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  • Title
    John Gould and John Gilbert letters and papers, 1839-1843
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 547
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Microfilm : CY 1517, frames 1-21 (MLMSS 547)
  • Physical Description
    1 folder of textual material
  • Scope and Content
    Letters and papers of John Gould and John Gilbert, mainly concerning natural history.

    1. Letter from John Gould to Messrs. Kerr, Alexander and Co., dated at Launceston, 21 Jan. 1839, stating that he has resolved to send Mr. John Gilbert to the Swan River and requesting a letter of credit to some house in that place for sixty-five pounds to pay his expenses. The letter is countersigned by Gilbert.
    2. Statement of J. Gilbert's account with Mr. Gould, 1839; in Gilbert's handwriting and signed 'John Gilbert'.
    3. Accounts headed 'At Gravesend' 1 Feb.; 'Cape - ' 8 May - 24 Oct. [probably 1842].
    4. Statement of account headed 'J. Gilbert in account Current with J. Gould', dated 31 Dec. 1843.
    5. List headed 'Contents of Packages sent per Napoleon from Western Australia', listing species and numbers of mammals, birds and birds' eggs. (6). Holograph letter, undated, from Gould to his daughter Lizzy, stating that 'tomorrow is named for the settling about the house' and mentioning that his son Charles has arrived at Melbourne.
  • Description source

    Information upgraded from Manuscripts Leaf Catalogue No. 1 (5-193B) as part of the eRecords Project, 2011-2012
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