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  • Title
    Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia further records, 1910-1935, 1946-1992
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 7690
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1910-1935, 1946-1992
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    4.5 metres of textual material (30 boxes)
  • Scope and Content
    1960-1964; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, 11 Oct. 1960-10 Mar. 1964, with index (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/1)

    1964-1966; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, 14 Apr. 1964-22 Nov. 1966, with index (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/2)

    1966-1969; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, 13 Dec. 1966-21 Oct. 1969, with index (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/3)

    1969-1971; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, with index, 11 Nov. 1969-17 Dec, 1971 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/4)

    1972-1973; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, 15 Feb. 1972-11 Sept. 1973, with minutes of Special General Meeting of N.S.W. Region, 24 Sept. 1973 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/5)

    1973-1975; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, with index, 4 Oct. 1973-16 Sept. 1975 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/6)

    1975-1980; N.S.W. Executive Committee minute book, 21 Oct. 1975-18 Mar. 1980 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/7)

    1966-1978; Australian Paper Manufacturers (A.P.M.) Liaison Committee minute book, 2 Mar. 1966-3 Aug. 1978 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/8/1)
    1972; Asia Printers' Group Sub-Committee minute book, 17 Feb.-21 Mar. 1972 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/8/2)
    1963-1984; N.S.W. Book Producers' Group minute book, 22 July 1963-30 May 1984 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/8/3)

    1950-1966; Bowling Society minute book, 27 Feb. 1950-24 June 1966 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/9/1)
    1962-1975; Costing Sub-Committee minute book, 4 July 1962-13 Mar. 1972, with minutes of Computer Costing Sub-Committee, 24 Oct. 1975 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/9/2)
    1988-1989; Environment Committee minute book, 24 Feb. 1988-8 Nov. 1989 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/9/3)

    1965; Federal Encoders' Committee minute book, 9 Sept.-9 Dec. 1965 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/10/1)
    1963-1966; Federal Decimal Currency Panel minute book, 6 Dec. 1963-20 Apr. 1966 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/10/2)
    1957-1963; N.S.W. Finance Sub-Committee minute book, 9 July 1957-9 July 1963 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/10/3)
    1963-1967; N.S.W. Finance Sub-Committee minute book, 13 Aug. 1963-21 Mar. 1967 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/10/4)

    1967-1972; N.S.W. Finance Sub-Committee minute book, with index, 11 Apr. 1967-17 Oct. 1972, with minutes of Administrative Sub-Committee, 21 Nov., 12 Dec. 1972 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/11/1)
    1958-1970; Golfing Society minute book, 13 Nov. 1958-1 Sept. 1970 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/11/2)

    1970-1976; Golfing Society minute book, 2 Oct. 1970-11 Nov. 1976 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/12/1)
    1964; Government Printing Sub-Committee minute book, 30 Jan.-16 July 1964 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/12/2)
    1970-1973; Management Studies Advisory Boards (All States) minute book, 31 Mar. 1970-2 Aug. 1973 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/12/3)

    1969-1971; National Organisation Investigation Committee minute book, 29 May 1969-May 1971 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/13/1)
    1967-1969; Pakprint 70 Committee/Board, including Factory Planning Committee, minute book, 16 Oct. 1967-3 Dec. 1969 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/13/2)
    1970-1976; Pakprint Working Factory Committee minute book, 18 Feb. 1970-8 July 1976 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/13/3)

    1970; Pakprint 70 Publicity Material (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/14/1)
    1964-1982; Tariff and Material Supplies Committee minute book, 25 Mar. 1964-6 July 1967, with minutes of Commercial Sub-Committee, 24 Jan. 1967-10 June 1982 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/14/2)
    1969-1979; N.S.W. Continuous Forms minute book, 16 Apr. 1969-6 Dec. 1979 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/14/3)

    1956-1967; Personnel Sub-Committee minute book, 5 June 1958-27 Sept. 1967, with minutes of the Apprenticeship Recruitment Sub-Committee, 1 Feb. 1956-4 Feb. 1958 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/15/1)
    1967-1973; Personnel Sub-Committee minute book, 29 Nov. 1967-6 June 1973 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/15/2)
    1982-1988; Printing Industry/Australia Post Committee minute book, 29 Apr. 1982-4 Oct. 1988 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/15/3)
    1964-1970; Public Relations Sub-Committee, 4 Mar. 1964-12 Mar. 1970 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/15/4)

    1958-1971; Australian Fireboard Container Manufacturers' Association (N.S.W. Branch) minute book, 10 Feb. 1958-5 July 1971, including Rules for State Branches, 1966 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/16/1)
    1971-1977; Australian Fireboard Container Manufacturers' Association (N.S.W. Branch) minute book, 2 Aug. 1971-1 Mar. 1977 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/16/2)

    1975-1982; Australian Fireboard Container Manufacturers' Association (N.S.W. Branch) - Fruit and Development Committee minute book, 29 Apr. 1975-21 June 1982 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/17/1)
    1977-1982; Australian Fibre Box Industry (N.S.W. Branch) minute book, 2 May 1977-7 July 1982 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/17/2)

    1974-1978; Australian Fibre Box Industry (N.S.W.Branch) - Productivity Group minute book, 14 Feb. 1974-1 Nov. 1978 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/18/1)
    1957-1977; Australian Institute of Graphic Arts Management minute book, 27 Sept. 1957-12 Feb. 1973, with lists of Federal Councillors and Divisional Secretaries, 4 Mar. 1977 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/18/2)
    1965-1973; Bookbinding Employers Association of N.S.W. minute book, 5 Oct. 1965-4 Sept. 1973 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/18/3)

    1979-1988; Bookbinding Employers Association of N.S.W. minute book, 4 Dec. 1979-2 Nov. 1988 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/19/1)
    1922-1935; Cardboard Box Group minute book, 15 Nov. 1922-3 Sept. 1935 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/19/2)

    1966-1973; Duplicate Plate Manufacturers Association of N.S.W., formerly Stereotyping & Electrotyping Employers Association of N.S.W., minute book, 20 June 1966-14 Mar. 1973 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/20/1)
    1968-1970; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, 11 Sept. 1968-24 Feb. 1970 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/20/2)
    1970-1971; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, 11 Mar. 1970-13 May 1971 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/20/3)

    1971-1974; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, 10 June 1971-13 Feb. 1974 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/21/1)
    1975-1979; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, with related papers concerning National Convention Organising Committee (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/21/2)

    1974-1976; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, 8 Mar. 1974-6 Dec. 1976 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/22)

    1978-1981; Junior Printing Executives Association of N.S.W. minute book, 13 June 1978-9 Mar. 1981 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/23/2)
    1965-1986; Junior Printing Executives Association State Presidents' Meetings minute book, 12 May 1965-18 Apr. 1986 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/23/2)

    1965-1969; N.S.W. Carton Manufacturers' Group minute book, 7 July 1965-2 Oct. 1969 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/24/1)
    1961-1967; Paper Box Manufacturers' Association of N.S.W. minute book, 9 Mar. 1961-2 Feb. 1967 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/24/2)
    1967-1972; Paper Box Manufacturers' Association of N.S.W., minute book, 2 Feb. 1967-10 Feb. 1972 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/24/3)

    1972-1975; Paper Box Manufacturers' Association of N.S.W. minute book, 6 Apr.-21 Sept. 1972, with minutes of Special Meeting of the Paper Board Converters Group, 23 Apr. 1974, and minutes of Special General Meeting of the Paperboard Converters Association of N.S.W., 15 May 1975 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/25/1)

    1963-1968; Small-Offset Association minute book, 5 June 1963-29 May 1968 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/26/1)
    1968-1972; Small-Offset Association minute book, 24 July 1968-17 May 1972, with circular concerning June Open Meeting, 21 June 1972 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/26/2)
    1962-1969; Screen Printers Association of Australia (N.S.W. Region), minute book, 22 Jan. 1962-19 Mar. 1969 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/26/3)

    1969-1972; Screen Printers Association of Australia (N.S.W. Region) minute book, 19 Mar. 1969-4 Aug. 1972 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/27/1)
    1961-1968; Screen Printers Association of Australia (N.S.W. Region) minute book of General Meetings and Annual General Meetings, 28 May 1962-27 Sept. 1967, with income and expenditure statement for year ended 30th June 1968, and letter received from Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Association (N.S.W. Region), 7 Dec. 1961 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/27/2)

    1946-1950; Industrial Reports mainly concerning awards and conditions, and logs of claims (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/28/1)
    1914-1935; Master Printers & Allied Trades Association Annual Reports (1 vol.) (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/28/2)
    1951-1968; Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Association of N.S.W. Annual Reports, 1951-1961, with membership lists, 1959-1968 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/28/3)

    1910; Official Report of the Australian Master Printers' First Interstate Conference, Sydney, Sept. 1910 (2 copies); one a complimentary copy from Sidney E. A. Holland with his bookplate (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/29/1-2)
    1911-1912; Offficial Report - Australian Master Printers' Second Interstate Conference, Melbourne, Sept. 1911 (1912) (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/29/3)
    1913; Australian Master Printers' Fourth Interstate Conference, Brisbane, 24-26 Sept. 1913 (Call No.: MLMSSS 7690/29/4)
    1957-1965; Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia Annual Convention Report of Proceedings (1 vol.) (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/29/5)
    1981-1985; Patefa News, vol. 3 no. 5, June 1981-vol. 7 Mar./Apr. 1985 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/29)

    1986-1992; Patefa News Bulletin, vol. 8 no. 4, Apr. 1986-vol. 11 no. , Mar. 1989, vol. 14 no. 3, Mar. 1992 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/30)
    1985-1989; Patefa Quarterly, vol. 1 no. 1, 4th Quarter, 1985-2nd Quarter, 1989 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/30)
    1971; British Federation of Master Printers. Cost Accountancy for Printers: An Explanation of the Federation System of Cost Accountancy, Pt 1 1971 (2 copies) (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/30)
    1981-1991; Miscellaneous publications, including the Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia's Paper to Print - An Industry's Future Policy Statement on the Environment, May 1991 (Call No.: MLMSS 7690/30)
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright holder:: State Library of New South Wales - applies to items where copyright was held by the Printing Industries Association of Australia
  • Subject

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