory by Mamie and Stan Smith, undated

    T: Correspondents include Gordon Bryant and Stanley Waigama re transfer of Torres Strait Islands to Papua New Guinea; Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Advancement League Townsville Branch, re allegations of racism and prejudice in Townsville, 1972; NSW Teachers’ Federation; Cecil Taylor, Aborigines’ Progressive Association, Woodenbong; subjects include trust fund system; Inter-Racial Seminar, Townsville, 1967; includes poem, “The White Slave”, by Joe Timbery, 1971 (carbon typescript)

    V: Correspondents include Aborigines Advancement League Victoria

    W: Correspondents include Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom; Waterside Workers’ Federation; Women Active Politically; Kath Walker; Gough Whitlam. Subjects include Nancy Young case

    Y: includes correspondence with Rod Hall, editor of Yinjilli : bulletin of the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement; Arthur Kalokerinos and Kath Walker, re Nancy Young case; papers relating to Yirrkala people and Nabalco Ltd. bauxite/alumina project at Gove
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright restrictions may apply:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
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