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  • Title
    Weir papers, 1899-1919 / Frank Valentine Weir
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 1024
  • Level of description
  • Date
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Microfilm : CY 1737, frames 1 - 375 (MLMSS 1024/1: South African War letter diaries, 1899 - 1902) <br>CY 1737, frames 376 - 391 (MLMSS 1024/2: Roll for Bushman's Contingent, 1900)<br>CY 1737, frames 392 - 1374 (MLMSS 1024/3: Frank Valentine Weir papers, World War, 1914-1919)
  • Physical Description
    0.10 metres of textual material (3 volumes) - manuscript
    F.V. Weir, a station manager from Deniliquin was a lieutenant in the New South Wales Bushmen's Contingent, the first federal contingent sent to Africa, 1900. He was 36 years old when he embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A42 Boorara, 20 Dec. 1914. He served at Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine, as a major of the First Light Horse Regiment, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for 'conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty', 1918
  • Scope and Content
    SERIES 01
    VOLUME 1
    South African War, 1899-1902. Letter diaries, 1900-1901, correspondence, 1900-1901, newspaper cuttings, 1899-1902 relating to embarkation on the troopship Atlantian, 1900 and events in the war

    VOLUME 2
    Nominal roll of A Squadron, New South Wales Bushmen's Contingent, 1900

    SERIES 02
    Weir papers, World War, 1914-1919 / Frank Valentine Weir
  • Name
  • Subject

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