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  • Title
    Collection 3: Vivienne Binns further papers, 1969-2007
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10675
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    2.04 metres of textual material (12 boxes)
  • Scope and Content
    Box No. Box Title File Names
    BOX 1 Reference Material, Newsletters relating to Practice and Activism, 1979 - 1997 [ Art and Artists ] (News Clippings, Catalogues, Articles, Misc.)
    Aboriginal Art
    Art and Artists: Miscellaneous
    Art and Artists: News Clippings (Art General)
    Art Catalogues/ Invites / Sen Interest / Artist Statements
    Binns: Record of Binns' Art Slides at UWS
    Women Art And Artists: Clippings / Catalogues / Letters / Photos
    Women Artists: 10/40 Conference
    Images of Women: clippings / Photographs
    LIP Arts Journal: Notes / Clippings
    Women General: Clippings / Pamph. / Photocopy
    Copy Right - Moral Rights: Lectures/ Articles/ Cases

    Box 2 Reference Material, Newsletters relating to Practice and Activism, 1979 - 1997 [ News Letters ] (Bulletins, Catalogues, Exhibition Invites)
    AsiaLink Arts
    Arts Alive Newspaper
    Art Force
    Art + Law (Arts Law Centre)
    Art Space Newsletter
    Artists Union / Art Workers Union: Newsletters, Meeting agendas
    Aus. Council: Library Bulletin / Research Info
    Banks' Florilegium: Invitations
    Community Arts Assoc. / Aboriginal Arts: Express Newsletter
    Caper: no. 9, 17, 20-24
    MCA News (ISSN 1038-9741): 1994-6
    News Clippings Arts Funding / Moral Rights issues
    Arts Workers Union News 1979-97

    BOX 3 Reference Material, Newsletters relating to Practice and Activism, 1979 - 1997 NSW Community Arts Association: Newsletters: Arts National, Arts File, Arts Express, 1st & 2nd CAA Conference's 1986

    Network News (Tasmanian Communtity Arts Magazine 1988-1991, ISSN 1035 0543)
    Craft Council NSW ('Crafts' NSW 1987-1991)
    Gay and Lesbian Art Association Research Centre (Newsletters 1996, Forms, News Clippings, Pride Newsletter, Gay and Lesbian Arts Association, Gay and Lesbian Research Conference Handout, Australian Centre for Gay and Lesbian Research 1995)
    Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (Newsletter, Annual Report, Petition and Correspondance, Fliers)
    Australian Centre for Gay and Lesbian Research Newsletter 1994
    Oral History Association (Newsletter 1986, 1989, and Correspondance)

    BOX 4 Teaching ANU School of Art: Core Studies 1994-2007 School of Art Future Models
    Core Studies Staff Meeting Notes 2001, 2008
    Design BA (Proposed)
    Jugs' 2007 Stealth Publication
    ANUSET Student Evaluation of Teaching 2005-7 (confidential)
    Core Life Drawing (Teaching Notes)
    Core Studies 2D (Teaching Notes)
    Core Studies Guidelines c.2001-6
    Core Studies Curriculum Review 2001-3: Misc., Teach Notes, Programs, Timetables, Staff info, Staff meetings
    Core Studies Student Statements 2001
    Core Studies Forms and Results (no date)
    Foundation 2D Teaching Notes 1996
    Foundation 2D 1995-8 (Teaching Notes)

    BOX 5 Teaching ANU School of Art: Core Studies 1994-2007 Core Studies: Intro to Art and Design Theory 2007 (Teaching Notes, Assessment items and Student Papers)
    Art Theory 1993-7 (Assorted Readings, Bibliographies, Course Guides)
    Art Theory 2006 (Course Guide, Assesment pieces)
    Art Theory Course Guides 2000, 2002, 2006
    Manual for Tutoring and Demonstrating
    Essay Comments 2000
    Introduction to Art Theory A 2004 (Teaching Notes)
    Introduction to Art Theory A 2005 (Assesment)
    Introduction to Art Theory A 2007 ('Why Do We Need Art Theory? An Artist's Perspective)
    Fountation Theory 1995-8, 2001 (Course Guides, Student Papers, Assesment, ANUSET's, Readings and Correspondance)

    BOX 6 Vivienne Binns Projects 1979-2007 Tax Invoices (Select Year) 2003-4 [a]
    Tax Invoices (Select Year) 2003-4 [b]
    Order Book 1983-97 (Triplicating Carbon copy book)
    V. Binns Selected Tax Analysis / Selected Payment Advice, 1991, 1992, 1995, 2000: Correspondence with tax agent, tables of income and expenditure 1999-2000; 1995-6; 93-4; 92-3; Group certificates and statements of benefit various 1987, Information regarding Artists Taxation, Correspondence with Ernst & Young 1991-2, Australian Taxation Office [A.T.O.]: Creative Arts Industry Tax Reform Research 1997 (correspondence, lists, questionaire), Correspondence with Arthur Young Assoc. 1989, Correspondence with A.T.O. 1988, Misc. Payment Advice 1995-2003: (Printed letters, some hand written notes.)
    Book of Tables of Income & Expenditure 1990-1, 91-2,
    Payment Advice Selection 1995-2003 (past)
    I Hate Australia Forum May 2005
    Painting Frames Zeljko 2004
    NAVA Business Basics Workshop Evaluations 2004
    New England Regional Art Museum 1998-2001
    Museum of Sydney "Sub-Urb" Exhibition April 2000
    Peter Emmet Tower of Babel 1999-2000
    "Making Connections Tamwoth; Regional Arts Conference NSW (Pat Parker) 2000- VB Presenter
    AAAR Exhibiton ACT WAAR Tax Protest 1997-2000
    VB Futures 1998-99

    BOX 7 Vivienne Binns Projects 1979-2007 Conferences, Seminars, Misc. 1998-2000 ("Shift" Contemporary Textile Practice, "Making New Ground" "Hatched" PICA WA 1998-2000, "Fusion Across the Arts Symposium 2003" "Bursting Boundaries 2003")
    New Address O'Connor Mail-out, original and copys.
    Martin-Chew, Louise [Freelance Writer] Profile Article for Craftsman HSE "Australian Painting Today" 1998: Correspondence, Artist Statement.
    "Patterning" Asia Link Exhibition Merryn Gates 1997-8: Images, Correspondece, Catalogue, Invoice.
    Collaborations 1997: With Students and Ex-Students (notes and photos)
    Flying Arts Inc. Exhibition 1996-7: "3x8+1: 25 Years of Flying Art" (Correspondence, catalogue, clippings)
    "Arty Ms." Exhibition 1995: Drawings, Correspondence, Catalogue.
    Cheju Biennale, Korea, 1995: "Island to Island" (Correspondence, Invitation, Gallery Room sheet)
    Tin Sheds "Under a Hot Tin Roof: 25 Yrs Celebration" 1995 (Catalogue, Correspondence)
    Visual Analysis 1969-95: Including: Peter Kenny and Vis. Analysis 1989-95 and Death Notices.
    Womens' Art Register 1979-95 (correspondence, Newsletters, Bulletins)
    Australia Council and 'Peer Assessment' 1995-7
    Grants and Applications: Perspecta 1995 Failed

    BOX 8 Vivienne Binns Projects 1979-2007 Vivienne Binns Curriculum Vitae 1967-94
    Seeing Australia 1994: Piper Press Graeme Sullivan
    Job Applications 1987-94: For Part-Time Teaching
    Watters Gallery 30th Birthday Party (Clippings, Invites, Lists, Correspondence)
    Umbrella Studio Ass: Townsville 1994 (Notes, Gazette, Correspondence)
    Jane Richens 1993: Pay Sheets and Slide Kits.
    Grants 1993: Mid-America Arts Alliance 'M AAA' (Failed)
    Barry Stern's: Mardi Gras 1993 (Invoice, Worklist, Invitations)
    Grants 1993: South Island Art Projects New Zealand (Correspondence 1992-3 Failed or incomplete)
    Lease - Hazelbrook 1992.
    Dissonance 2, 1991, conference UNSW 28-9th Sept.
    Dissonance 1, 1991-94, Artspace and Anthology
    Canavre Exquis' 1993: The Drawing Centre New York
    Affordable Home Loan 1989: Chippendale Artworkers Housing Group inc. 1992-3
    Art Workers Housing Project: Hardings Solic. Trust Acc's 1992-3
    WildWise: Adventures for Women 1990-2 Pitjantjatjara Tour (News Letters, Programs, correspondence)

    National Foundation for Australian Women 1989-90
    Nava: Live Artists Project c.1989-90 (Draft notes, Photographs)
    Grants 1988: Churchill Fellowship (failed) (Forms, info, notes, correspondence)
    Artists Contract Sample 1980's
    Pumps: c.1970s-1997 Hand drawn maps, Lists, diagrams
    Art Services Consultancy1989: Cath, Val & Viv [notes for] Brochure
    Apace: Wapi Pathum Project (Michael Tuckson) 1989 (leaflets, correspondence)
    Flying Arts School 1988: Queensland (Correspondence, invoice, Gazette, Forms, notes on manila folder)
    Dept. Social Security 1985-87 (notes, correspondence)
    NRMA - Accident Lawson 1984: Personal (Correspondence, Photographs, Court and Insurance Documents)
    Datsun Dual-Cab Documents 1982

    BOX 9 Vivienne Binns Teaching Notes 1990-95 (S.C.A, C.S.U, A.N.U.) Teaching Notes: Charles Sturt Uni. School of Art & Cultural Heritage
    Sydney College of the Arts [S.C.A.] 1996: (course guide, Teaching Notes, Exams)
    S.C.A. Vanya Taule'alo M.V.A. Thesis Print media Eternal Symbols (notes, correspondence)
    Canberra School of Art [A.N.U.] Teaching Notes 1994: Drawing Sub-Major
    A.N.U Teaching Notes 1995: Sculpture Third-Year
    A.N.U Teaching Notes 1995: Painting Sub-Major
    Public Arts Course & Diverse Practices [Proposed Post-Grad Course] 1995: notes
    A.N.U Teaching Notes 1996: Painting Sub-Major (course materials, student proposals)
    A.N.U Course Guides 1995-7: 'Introduction to Painting: The Painting Body' 1995-7 (course Guides, Class Rolls, Assessment, Notes); 'Foundation workshop program: Cultural Nexus' 1997 'Proposal -Painting Mentoring Program' 1997.
    A.N.U. 1st Year Painting: Open Day Notes for Display
    A.N.U. Honours Student Papers 1996, 98 (Bronwen Sandland, )
    A.N.U. Course Guides 1996-8 (Course Guides, Class Rolls, notes)
    A.N.U. First Year Painting 1998: (Assessment notes, Photographs of Action Painting Student Project 1998)

    BOX 10 Vivienne Binns: Teaching 'Art & Community Practices', College of Fine Arts UNSW 1982-90. Flyers: For Working Artists c.1980s ('Art and Working Life', 'N.S.W. Community Arts Association', 'Taxing Questions' Australia Council, 'Artists' Rights: Suggested Syllabus Topics', 'Arts Law Centre of Australia'
    University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts [City Arts]: Course Notes 1989-90 (Forms, Contracts, Class Rolls, Hand-outs, Student Proposals, Draft Student Essay, Internal Memorandum, Notes, Notes and Questions for 'Analysing ther Field of Cultural Production'
    Community Art Courses, 1978, 1989: Mitchell College of Advanced Education Community Arts Course 1978; City Arts 'Art and Community Practices' Sem.1 1989: (Proposals To Viv for Community Art Projects and Responses from Viv for such Projects)
    Artists Professional Organisations 1986-9: (News Letters and Flyers: NAVA, Arts Workers Union, NAVA Artists Data Base, Community Arts File, Crafts N.S.W)
    City Arts Teaching 1987-9: Course Materials (Reading Brick 'Mapping the Modern - The Post Modern'1984, Course Guide 'Art History and Theory'1985, Cutting Board, Teaching Notes 1988-9, Internal memorandum 1987, Teaching Contract 1989)
    S.C.A. Course Materials 1989: 1st yr. Photography course notes, 1989; 'Artists at work: Your Rights and Responnsibilities, information booklet Aust. Council, 1987'; 'Art Link: Community Art, 1990'; Art and Community Practices course notes 1989 (Student community art Proposals, Class Rolls, OH&S Staff Circular)
    Training: AIC T. Program Bowral, 1982, Artists in the Community Training Program Participants Final Report.
    Training: Victorian Ministry for the Arts, 1984-5. Documents of Training Program Introduction, Lists of particpants and projects, Working paper, 'Process and Practice' Evaluation Report.
    Community Arts Development Resources: 'Nesson, Jero, Artists in Space: A handbook for Developing Artists' Studio Space, Fort Point Arts community, Inc of South Boston, 1987. 'Community Arts Directory Registration Form, NSW'

    BOX 11 Vivienne Binns: Community and The Arts: Australian Perspectives [The Big Book] 1987-91 (Filed Alphabetically) Audience [Background Reading for project] 1986: Info on and understanding of community Arts
    Budget: hand Written and Typed Budget Drafts 1987-8
    B.T. Financial Services Ltd 1987-93: Hi-Yield Trust Investment of Grant (Correspondence, Newsletters, cheque book)
    [National Australia] Bank & Money Management 1987-93: (Cheque books x2 and stubb x1, Bank Statements and Correspondence)
    Current 1992-: Correspondence and Clippings Related to Community and The Arts: Australian Perspectives (Mainly Pluto Press)
    Correspondence 1986-1993
    Contract [For Publication] with Pluto Press 1990
    Copyright Clearance 1989-90: Correspondence with copyright holders for inclusion of Images etc. in publication.
    Contributed Articles Synopsis [Drafts] 1987
    Diary and Hours 1987-89: Note regarding Missing Diary 1989, Table of Hours Worked/Payed.
    Expenses 1988-92: Invoices and Reciepts.
    Launch [30 Oct. 1991]: Colour Copy of Book Cover, publication page, Invitation, Guest List, New Publications Listing.
    Meetings 1987-88: Minutes and notes
    Preliminaries: Structure and Content in Progress, Lists of Potential Contributors.
    Philosophy, Community Arts: 'An introduction to the Community Arts Training Scheme' 1985 Regional Arts Development Committee NSW, News Clippings from The Australian, 'The Artist and Community' in Category "B" 1984, Typed and hand written statements on Community Art and Philosophy; statements and definitions of Art and Aestrhetics; philosophy of community Arts Association
    Royalties Statement 1992
    Submission, to 'Literature Board Publishing Subsidy Program' 1986, Final Letter for Submission, Drafts, Figures, Notes and Information.

    BOX 12 Canberra Contemporary Art Space (CCAS) Board 1994-98 CCAS Strategic and Business Plans 1994-8
    New Director Interviews 1997
    New Director [Applicants] 1997
    New Director [Interviews] 1996
    CCAS Miscellaneous 1994-6: Australia Council Guides to the Arts 1993, Grid CCAS Newsletters 1994, News clippings relating to Changes to ACT Arts Funding 1996, Chief Minister's Multicultuyral Coinsultative Council Draft Discussion Paper 1996, Peer Assessment Review Discussion Paper, Australia Council, 1995.
    CCAS Board 1995-6
    CCAS Board 1994-5 [File A]
    CCAS Board 1994-5 [File B]
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright restrictions may apply:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
  • Finding Aids
    Box listing on file
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