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  • Title
    Drawings by Arago and de Sainson made during French expeditions in the Pacific, includes one from the artist Niel, ca 1818-1829 / drawn by Jacques Arago, Louis de Sainson, Robert Neill
  • Creator
  • Call number
    PX*D 150
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  • Physical Description
    104 drawings (1 album) - 32 x 47 cm.

    Jacques Arago, watercolourist and marine draughtsman, was born in Estagel, near Perpignan, France. He, Taunay and Pellion were the artists and draughtsmen employed on Louis de Freycinet's officially-sponsored French expedition around the world aboard the Uranie which visited Australia from 1819-1819.
    Louis de Sainson, watercolourist and draughtsman, was born in Paris on 26 April 1800. He began his naval career in a secretarial position at the French Atlantic port of Rochefort from 21 August 1825 until 6 January 1826, then volunteered to join the Astrolabe as a draughtsman. He was recommended to the expedition's commander Dumont d'Urville by Quoy and joined the ship at Toulon on 7 February 1826.
    Robert Neill, painter and public servant, was born in Edinburgh. In both Van Diemen's Land and Western Australia Robert Neill took a particular interest in the Aboriginal people. He collected Aboriginal artefacts (later presented to the University Museum, Edinburgh) and sketched Aboriginal subjects.

    Dictionary of Australian Artists Online
  • Scope and Content
    Comprises an album containing 104 pencil, watercolour and ink sketches on 61 pages.

    f. 1. Iles Marimse. d[?] [? Lbauche? d'une scene day [?] combat de corps a Agana. 1818. croque par Js. Arago
    f. 2. Montagenes volcaniques de Batouguede (Timor). Oct [1818?]
    f. 3a. La Pitterboth (ile Maurice). J.A.
    f. 3b. La Corvette l'Uranie entrainee par les courants au milieu des rochers de Boula-Boula. 1818. J.A.
    f. 4a. Montagnes volcaniques de Batouguede (Timor). J.A.
    f. 4b. [? implement]
    f. 5. Guham. 1819. Danse des habitant del Carolines. Js. Arago. 1819
    f. 6. Agana. 1819. Danse des Naturele des Caroliner. Js Arago fecit, 1819
    f. 7. Guham. 1819. Danse des habitans des Carlines, executees a Agana 1819. Js. Arago fecit.
    f. 8. (Moloques) Ile Bourou. Dase des Habitans de Cajeli dans la maison de l'Agent Hollandais
    f. 9. Cimes du Movena Lach ... (Owhyhee). J.A.
    f. 10. Timor. vue de la rade de la ville & du fort du Coupang (Kupang). J.A.
    f. 11. Torrent de Kinkham. 1820. J.A.
    f. 12. las grande Tijuka. 1820. J.A.
    f. 13a. Tombeaux (nouvelle - Galles - du-Sud). 1820. J.A.
    f. 13b. Amusemens Sandwichiens (Mowhee). 1820. J.A.
    f. 14a. Casoar (Nouvelle Hollande). J.A.
    f. 14b. Ornithoinque Roux (Nille. galles du Sud). J.A.
    f. 15a. 1.Chapeau Mandarin Chinois. 2,3 & 4 Chapeaux des Sultans de tidre et de Tirnate. J.A.
    f. 15b. Pirogue de la Nouvelle guinea.
    f. 16. [Implements of] Nouvelle Hollande [identifying key at lower edge]. J.A.
    f. 17a. Combat d'anthropophage d'Ombay. J.A.
    f. 17b. [Implements of Malais and other areas. Identifying key at lower right]. J.A.
    f. 18a. arc & fleches de l'oceanic
    f. 18b. Bouclier des Celebes [and] Casque ... des Celebes
    f. 18c. Maniere de faire du feu des naturels Waiggiou [Waigeu]. J.A.
    f. 19a. [Implements] Chinois. [identifying key at upper right]. J.A.
    f. 19b. (wohoo) [tatooed man balancing on ball]. J.A.
    f. 20a. [Untitled: blindfolded man hopping between spikes]
    f. 20b. [Untitled: woman and two children]
    f. 21. Van Diemen Indigenes des deux sexes (Port Jackson). [inscribed Dessin communique par M.Niel]
    f. 22. [Untitled: portrait]
    f. 23. Vue prise aux Pamplemousser (Ile de France)
    f. 24. Koukini surnomme Djack (ler. Pilote de tamahamah). 1820. J.A.
    f. 25a. Nlle Zelande (Sydney) cote de I'lle nord 29. Rangatira de Teraouiti
    f. 25b. Nlle Zelande (Sydney) cote de I'lle nord 30. naturel de Tolaga
    f. 26a. Tonga tabou. 48 Palou I'un des chefs
    f. 26b. Tonga tabou. 49. Lavaka autre chef
    f. 27a. Tonga tabou. 50. Ata chef du village de bihifo [?]
    f. 27b. Tonga tabou. 51. Houilia [?] chef chretien
    f. 28a. Tonga tabou. 52. Tapani, Mataboule de Palou
    f. 28b. Tonga tabou. 53. Tahofa parent de Palou
    f. 29a. Tonga tabou. 56. Konlivaile mataboule de Tohofa
    f. 29b. Tonga tabou 57. Vadovai[?] id
    f. 30a. Tonga tabou. 58. Holukai
    f. 30b. Tonga tabou. 59. Touboho-dodai
    f. 31a. [To]nga tabou. 62. William fils de Palou
    f. 31b. [To]nga tabou. 63. Nioulala parent de Palou
    f. 32a. Tonga Tabou. 66. Fainanou l'un des chefs
    f. 32b. Tonga Tabou 67. Kover[?] petite fille
    f. 33a. Archipel des Fidgi (Lakemba) 73. Louala ne d'un pere de Tonga Tabou & d'une mere de Fidgi ... (vu a la nouvelle galle du Sud)
    f. 33b. Archipel des Fidgi (Lakemba) 74. Toki, frere du Roi de Lakemba, l'une des Iles Fidgi ... (Vu a la nouvelle galle du Sud)
    f. 34a. [Three musical instruments, with notes]
    f. 34b. Archipel des Fidgi, 18. Eamani ne a Tonga-tabou. Viti Lebon
    f. 35a. Archipel des Fidgi. 79. Luganaugasai[?] Viti Lebou
    f. 35b. Archipel des Fidgi. 80. Siaboula. Vita Lebou
    f. 36a. Nelle Irlande. 81 ... Deux naturels, venus a bord d'uraine. Havre Carteret
    f. 36a. Nlle Irlande. ... 82. Deux naturels, venus a bord de l'uraine. Havre Carteret
    f. 37a. Nelle Irlande. 83. un naturel. Harve Carteret
    f. 37b. Nelle Irlande. 84. Tainte. Harve Carteret
    f. 38a. Nelle Irlande. 85. Tamarou. Havre Carteret
    f. 38b. Nelle Irlande. 86. naturel inconnu. Havre Carteret
    f. 39a. Nelle Irlande. 87. naturel peint d'apres nature. Havre Carteret
    f. 39b. Nelle Irlande. 88 autre naturel. Havre Carteret
    f. 40a. Nelle Guinee. 89. Krem chef a Dorey. Port Dorey
    f. 40b. Nelle Guinee 90. Aikierou autre chef. Port Dorey
    f. 41a. Nelle Guinee. 91. Houren. Port Dorey
    f. 41b. Nelle Guinee (Nawonak). 91. Fanouki. Port Dorey
    f. 42a. Nlle. Guinee. 93 Kounouoaitanni. Port Dorey
    f. 42b. Nlle. Guinee (Rawack) 94. Mabbeo. Port Dorey
    f. 43a. Nelle Guinee. 95. Manghabarak. Port Dorey
    f. 43b. Nelle Guinee (terre du Papous) 96. Dorey. Vieux chef. Port Dorey
    f. 44a. Nelle Guinee (Waiggiou) 97. Vielle femme du village de Kouaoui
    f. 44b. Nelle Guinee (Waiggiou 98. Mani, enfant lepreux
    f. 45. 101. T[B?]on-bourou (Ile de Rawouack) [Anr. untitled portrait below is cut below eyes]
    f. 46a. Nelle Guinee. 103. Naturel du village de Dorey. Port Dorey
    f. 46b. Nelle Guinee. 104. Maisoum, du village de Kouaoui. Port Dorey
    f. 47a. Nelle Guinee. 105. Mambabouini. Port Dorey
    f. 47b. Nelle Guinee. 106. Mazerembai. Port Dorey
    f. 48a. Nelle Guinee. 107. Enfant de la tribe des Arfourons. Port Dorey
    f. 48b. Nelle Guinee. 108. Coiffure usitee chez du feunes Papous. Port Dorey
    f. 49a. Nelle Guinee 109. Jeune fille de Dorey. Havre Dorey
    f. 49b. Nelle Guinee. 110. Tatouage imprime sur le dos d'un naturel environ 10? [pouas?] de hauteur [?]. Havre Dorey
    f. 50. 114. Moluques. Vrydag (vendredi) ne ... Mac-Macassar. Amboine
    f. 51a. Ticopia. 136. Tafoua 2 chef de l'Ile
    f. 51b. Ticopia. 127. Breatafou son fils[?]
    f. 52a. Tikopia. 133. Naturele de Tikopia venus sur la Corvette jusqu'a Vanikoro [title may refer to 52b]
    f. 52b. Tikopia 134. Naturele de Tikopia venus sur la Corvette jusqu'a Vanikoro [title may refer to 52a]
    f. 53a. Vaniforo. 136. Valie chef a Nama
    f. 53b. Vanikoro. 135. Monbe chef a Manere
    f. 54a. Vaniforo. 137. Merifo chef a Manere
    f. 54b. Vanikoro. 138. Tangaroa de Manere
    f. 55a. Vanikoro. 140. Oumou chef a Nama
    f. 55b. Vanikoro. 139. chef de Vanikoro
    f. 56a. Vanikoro. 141. Maingho de Manere
    f. 56b. Vanikoro. 142. Naturel de Manere
    f. 57a. Vanikoro. 145. Femme du chef Pouka a Manere
    f. 57b. Vanikoro. 146. autre femme de Manere
    f. 59a. Cayeli - Bouron. 148. Djaloudi, jeune chinois (Coupang). Moluque
    f. 59b. Cayeli - Bouron. 149. Langade jeune homme de Cayeli Moluque
    f. 60a. Cayeli - Bouron. 150. Nani [?] Moluquer
    f. 60b. Cayeli - Bouron. 151 Bato, de Cayeli. Moluquer
    f. 61a. Menado. 152. portrait de femme (Barn) [?]. Moluquer
    f. 61b. Menado. Moluquer [head of a man]
  • Copying Conditions
    Out of copyright: Artist died before 1955.
  • General note

    Contents list available in the front of portfolio.
    The drawings, most of which are natives of the Pacific appear to be the originals of illustrations for published accounts of the voyages, in `Promenade autour du monde Atlas Historique et Pittoresque' ... Paris, 1822 (ML Q910.41/2A1) and `Voyage de la Corvette l'Astrolabe' ... Paris, 1833 (ML X980/5).
    Most of the drawings are signed and dated by Arago with many unsigned works by de Sainson.
    Only one drawing `Indigenous des Sexes, Port Jackson' (PX*d 150 f. 21) has been identified as that of the artist `M.Niel' (Robert Neill). A similar work by Neill `Indigenes des Deux Sexes, Van Diemen' was published as a lithograph in Dumont D'Urville's Voyage de la Corvette Astrolabe.
    Included in the anthropological studies are images of Tongans, Papuans, Maoris, Fijians, Solomon Islanders and various races of the Moluccan Islands. There are also scenes in Mauritius and some islands of Timor and Indonesia.
    Digital order no:Album ID : 845971
  • Creator/Author/Artist
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  • Exhibited in

    The coming of the strangers : life in Australia, 1788-1822 - State Library of New South Wales (20 January - 31 December, 1988). Applies to: f. 15-16
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