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  • Title
    Award winning Higher School Certificate Personal Interest Projects (PIPs), 2007
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 9178
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.16 metres of textual material (1 box)

    The Personal Interest Project (PIP) is a compulsory section of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Society and Culture course. The PIP can be up to 5,000 words and is worth 30% of the course for the HSC. It provides an opportunity for students to carry out guided social and cultural research in an area of personal interest.

    The annual Society and Culture Awards are held under the auspices of the Society and Culture Association at the Mitchell Library. These awards acknowledge both excellence in the overall HSC examination for the ‘Top 10’ candidates and for excellence in the Personal Interest Project by acknowledging candidates who have achieved a High Distinction. Each recipient is given an individually engraved medal and in some cases a specific prize.

    Prizes are traditionally books which are given to ‘First in State’, and to those HD PIPs which are also considered the best in specific categories and are significant in demonstrating social and cultural literacy. In recent years PIP Prizes have included: the Reconciliation Prize (sponsored by the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, AECG), the Civics and Citizenship Prize (sponsored by the Parliamentary Education Office, Canberra), the Gender Studies Prize (sponsored by the State Library of NSW), the Popular Culture Prize, the Equality & Difference Prize, the Belief Systems Prize, the Studies of Asia Prize and the President’s Prize (all sponsored by the Society and Culture Association).

    Pearson Australia. http://pearson.com.au/media/357329/9781740819121.pdf (accessed 14 October, 2013
    How the association acknowledges excellence in society and culture. Culturescope, Vol. 80, July 2006: 13-14. Via Informit Online http://search.informit.com.au/fullText;dn=574412533371676;res=IELHSS (accessed 17 Oct. 2013)
  • Scope and Content
    Award winning Personal Interest Projects for 2007

    Frances Chen (North Sydney Girls' High School)
    Making a splash in the global pool: An examination of the phenomenon of Australian expatriation to China
    Studies of Asia Prize

    Martene Gelle (Macarthur Girls' High School)
    ‘You want me to do the washing up too?’: The recalcitrance of the traditional male gender role and the defeat of second wave feminism
    Gender Studies Prize

    No name or school given on paper
    The Big Issue: An investigation into the motivations behind volunteering with the homeless

    Anna Gudkov (Hornsby Girls' High)
    Opening a Matroishka doll … which one am I? What drives a previously subjugated culture to rise again?

    Catherine McPherson (Hornsby Girls' High School)
    Growing up straight: Heteronormative socialisation and its impact on homosexual identity formation
    Equality and Difference Prize

    Ellen Collier (No school identified)
    Two rivers, one course: The reconciliation process has enhanced the self identity of the Indigenous peoples?
    Reconciliation Prize

    Belinda Wong (Hornsby Girls' High School)
    The ‘Reffo’ Proof Fence: How does the detention of adolescent asylum seekers impact on their socialisation and sense of identity?
    Civics and Citizenship Prize

    Eugenia Baydikova (Hornsby Girls' High School)
    Lost in translation: An investigation into the importance of language to cultural identity within the Russian-Australian community

    Lara Mansfield (Merewether High)
    ‘I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my homosexuals flaming’: A social study of the representations of homosexuals on ‘The Simpsons’

    Talia Hoffman (Emanuel School)
    Is authority a good servant but a poor master?
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - multiple copyright owners
    Rights and Restrictions Information:: Reproduction restricted
  • Description source

    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords Project 2013-2014
  • General note

    Reference copies of all PIP papers are available in the SRL Reading Room
  • Subject

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