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  • Title
    Gould family papers, ca. 1840-1893
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 2141
  • Level of description
  • Date

    ca. 1840-1893
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Microfilm : CY 4744, frames 1-305 (MLMSS 2141/Folder 1)
    Microfilm : CY 4745, frames 1-329 (MLMSS 2141/Folder 2)
    Microfilm : CY 4746, frames 1-301 (MLMSS 2141/Folders 3 and 4)
  • Physical Description
    0.1 metres of textual material (1 box)

    John Gould, 1804-1881, ornithologist and zoologist, was in Australia during 1838-1840. Of his sons, Henry, 1830-1855, a doctor, died in India; Franklin, 1838-1873, also a doctor died at sea; Charles, 1834-1893, a geological surveyor was in Australia from 1856 to circa 1873. John Gould also had three daughters, Eliza, Louisa and Sarah, of whom Sarah married first to John Muskett and late to Mr Moon.

    Charles Gould 1834-1893, the son of John and Elizabeth Gould, was the first Geological Surveyor of Tasmania, appointed from 1859 to 1869. He also acted as a consultant geologist and land surveyor in Tasmania, the Bass Strait Islands and in New South Wales.
  • Scope and Content
    Folders 1-3 contain correspondence arranged chronologically.

    Folder 1, 1841-1864 request microfilm CY 4744
    Folder 2, 1865-1879 request microfilm CY 4745
    Folder 3, 1880-1893 request microfilm CY 4746

    The correspondence in these folders include;

    18 Letters from John Gould to Charles (chiefly in Tasmania), 1859-1873

    80 Letters from Charles to his father, 1857-1881. Written from England; on board ship; from Tasmania, where he was government geologist. 1859-1868; from NSW, WA and various parts of Asia. The Tasmanian letters are written from Hobart and other parts of the colony, including Cape Barren and Flinders Islands. The last letter to his father is dated 8 February 1881, five days after the death of the intended recipient.

    Charles' letters to his father contain the following:
    Lively accounts of the Victorian goldfields, 1859.
    His term as government geologist in Tasmania, with accounts of expeditions to the west coast.
    His surveys for gold and copper.
    His interest in natural history.
    His efforts to collect bird eggs for his father.
    Accounts of trout and salmon fishing and his interest in Allport's introduction of salmon in the Derwent. Charles became disenchanted with the government and launched various private mining companies.

    60 letters from Charles to sisters, 1857-1893, undated. One letter dated 16 May 1857, is written from New York. Later letters are written from England, Tasmania, Melbourne, and parts of Asian and South America. Charles died in Montevideo in 1893. His last letter is dated 9 July 1890.

    Also includes letters from Sir John and Lady Franklin, 1842-1848.

    Folder 4 request microfilm CY 4746
    Miscellaneous correspondence and documents of Charles. Includes a holograph testimonial, 31 July 1868, from the governor of Tasmania, Col. T. Gore Browne. The miscellaneous mainly relate to geological matters.

    30 letters from Franklin Gould to his father, John Gould.

    14 letters from Henry Gould to his father, John Gould.

    Folder 5
    Newspaper extracts
  • Description source

    Information transferred from Manuscripts Leaf Catalogue No. 2 as part of the eRecords Project, 2009-2010
  • General note

    This collection includes pictorial material at Pic.Acc.4098
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