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  • Title
    Len Fox papers, 1852-2001
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8085
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    5.72 metres of textual material (34 boxes), some folders contain photographs
    3 sound cassettes

    Len Fox (1905-2004), journalist, author, poet, historian and painter, was born in Melbourne. His paternal uncle was the artist Emanuel Phillips Fox (1865-1915) and a second cousin was the the writer and critic A. A. (Arthur) Phillips (1900-1985). He graduated in Science from Melbourne University and became a school teacher. He travelled to Europe in the early 1930s and witnessed the spreading influence of Fascism. On his return to Australia Fox joined, and later became Secretary of, the Movement Against War and Fascism (Victorian Branch). He was also active on the Victorian Spanish Relief Committee giving support to the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War. He was a member of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) from 1935 to 1970. In 1940 he moved to Sydney where he embarked on a career in left-wing journalism and joined the Realist Writers' Group. He worked on the State Labor Party newspaper Progress, 1940-1945, and on the CPA's Tribune, 1946-1955. A stint followed on Common Cause, weekly organ of the Miners' Federation, where he served as editor from 1966 until his retirement in 1970. In 1956-1957, he and his wife, the playwright Mona Brand, taught English in North Vietnam. During the 1960s and 1970s Fox was a prominent campaigner for social justice for Indigenous Australians, and was an advocate for Reconciliation in the 1990s.

    Compiled from the collection
    Library correspondence file
  • Scope and Content
    This collection includes Len Fox's illustrated personal diaries, 1988-2000; correspondence with a range of writers, left-wing activists and labour historians; files, including correspondence and research material, for, among other books, E. Phillips Fox and His Family (1985), Australians of the Left (1996), Depression Down Under (1977, 1989), The Time Was Ripe: A History of the Aboriginal-Australian Fellowship, 1956-69 (1983), Dream at a Graveside: The History of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, 1928-1988 (1989) and The Eureka Flag (1992); Fox family papers; photographs; and sound recordings.

    This collection is described by the following box listing.

    BOX 1
    Folder of miscellaneous items, including literary manuscripts and letter received from Hugh Anderson, 1989

    Photographs of Len and Mona Fox, ca. 1915-2000

    Papers relating to Len Fox’s 90th birthday celebration, 1995, with art show, including letters received from Ted Wheelwright and Jack Horner

    ‘Art Exhibitions’, 195- - 1985, including letter received from Stephen Murray-Smith

    ‘Posters / Designs / General / Photos’, 194- , including drawings and posters; photographs of, among others, H. V. Evatt, Dame Mary Gilmore and Faith Bandler; and issue of Art and Labor, no. 1 Sept. 1950

    ‘Art (Old)’, 193- - 1998, including notes, drawings, photographs, art catalogues, original poster of Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament’s Congress and Art Festival, Melbourne, 7-14 Nov. 1959, and articles on Norman Carter by Len Fox

    Blue folder: ‘When I Was Ten’, 1982-1990, relating to Fellowship of Australian Writers book,Ten Years Old

    ‘Personal Notes’, including transcript of Hazel De Berg’s interview with Len Fox, 1 July 1967; photographs; N.E.S. armband; FAW (NSW) Writing Fellow certificate, 1990; biographical and family notes; and letters received from, among others, National Library of Australia and Bob Gollan, 1973

    ‘Theatre’, no date, including programmes of the musical Reedy River, and letters received from Anton Jansen (Netherlands)

    ‘Health’, 1966-1999, including newscuttings and printed material

    Yellow folder: ‘Recent Letters’, 1996-2000, being mainly letters received from, among others, Rowan Cahill, Vera Deacon, Stephen Holt, Jack Horner, Kit Kane, Barbara Brooks, Jim Comerford, Stuart Macintyre, Ruth Crow, Anton Jansen, Bernard Smith, Simon Bracegirdle, Evelyn Healy, Marilla North, Drew Cottle, Ronald Strahan, Hugh Anderson, Nina Christesen, Gary Shearston and Deidre Moore

    BOX 2
    Green folder: ‘EPF [Emanuel Phillips Fox] Recent 1995 – ‘, ca. 1910, 1994-1999, being mainly relating to Len Fox’s book E. Phillips and His Family (1985), including correspondence with David H. Heysen, Anne Gray, Mary Eagle and Ruth Zubans, and autographs of E. Phillips Fox and Ethel Carrick Fox

    ‘Family History – Letters from Lou & Bon [Len Fox’s sisters]’, 1961-1986

    ‘E. Phillips Fox / Notes / (Early)’, 1959-1985, including research material and correspondence, being mainly letters received from Lou & Bon, Murray Bail, 1983, Ruth Zubans, and Norman Carter, 1959

    ‘Marshall-Hall’ relating to George Marshall-Hall, 1970-1987, including correspondence with Therese Radic and John Fletcher

    ‘Book’, 1960-1988, including correspondence with, among others, Catherine Jacobs [Len Fox’s cousin in U.K.], photographs and newscuttings

    ‘Arch Ellis – “The Cousins” ‘,1983-1991, including letters received from Archie Ellis, Catherine Jacobs, Louise Rosenberg (Hon. Historian, Australian Jewish Historical Society, 199- , and Beverley Kingston

    ‘Alexander Fox’, 1973-1984, including correspondence with Frank Cusack, 1981, and Ruth Zubans, 1984

    ‘Ethel Carrick Fox / copy of research paper / by / Elin Howe / 1986’, being letters received from Elin Howe, 1987-89, with copy of her research paper (BA Visual Arts, Nepean CAE, 1986)

    ‘Letters about EPF / Pictures in Galleries’, 1958, 1966-1969, being mainly letters received from private and public galleries; David H. Heysen, 1968; Len Fox’s sister Bon; Ruth Zubans, 1968; and Bernard Smith, 196-

    Blue folder: ‘EPF – Exhibition 1994’, 1993-1995, relating to the exhibition E. Phillips Fox 1865-1915: A Retrospective, National Gallery of Victoria, 9 Nov. 1994-30 Jan. 1995, including letters received and newscuttings

    Family correspondence, 197- - 1988, no date, being mainly letters received from Lou [Louise Parker, nee Fox, Len Fox’s sister], 1976-88

    Yellow folder mainly of correspondence, 1953, 1974, 1994-1997, with, among others, Michael Cannon, 1995; Eveyn Healy, 1995; Joan Clarke, 1995-96; Vera Deacon, 1995; Archie Ellis; David and Richenda Martin, 1994-96; Jack Horner, 1994; C. R. (Catherine) Jacobs, 1994; Elizabeth Smith [Len Fox’s cousin], 1994; Ruth Zubans, 1995; Audrey Blake, 1996; Moira Watson, 1996; Roger Millis; Hans Bandler, 1996; and Michael Schneider, 1996; and papers relating to the obituary of New Zealand labour historian, Bert Roth (1917-1994)

    BOX 3
    ‘EPF – Newscuttings’, 1954-1979, with correspondence with, among others, A. A. (Arthur) Phillips; Helen Palmer; Lou Porker, 1968-1976, and Bon, 1968

    ‘E. Phillips Fox – Recent from 1991 to 1995’, 1954, 199-, including correspondence, being mainly letters received, mainly with Moira Watson, 1992; Geoffrey Serle and Stephen Murray-Smith; newscuttings and photographs

    ‘Family History’, 1952-1989, including letters received from Beverley Kingston researching Marion Phillips; Archie Ellis; C. P. (Charles) Fox, 1952; and C. R. (Catherine) Jacobs

    ‘Mondle Phillips’ Diary (1857)’, 1856-1857, 195- - 197-, being ‘Diary of A Clerk Commenced October 11th 1856’ and ‘Registry Book’, 1856

    ‘EPF – Reproduction of paintings’, no date, including newscuttings and photographs

    ‘E. P. Fox – Catalogues’, 1892-1982

    ‘Diary of “Old PD” Phillips 1852-53’, being photocopy of original diary, 1852-1853, with typed transcription of entry for 30 Jan. 1853

    ‘Australian Paintings – Reproductions’, no date, including postcards

    ‘Louise – early documents’, 1918- - 198-

    Some Reflections of Louise Helen Parker, nee Fox, ca. 1991, being computer typescript

    Letter from Jack ?, 4 Apr. 1984, with attached exhibition catalogue, The Art of Rupert Bunny and E. Phillips Fox. Paintings from the Collections of the National Gallery of Victoria (1984)

    P. L. Pickles & Co. Pty Ltd. Auction Sales of Valuable Paintings, 21-22 June 1981

    A Private Eye in a Public Place Art Exhibition, St Swithun’s Church Hall, Pymble, 16-18 Oct. 1980

    BOX 4
    ‘Ethel Carrick’, 1913-1997, including correspondence of Ethel Carrick, 1933-1953

    ‘Family – Recent’, 1981-1995, including family correspondence and letter received from Ruth Zubans, 1990; and Autobiography of Louise Helen Parker, nee Fox

    Notebook relating to E. Phillips Fox, no date

    ‘EPF Photos’, no date, being photoprints and photonegatives

    ‘E.P.F. Comments by Mother / (Irene Helen Fox) / (sister-in-law of E.P.F.)’, 1952-196-

    ‘EPF Old Newspaper cuttings’, 1892-1971

    ‘Phillips Fox Book’, 198- 1990, including letters received from Nancy Keesing, 1986; Beverley Kingston, 1986; Roger Levy, 1986-89; Mary Eagle; Jean Stone, 1987; Jack Horner, 1986; Leslie Rees, 1986; Australian Jewish Historical Society; Ruth Zubans, 1986; and Hans Bandler, 1986

    Letter received from A. S. (Archie) Ellis, 1974, with author’s attached bound photocopied typescript, ‘Elias and Rebecca Ellis: The Phillips Connections and some of their Descendants with Genealogical Tables’, May 1974

    ‘The Survivor: A Personal Memoir’ by A. S. Ellis, 1999, being computer typescript

    The Song of the Gum Leaf: A Quick March. Words by Ethel Phillips Fox, no date. Inscribed : ‘Violet from Ethel’

    Autographed programme of Scotch College, Melbourne, Foundation Day Concerts, Melbourne Town Hall, 23-24 Oct. 1923

    BOX 5
    Autograph book, 1895-1896. Inscribed : ‘To dear Mene / from Mother / 16/11/95’

    ‘Family Tree Emanuels’ compiled by with related letters received from Barbara Brown, 1989-1991, no date

    ‘Old photos of Len & Family’, 187- - 197-, being mainly photographs, including tintypes, and newscuttings

    ‘Family photos’, no date

    ‘EPF – Recent Letters & Notes (Since about 1974)’, 1901-1992, including correspondence with, among others, Mary Eagle, 1985; and Ruth Zubans, 1974-1979, and manuscript note about E. Phillips Fox by A. Colquhoun, no date

    ‘Family – Recent’, 198- 1997, including letters received from Lou [Porker], and Beverley Kingston, 1990

    ‘Mother and her family (Irene Helen Stubbs (1880-1969))’, ca. 1860 –1997, relating to the Stubbs family (William Stubbs), including photographs

    ‘Rev. Solomon Phillips’, 197- - 198-, including letters received from Archie Ellis

    BOX 6
    Diaries, 1988-1989, 1991-1995

    BOX 7
    Diaries, 1996-2000

    BOX 8

    95th birthday cards received, 2000

    94th birthday cards received, 1999

    90th birthday cards received, 1995

    Christmas cards and postcards received, 1938-199-, from, among others, Nadine Dalgarno, 1938; Jack and Jean Horner; and Faith and Hans Bandler

    ‘Old Greeting Cards Received’, 197- - 1999-

    Greeting cards designs by Len Fox, no date

    BOX 9
    Book file relating to Australians on the Left (1996), 1996-1998, including letters received from, among others, Alan Roberts, Dick Edwards, C. R. (Catherine) Jacobs, Pat Corbett, Stephen Holt, David Martin, Charles D’Aprano, Ruth Crow, Jack Horner, Vic Bird, Vera Deacon, Jill [Hellyer], Jim Comerford, Lorna A. Ollif, Evelyn Healy, Audrey Blake and George Bliss

    Book file relating to Australians on the Left (1996), 194- - 2000, being research material, including newscuttings and photographs, and letters received from, among others, Audrey Blake, George Bliss, Rowan Cahill, and Phil O’Brien

    Book file relating to East Sydney Sketches (1991), 1976, 1991-1992, including letters received from, among others, Lorna A. Ollif, Hans Bandler and Bernard Smith

    Book file relating to Sketches Over 70 Years (1999), including letters received mainly from readers, among others, Don Charlwood, Lorna A. Ollif, Phil O’Brien, Vera Deacon, Hans Bandler, Bernard Smith, Jack Horner and Jim Comerford

    Book file relating to Depression Down Under (1977, 1989), [edited by Len Fox], 196- - 1997, including letters received from, among others, APCOL, R. J. (Bob) McWilliams, Vera Deacon, (with her typescript recollections, ‘Making Do and Lasting Out’, July-Sept. 1976), Michael Cannon and Jim Comerford

    ‘Depression Down Under / Letters, Reviews’, 1965-1995, including letters received from Vera Deacon; Nancy Keesing, 1977; Edgar Ross (?), 1976; Dorothy Gibson, 1977; Arthur Howells, 1977; A. A. (Arthur) Phillips, 1977, n.d.; R. J. (Bob) McWilliams, 1977; John White, 1977; Barrie Dyster, 1976; Bob Gollan, 1976; and John Sendy, 1976

    BOX 10
    ‘PLR, APCOL’, 1978-ca. 1999, including letters received from David K. Cleaver (Manager, APCOL)

    Book file relating to Old Sydney Windmills (1978), 197- -1984, including correspondence

    ‘Letters about EPF booklet / From October 1969’, 1969-198-

    Book file relating to Multinationals Take Over Australia (1981), including letters received from Judith Wright McKinney, 1981; Drew Cottle, 1981; and Ted Wheelwright, 1979

    ‘Australia Taken Over’, 1972-1975, including correspondence

    Book file relating to The Time Was Ripe: A History of the Aboriginal-Australian Fellowship (1956-69) (1983), including letters received from Jack Horner, 1982-84, and Di Graham, 1983

    Book file relating to Broad Lleft, Narrow Left (1983), 1969-1993, including letters received from Lloyd Edmonds, Bert Roth, Arthur Phillips, Bert Roth, Jack Horner, Audrey Blake, John Sendy, Rowan Cahill and Vera Deacon

    BOX 11
    Book file relating to Gumleaves and Memories (1990), 1949-1992, being ‘Poem Collection / Gumleaves and Memories’, including letters received from, among others, Raymond Evans, 1992; Carolyn Rasmussen, 1992, Collen Burke; Roger Levy, 1990; Leslie Rees, 1990; Edgar Ross, 1990; David Martin, 1990; Nancy Keesing, 1991; Audrey Blake; and W. S. L. (Simon) Bracegirdle

    Book file relating to Gumleaves and Growing Old (1988), 1988-1991, including correspondence with Roger Levy, 1989; W. S. L. (Simon) Bracegirdle, 1990; David Martin, 1988-1989; Russel Ward, 1989; Lloyd Edmonds, no date; Nancy Keesing, 1989; Graham Alcorn, 1989; Audrey Blake; John Sendy, 1988; Jack Horner; Murray Gittos, 1989; Denis Kevans, 1988; Edgar Ross; Kit Kane, 1988; Ruth Crow, 1988; and Leslie Rees, 1988

    Book file relating to Vietnam Neighbors (1966), 1966-1970, being ‘Vietnam Neighbors Pamphlets / Letters’, including letters received from David Martin, 1966; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1966; and Bon [Len Fox’s sister], 1966

    Book file relating to Gumleaves and People (1967), 1966-1987, being ‘Gumleaves and People / (Letters on booklet)’, including letters received from Kylie Tennant, 1967; John Fletcher, 1981; Bertha Jago, 1967; Colin Roderick, 1967; Manning Clark, 1967; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1967; Russel Ward, 1967; Kath Walker, 1967; Sam Merrifield, 1967; and Bill Wannan, 1967

    Book file relating to Gum Leaves and Bamboo (1959), being ‘Comments on “Gumleaves & Bamboo’, including letters received from John Meredith, 1990; Bon [Len Fox’s sisiter]; Bill Wannan, 1959; Jack Blake, 1959; David Martin, 1959; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1959; and Kath Olive, 1958

    Book file relating to Gumleaves and Dreaming (1978), 1978-1980, being ‘Gumleaves and Dreaming’, including letters received

    Book file relating to Glimpses of a Century (2000), 2000-2001, being ‘Glimpses’, including letters received from Pat Counihan, Marilla North, Deidre Moore, Jim Comerford, Pauline Armstrong, Dawn & John Sendy, Rowan Cahill, Pat Graham, Hans Bandler, Amirah Inglis and Kit Kane

    Book file relating to Progress Against Fascism (1998), 1998-2000, being ‘Progress Against Fascism’, including letters received from, among others, Stephen Holt, Joan Kerr, Murray Gittos, Don Charlwood, Wendy Lowenstein, Lorna Ollif, Deidre Moore, Jim Comerford, Vera Deacon, Leslie Rees, Bernard Smith, Hugh Anderson, Jill Hellyer, Ruth Crow, Drew Cottle, Laurie Aarons and Edgar Ross

    Book file relating to Bailey’s Pine: A Novel (1997), 1960- , ‘Bailey’s Pine’, including letters received from, among others, Don Charlwood, 1998; Kit Kane, 1998; C .R. (Catherine) Jacobs, 1998; Mark Hertzberg, 1998; Murray Gittos, 1998; John Meredith, 1998; John Sendy, 1998; Ruth Crow, 1998; Jill Hellyer, 1998; Evelyn Healy, 1998; Edgar Ross, 1998; Deidre Moore, 1998; Archie Ellis, 1998; Amirah Inglis, 1998; Elizabeth Smith, 1998; Leslie Rees, 1998; and letter from Len Fox’s mother, 1960

    BOX 12
    ‘Early letters’, 1905-1961, being family correspondence, including letter from Mannie [E. Phillips Fox] to Mene [Mrs Fox], 1905, and letter received from Aunt Ethel, 1919; and other letters received from, among others, Stan Wakefield, 1961; Rex Battersbee, 1955; and Howard Fast, 1952

    ‘In Search of Eastern Tasmania or Travels with a Donkey. Illustrated by Lenard le Renard [Len Fox], January 8th to February 3rd, 1932’ being illustrated MS., including pencil drawings and photographs, with letter received from Ken Lee (Information Officer, Port Arthur Historic Site, 26 June 1996)

    ‘Jamboree – 1933. With the Australian Contingent to the World Jamboree of Boy Scouts at Gödöllö, near Budapest, Hungary and on to Great Britain’, being illustrated manuscript, including photographs and stamps

    Pocket sketchbook, 1925-1934

    Notebook, 196-

    ‘Strivings: A Quarterly Magazine Trying to Encourage and Give To Others Our Strivings After Beauty’, no. 1, May 1931 – no. 6, June 1933

    Last issue of Proletariat: Organ of the Melbourne University Labour Club, vol. IV no. 3, Oct.-Dec. 1935

    ‘Prison Poems’, including letters from and poems of Bryan McLaughlin to Philip Davidson, 1980-1982; letter from Georgia Hill, 1981; and poems of Alex Salewski, 1982

    Folder, including ‘Poems for Mates’, Sept. 1954, being carbon typescript

    Folder, including ‘Colonial’s London’, [1934?]

    ‘LF – Letters from London & USSR’, including Len Fox’s letters to his mother, 1934; and his sister Bon, 1934; and diary entries relating to USSR

    ‘Letters – Keep’, 1936-, being correspondence, mainly letters received, with, among others, Bertha Lawson, no date.; Rod Shaw, 1985; Paul Knobel, 1981; Helen Palmer, 1965-1967; D. W. McLeod, 1960; Oscar Mendelsohn, 1969; Jack Blake, 1969; Stephen Murray-Smith, 1964; Max Harris, 1964; Freedom Ways: A Quarterly Review of the Negro Freedom Movement, 1962-1963; Arthur Phillips, 1958; Jill Hellyer, 1966; Australia-China Co-operation Movement, 1940; Glen Tomasetti, 1966; Alan Marshall, 1963; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1958?; Henrietta Greville, 1958; C. B. Christesen, 1959-1967; Len Fox’s mother, 1952-1965; Stefan Heym, 1970; Elizabeth Riddell, 1963; Jack Lindsay, 1959; Pete Seeger [196- ?]; and Leslie Rees, 1960

    BOX 13
    ‘Verse’, 1923-1943, being volume of original and printed verse by Len Fox

    ‘Poems – General / (by others)’, ca. 1930-197-, being typescripts, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Poems of 1940s / + late 1930s / (“Progress”)’

    ‘Rumanian Folk Music Script’, 1961-1969

    ‘Folk Songs’, 196-, including original composition, ‘Old Bulli!’ with letter from Gary Shearston, 1 july 1966

    ‘Mining Poems’, 195- - 197-, including letters received from Harry H. Pearce, 1975, no date

    ‘Coal Songs, Poems / Literature’, 195- - 1971, including notebook of original verse by Joe McKendry, and newscuttings

    ‘Coal History / Rothbury’, 1873, 1935, 195- - 1992, being notes, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Australian Culture / Austn History & Tradition’, 194- - 1980, being notes, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Redbeard [Ragnar Redbeard]’, 196- 197-, mainly relating to Redbeard and Arthur Desmond, including letters received from Bert Roth, 1966-1967, with attached copy of Roth’s correspondence with J. Normington-Rawling, 1963; Bill Pearson (RSPS, Australian National University), 1967; Stephen Murray-Smith, 1967; and Chris Cunneen (Australian Dictionary of Biography), 1979

    ‘Broken Hill / Sam Byrne [Broken Hill folk painter]’, 196- - 1993, including Len Fox’s notes of interview with Sam Byrne, 17 Aug. 1963; photographs of and letter received from Byrne, 1969; letters from R. J. (Ross) Moore, 1980; and newscuttings

    ‘(Socialist Scholars’ Conference) / Stan Wakefield’, 1959-197-, including letters received; manuscript music and songs from Wakefield; and copy of ‘The Myth of the “Sixty Families” ‘ by John Playford, a paper presented to the Conference, University of Sydney, May 1970

    ‘William Hatfield’, 1961-1977, including letter received from William Hatfield, 1961; correspondence with Garry Disher, 1977; and copy of paper on Bartlett Adamson given by Len Fox to Fellowship of Australian Writers Sydney meeting, 13 Sept. ?

    ‘Hugh Anderson’, 1993-1994, being letters received from Anderson, 1993, with enclosures mainly relating to the poet Jack Bradshaw

    BOX 14
    ‘Recent Poems’, 1960-1992, being verse and letters received

    ‘Current Writing / Poetry’, 196- - 1985

    ‘L.F. – Poems and Articles for Scrapbook’, 195- - 1970, including newscuttings from Common Cause, and original poem ‘Time The Old Bugger Was Dead’ by Ironbark [Russ Singleton]

    ‘Verse 1950s, 1960s (Published)’, 195- - 199-

    ‘Verse in Journals’, 1955-1984

    ‘Long Poem (Open)’, 1970, being the poem ‘The White Man Came’, entry for Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Celebrations Literary Competition, and newscuttings

    ‘Songs’, 196- - 198-, including some penned by Len Fox

    BOX 15
    Plays, 1960, no date, including ‘Fun and Games: A play with songs in three acts’, with related letter received from Australian Broadcasting Commission, 18 July 1960

    ‘Revue Material / Short Story Material’, no date

    ‘Radio Script – Kembla’, no date, being ‘The Hills Rang With Moaning’ by “Kembla”

    ‘Early Plays (1940s) / (1950s)’

    ‘Poems / 1950s & 1960s’, including letters received from Stephen Murray-Smith (Overland)

    ‘Plays – Lawson’s Mates’, being a three act play

    BOX 16
    ‘Track Out of Loneliness: A Short Novel’ by Yaraanba, being entry for 1958 Mary Gilmore Literary Competition, including corrected typescript

    ‘Flame in the Stone’ by ‘Illawarra’, being entry for 1965 Mary Gilmore Award Competition. Corrected typescript

    ‘Coal / Novel – Third Copy’, being ‘The Day Kembla Blew Up’ by “Illawarra”, an entry in 1969 Mary Gilmore novel competition based on Mount Kembla colliery explosion, 31 July 1902. Various versions in two folders.

    ‘South Coast Novel’, 196- - 1989, including correspondence, 1970, 1988-1989; notes; newscuttings and issues of Common Cause, 196-

    ‘Jim’s Secret Weapon’, no date, being a one act play. Corrected carbon typescript

    ‘Jim’s Secret Weapon’, being corrected typescript , and letters received from Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1964, and Adult Education Board (Tas.), 1966

    ‘Jim’s Secret Weapon’, being carbon typescript

    ‘Room in Redfern: One Act Play’ by Gatum. Corrected typescript

    ‘Room in Redfern’, being other versions and letter received from the ABC, 30 June 1966, returning ‘Jim’s Secret Weapon’ and ‘Room in Redfern’

    BOX 17
    ‘Early Short Stories (1940s)’

    ‘Stories / (Recent)’

    ‘Current writing’, 196-, 1991, 1994, being mainly letters received relating to publishing

    ‘Atom Bomb Mystery’, 1954?, being a mystery thriller

    ‘Literature / Stories, Articles’, including letters received from Nancy Keesing, 1977, relating to inclusion of Len Fox’s story ‘Bailey’s Pine’ in Anthology of Jewish Short Stories, and from the ABC, 1958, relating to Fox’s historical sketch, ‘Strike A New Note’

    ‘Letters in Papers’, 1959-1972, being copies and newscuttings of Len Fox’s letters to newspapers

    ‘Articles’, 195- - 1963, no date

    ‘Ordinary Australians’, 196- 197-

    ‘Newspaper articles / by LF / (1940s)’, 1940-1951

    ‘Marani in Australia: A Story for Children’ by Len Fox and Faith Bandler, ca. 1980, being corrected carbon typescript

    ‘Marani – Old Version’, being carbon typescript

    ‘Marani in Australia’, 196- - 1990, including letters received from Rigby (Publishers), 1980-1982; Florence James, 1966,
    1990; and research material

    Blue folder: ‘Novel’, including chapters / stories?, ’Write it down…’ and ‘Tooronga Road’

    BOX 18
    ‘Windmills – correspondence’, 1974-1983, including correspondence and newscuttings

    ‘Windmills 1’, 1980-1994

    ‘Windmills 2’, 197- - 1997, including notes and letters received from, among others, Hans Bandler, 9 Feb. 1982

    ‘Windmills 3’, 17- - 198-

    ‘Windmills 4’, being illustrations for book

    ‘Windmills 5’, being pictorial research for book

    BOX 19
    ‘Recent Letters 1999-2000’, being correspondence, mainly letters received, with, among others, Paul R. Weaver, 2001; Sue Taffe, 2000-2001; Jeff King, 2000; Vera Deacon; Phil O’Brien, 2001; Hugh Atkinson, 2000; Jill Hellyer, 2000; R. D. (Bob) Walshe, 2000-2001; Michael Cannon, 2000; Evelyn Healy, 2000; Barbara Brown, 2000; Anne Beggs Sunter, 1999-2001; Ronald Strachan; Ruth Crow, 199-

    Red folder: ‘Overseas Correspondence’, 1990-1995

    ‘To be answered / 1989-92’, 1970, 1989-1992, being correspondence, mainly letters received, with, among others, Deidre Moore, 1992; Jean R. Williamson, 1992; Bert Roth, 1992; Geoffrey Serle, 1992; Rodney Seaborn, 1992; Collen Burke, 1989; Barret Reid, 1989; John Sendy, 1989; Hans Bandler, 1989; Stefan Heym, 1970, 1989; and Audrey Blake

    Loose correspondence, 1955, 1978-1988, being mainly letters received, with, among others, Denis Kevans, 1987; Ruth Crow, 1988; Arthur Phillips, 1978, 1984; Vera Deacon, 1988; Bob James, 1988; corrected carbon typescript of article ‘Censorship – A Long Struggle’, 1988, by Len Fox; ‘Artist in the Party: A Personal Experience – 1930s to 1990s’, Aug. 1991, by Evelyn Healy; copy of letter from Hans Heysen to ? Schneider, 1955; and newscuttings

    Notebooks (19), 1960-1993, including ‘Illawarra Mercury’, ‘Mt Kembla (Survivors of Disaster 1902)’, ‘South Coast Miners – Books’, ‘Talks with Southern Miners about early days’, ‘Wonthaggi (Visit in May 1965)’, ‘Aboriginal South Coast / Arena Conference 1965’, ‘Duke Tritton’, ‘Ken Brindle’, ‘George Bliss – Cairns 1932’ and ‘Interview with Stan Wakefield, Etc’

    Exercise book: WEA Lectures – Dr Edgar Waters, 1964

    Student’s book: ‘Australian Aborigines (WEA Lectures), 1960 & Armidale Conference / May 1960 / Australian Aborigines’

    BOX 20
    Scrapbook: Articles for War ! What For? (later World Peace), 1935-1940

    Scrapbook: ‘ “Progress” Cartoons and Poems, 1941-2’

    Scrapbook: Articles for Progress, 1941-1942

    Scrapbook: Progress, 1943

    Scrapbook: ‘ “Progress” Cartoons and Poems 1943’

    Scrapbook: Progress, 1944

    Scrapbook: ‘Short Stories’ in Tribune, Progress and Daily Mirror, 1943-1945

    Scrapbook: Progress, 1944-1945

    ‘Realist Writer – early issues’, 1952-1955

    BOX 21
    ‘Articles by “Philip Ray” [Len Fox’s cousin Ray Phillips, mother of A. A. (Arthur) Phillips]’, being computer typescript with covering letter from Meg Chapman

    ‘PEN Congress 1977’, 1977-1978, 1990, relating to 42nd International PEN Congress, Sydney, 11-17 Dec. 1977

    ‘FAW, ASA, Writers’ Activities’, 1946-2000, including correspondence, being mainly letters received, with, among others, Lesley Heath, 1993; Barrett Reid, 1992-1993; C. B. Christesen, 1992, relating to the poet Pamela Broad; Jill Hellyer, 1986; John Sendy, 1986; interview with Len and Mona Fox by Julie Wells; newscuttings and obituaries/tributes; illustrations for Dream at a Graveside (1989)

    ‘Overland / Realist Writers’, 1958-1967, including correspondence with Ray Williams (Editor, Realist Writer), 1963; J. J. (Jack) Coffey, 1959; Stephen Murray-Smith, 1958, 1962; and David Martin, 1959

    BOX 22
    Papers relating to Dream at a Graveside: The History of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, 1928-1988 (1989) [edited by Len Fox]:

    ‘FAW Book – Correspondence’, 1937, 1986-1993, including correspondence, being mainly letters received, with Wilma Radford, 1993; Pauline Smith relating to FAW (Qld) history; Laurie Hergenhan, 1989; Pixie O’Harris, 1987; J. S. (Jim) Hamilton, 1986-1987; Hilarie Lindsay, 1987; Drusilla Modjeska; Jean Stone, 1987; Leslie Rees, 1986-1987; Irene A. Greenwood, 1987; John Sendy, 1987; Julie Wells, 1987; and Dora Bertles, 1986

    Brown folder: ‘Dream at a Graveside’, including letters received from Barbara Brook, 1990; Marivic Wyndham Luther-Davies, 1990; Bill Wannan, 1989; Jill Hellyer, 1989; Jack Lindsay, 1989?; Leslie Rees, 1989; and Jean Stone, 1989

    ‘Dream at a graveside (MS.)’, 1988, being 3rd copy, corrected carbon typescript

    ‘FAW – Documents’, 193- -1992, including correspondence of Dymphna Cusack, 1966, with, among others, Frank Dalby Davison

    ‘(Dream At A Graveside Research) / (Based on FAW files in Mitchell Library)’, 193- - 1992, including notes, and letters received from Marivic Wyndham, 1992 and Hilarie Lindsay, 1986-1987

    BOX 23
    ‘Grenfell Festival / (& Orange)’, 1959-1978, relating to Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts, including issues of The Grenfell Record and Festival programme

    ‘Literature – General’, 1962-1988, including letters received from Jim Devaney, 1962, and notes on Bartlett Adamson and William Hatfield

    ‘Woolloomooloo – Darlinghurst’, 198- -1992, being mainly newscuttings

    ‘Women’s Press / Mary Gilmore’, 1925-1989, including letters received from Mary Gilmore, 195- -1961, and T. Inglis Moore, 1967; and newscuttings

    ‘Nettie Palmer / KSP’, 1943-1976, including letters received from Nettie Palmer, 1943-1963; Vivian Smith, 1966; and Ric Throssel, 1972, 1976; and copy of Why I am a Communist [195- ] by Katharine Susannah Prichard

    ‘Coal’, 1949-1988, including printed material and photographs

    ‘May Day / ASSLH [Australian Society for the Study of Labour History] and Milan Committee [Fondazione G. Brodolini, Milan]’, 1987-1990, being mainly relating to International May Day Project, including letters received from Bob James, 1988-1990; Bert Roth, 1987; and John Shields (Secretary, ASSLH – Sydney Branch)

    ‘Early May Days’, 1896-1998, including letters received from Sydney May Day Committee; Bob James, 1989; Sam Merrifield, 1966; Colin Roderick, 1966; and newscuttings and issues of Common Cause

    ‘Mixed’, 193- -1970, being poem from Fox’s wife, Mona Brand, 25 Dec. 1967, and newscuttings

    BOX 24
    ‘Communist Party 1945-1949’, being photocopies

    ‘Left (1991-2)’, 1975-1998, including letters received from Rowan Cahill, 1997; Vera Deacon?, 1992; John R. (Jack) Hughes, 1997; Audrey Blake, 1992; Jack Blake, 1993; David and Richenda Martin, 1991; and Edgar Ross, 1991

    ‘New Left Party’, 1989-1991

    ‘Draft for ALP Book’, no date, being carbon typescript

    ‘ALP Notes’, 193- -194-, including letters received and printed material

    ‘Rosenbergs / Sacco & Vanzetti’, 1953-197-

    ‘[Australian Big Business]’, no date

    ‘Seminar on Multinationals and Aust. Trade Unions April 23-24 1974’

    ‘Consolidation [Communist Party of Australia Consolidation], 1953-54]’, 1949-1990, including correspondence, being mainly letters received, with, among others, John Herouvim, 1984; Jack Blake, 1971-1984; and issues of Communist Review, 1956

    ‘Movement Against War and Fascism / Thesis by Warren Friend’, being photocopy of Friend’s BA (Hons) thesis, Monash University, with letter received from him, 1979?

    ‘Censorship of “Progress” ‘, 1941, including draft newspaper copy with Censor’s blue markings

    BOX 25
    ‘Labour History / (Coal, etc)’, 1940-1988, including letter received from Lloyd Churchward, 1961; issue of Forward: Official Organ of the Glebe Branch of the Unemployed and Relief Workers’ Department of the Trades Labour Council, vol. 1 no. 7, 18 Apr. 1940; and newscuttings

    ‘Discussions on Socialism’, 1959-1990, including letters received from Vera Deacon, 1990, and copy of letters to Eric Aarons, 1964, and Laurie Aarons, 1965

    ‘H. G. Wells / McWilliams family’, 193- - 1994, including correspondence with R. J. McWilliams, 1991-1994, and Ros Haynes, 1988, with her enclosed article, ‘H. G. Wells in Australia’, and letters received from the Montreal poet Ken Hertz, 1990

    ‘Labor History’, 194- , no date, including letters received from Arthur A. Calwell, 1968

    Notes on “Common Cause” back numbers’, 195-, including letter received from Jim Comerford, notes and newscuttings

    ‘Communist Party History / State Labor Party & Progress’, 194- 1983, including [illegal] issue of Communist Review, no. 9 Apr. 1942, newscuttings and printed material

    BOX 26
    ‘Soviet Union / Israel – Jews / Gulf War’, 198- - 1992, including letter received from Audrey Blake, 199- , and newscuttings

    ‘Soviet Writers’, 1966-1969

    ‘Spain’, 1936-1988, including letters received from Nettie Palmer, 1941-1944; Aileen Palmer, 1965; C. B. Christesen, 1959; and Amirah Inglis, 1988; and photocopied articles from World Peace, 193-

    ‘Spain’, 193- - 1994, including letters received from Amirah Inglis, 1983-1994; Lloyd Edmonds, 1992-1993; Judith Keene, 1987, 1993-1994; Netta Burns, 1994; Drew Cottle, 1993; Victor A. Berch (Brandeis University Library), 1972; Laurie Aarons, 1986; and Dick Whateley, 1943

    ‘USSR Amnesty’, 198- - 1990, including articles/reprints by Jack Blake

    ‘Czechoslovakia / Hungary’, 1968-1969, including letter received from Sam Merrifield

    BOX 27
    Notebook: ‘China Sketches / February-March 1958’

    Photographs of Len and Mona Fox in China

    Rough diary of visit to China, 21 Feb.-12 Mar. 1958

    Photographs and cards relating to Vietnam, 195-

    ‘Negs 1956 / Vietnam / ([and] China)’, being photonegatives

    ‘Vietnam (Pictures) / (Photos)’, including photographs and printed material for reference

    ‘Diary Rumania 1953’

    Diary of visit to USSR, 1953

    ‘Vietnam / Notes of Visits’

    ‘Vietnam Poems / (by LF)’, 1957, no date

    ‘Articles / (written in Vietnam) / (or on Vietnam)’, 195- - 1973, including articles, newscuttings and letter received from D. W. A. (Don) Baker, 1964, and copies of Len Fox’s letters to Pete Thomas (Tribune)

    ‘Vietnam Neighbors / Sketches’, 1968-1970, including Chung Vietnam (Hanoi, 1957) by Len Fox, being draft and printed copy

    BOX 28
    ‘Vietnam Sketches / (Common Cause) / L. Fox’, 1968-1970, being mainly newscuttings

    ‘Leaflets against Vietnam War’, 196- - 1991

    ‘Letters from Vietnam’, 1956-1968

    ‘Vietnam Songs’, 195- - 196-

    ‘Vietnam - / recent’, 197- - 1992, including letter received from Alex Carey, 1973, and newscuttings

    ‘Vietnam / Cuttings about War’, 1962-197-, being mainly newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Australia – IndoChina Committee’, 1973-1976, including copies of minutes of meetings of the Australia-Indochina Society (Sydney Branch), 1973-1974

    ‘Poems by Vietnamese / Vietnamese Art’, 195- - 197-

    ‘Vietnam / History of War’, 1954-1973, being mainly newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Jean Williams / Vietnam Veterans’, 1995-1996, mainly relating to Jean Williams and her book, Cry in the Wilderness: Guinea Pigs in Vietnam

    BOX 29
    Yellow folder: ‘Letters from Anne Beggs Sunter’, 1973, 1996-1997, no date, including letters received from Sunter, 1996-1997

    ‘Eureka Flag Booklet’, 1991-2000, being correspondence, being mainly letters received, mainly with Anne Beggs Sunter; Jack Horner, 1992, 1996; Margaret Rich (Director, City of Ballarat Fine Art Gallery); Val D’Angri; Anton Jansen, 1992-1993; Vera Deacon, 1993; Roger Levy, 1992; Lloyd Edmonds, 1993?; Andrew Moore, 1993; Drew Cottle, 1993; John Meredith, 1993; John Sendy, 1993; Lorna Ollif ?, 1993; Bert Roth, 1993; Jim Comerford, 1992; R. D. (Bob) Walshe, 1993; David and Richenda Martin, 1992; Meg Chapman, 1992; Ruth Crow, 1992; Pat Counihan, 1992; Leslie Rees, 1992; Louise Rosenberg (Australian Jewish Historical Society), 1993-94; Hugh Anderson, 1992

    ‘Letters on Eureka & Its Flag’ / (Booklet)’, 1973-1974, 1983, being correspondence with, among others, Val D’Angri, 1973-1974; M. C. Sayers, 1973-1974; and Keith Dunstan, 1973

    The Eureka Flag’, 1992, being corrected computer typescript

    ‘Eureka Flag’, 1945-1997, including correspondence, being mainly letters received, with R. D. (Bob) Walshe, 1954, 1963 and Eric Fry, 1962, and newscuttings

    ‘Eureka / Historical’, 194- - 1975, being notes, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Eureka Flag – Pics’, 1954-1992, including notes, newscuttings and photographs

    ‘Eureka & Its Flag / 1975 – ‘,194- - 1995, including letters received from, among others, Val D’Angri, 1980-1995, and Eveyn Healy, 1986, and newscuttings

    BOX 30
    Outline and Dimensions of the Eureka Flag (2 sheets) by V. & N. D’Angri, 1973

    ‘Xmas cards with / comments on / The Eureka Flag’, 1992-1993

    ‘Eureka / Verses, Songs / Drawings / Ballarat Park’, 1945-1992, being mainly newscuttings

    ‘Eureka Flag Booklet’, 196-, being correspondence, mainly letters received, mainly with Russel Ward, 1963; A. W. Martin, 1963; Bruce Shields, 1963; R. A. McCallum (Librarian, City of Ballarat); D. W. A. (Don) Baker, 1963-1964; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1963; R. D. (Bob) Walshe, 1962; Stephen Murray-Smith, 1963; Bede Nairn, 1963; Helen Palmer, 1963; and W. J. H. (Joe) Harris, 1962

    ‘Eureka and Its Flag / Recent / 1973-74’, 1955?-1993, including correspondence and newscuttings

    BOX 31
    ‘Aborigines in N.S.W.’ by Len Fox, being duplicated typescript, published for delegates to the 3rd Annual Conference of the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement, Newport, Sydney, 26-28 Feb. 1960

    ‘Aboriginal Culture / Personalities’, 195- - 198-, being mainly notes and newscuttings

    ‘Aborigines – Used’, 1951-1976, being mainly correspondence, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Namatjira / Tudawali’, 195- - 1971, being mainly newscuttings

    ‘Aborigines’, 1960-1969, including issues of Fellowship: Monthly Bulletin of the Aboriginal-Australian Fellowship

    ‘Aboriginal book – Letters’, being correspondence, mainly letters received, from Kath Walker, 1976, and Alex Barlow, 1976-1978

    ‘Used / Aborigines 1976’, including letter from Tom Uren to Jack Horner, 1961, notes and newscuttings

    ‘Aborigines Federal 1961-5 / NSW 1961-5’, 1960-1977, including letters received from D. W. McLeod, 1961, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Aboriginals / Reference material / (Bibliographies) / 1976’, 1962-1977, being mainly printed material and photocopies

    Blue folder: ‘Adelaide Conference’ re interstate conference of various Aboriginal organisations, Adelaide, 14-16 Feb. 1958

    ‘Aborigines-Reference Material’, 1956-1974, including issues of FCAATSI News, 1970-73, and other periodicals and printed material

    BOX 32
    ‘Illustrations / The Time Was Ripe’, including photographs

    ‘Aborigines / Possibly for book’, 1951-198-, including letter from Roland Robinson, 1959; List of Affiliated Organizations to Aboriginal-Australian Fellowship, ca. 1969; photographs and newscuttings

    Green folder: ‘Reconciliation Convention’, 1967, 1997

    ‘Aborigines 1960-4 / and general’, 1959-1970, being newscuttings and printed material

    ‘For AAF Book’, 1965, 1981-1984, no date, including correspondence with Jack Horner, 1981-1984

    ‘Voter Education Booklet’, 1972-1975, including letters received from Helen Palmer, 197- and Grace Bardsley Aboriginal Fund, 1972-1974; letter from Neil Simpson to Helen Palmer, 1973; and notes by Jack Horner on Len Fox’s first draft of Voting in the Northern Territory (1975)

    ‘Aborigines / Letters in Papers’,1960-1964, being mainly newscuttings

    BOX 33
    ‘Aborigines About 1950-1’, 1948-196-, being mainly newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Aborigines / Other States / 1955-60’, being mainly newscuttings

    ‘Aboriginal-Austn Fellowship’, 1957-1965

    ‘Aborigines’, 195- - 1978, being newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Aborigines 1986’, 1986-1987, being newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Cuttings 1977-79’, being mainly newscuttings

    FCAATSI publications, 1961-1966

    BOX 34
    Correspondence, 1981-2001, mainly with Vietnamese friends, 1999; Peter Beilharz, 2000; Rowan Cahill, 2000; Jack Horner, 1982-1983; Ken Mansell, 1981; Ralph Gibson, 1981; Charlie Hodges, 1983; Stephen Holt, 1984; Amirah Inglis, 1984; Lou Porker and Bon ? [Len Fox’s sisters], 1982-1985; Rocky Marshall, 1985; Kit Kane, 1984-1986; Judith Keene, 1985; Stephen Murray-Smith, 1985; Nancy Keesing, 1982; and David Martin, 1982

    Scrapbook relating to activities of the Wollongong Free Speech Committee, 1930

    ‘Movement Against War & Fascism’, 193- - 198-, including correspondence with Warren Friend, 1979; notes, newscuttings and printed material

    ‘Flags’ / Anton Jansen / John Vaughan’, including letters received from John Christian Vaughan, 1984-1985, and Anton Jansen (Netherlands), 1982-1986

    Miscellaneous material, including review of Len Fox’s Sketches Over Seventy Years in Writers Voice, Feb.-Mar. 2000, and poem, ‘Funny Money’ by Len Fox


    (3 sound cassettes)

    1. Interview with Len Fox by Simon Marnie, ‘Sunday Brunch’ programme, 2BL-ABC Radio, 27 Aug. 2000 (30 mins.)

    2. Recording of Len Fox’s 90th birthday celebration, Aug. 1995.
    [Poor audio quality]

    3. Interview with Len Fox by John Meredith, 23 Feb. 1993, with letter received from Meredith, 24 Feb. [1993]. Fox speaks about his books published since 1967.
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Research & study copies allowed: Applies only to material in which Len Fox owns copyright
  • Conservation note

    Many of the original manila folders housing the contents had deteriorated by the time the Library acquired the collection. The contents were mainly re-housed in new manila folders or acid-free folders.
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