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  • Title
    New Left Party records, 1985-1993
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 7065
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1985 - 1993
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    22 boxes - 3.74 Meters
    Textual Records
    Textual Records - (computer printouts)
    Textual Records - (photocopy)
    Textual Records - (typescript)
    Textual Records - (typescript, photocopy)
    Textual Records - (typescript, carbon)
    Textual Records - (typescript, processed)
    Textual Records - (printed)

    The New Left Party was a socialist party established in Sydney in 1989. It originated from the Australian non-Labor Left at the time of the demise of the Communist Party of Australia. The Party stood for 'social justice, the expansion of democracy, a diverse multicultural Australia, an ecologically sustainable society and a non-violent nuclear free world'. The New Left Party's origins can be traced back to the Broad Left Conference held in Sydney in March 1986. In 1989 a group of 132 activists issued the 'Time to Act' statement propounding the formation of a new party, which was launched in July that year. The Party's Founding Conference took place at Leichhardt High School in June 1990. The Conference ratified the Party's constitution, political program and decentralised organisational structure.

    The Party's National Conference was the decision-making body that determined national policy. A national office was set up in Sydney. The National Organising Committee (NOC) was the decision-making body between conferences. NOC comprised delegates elected by Regions, the administrative and co-ordinating bodies of the Party within a geographical area. Regions were made up of Groups, such as Locality and Interest ones. The Sydney Organising Committee organised the Living in Sydney: A Conference for the Future of Our City at Granville TAFE, 3-4 Aug. 1991. NOC appointed a National Administrative Committee drawn from at least four Regions. Inter-regional bodies comprised Inter-Regional Networks, formed bewtween Locality and Interest Groups where two or more Regions requested it, and Commissions that were established by NOC or the National Conference to perform any specified function.

    In 1993 the New Left Party was replaced by a progressive network, Left Connection.
  • Scope and Content

    BOX 1
    A. Preparatory Papers:

    1986; 'Broad Left Conference 1986'
    1986-1987; 'Initial Group 1986 - Towards a New Party of the Left'
    1986-1987; 'Left Groups & Parties on Reformation'
    1987; 'New Left Party Documents'
    1987; 'Charter Conference 1987'
    1987-1988; 'Misc. Post - 1987 Charter Conf. 1'
    1987-1988; 'Misc. Post - 1987 Charter Conf. 2'
    1987-1988; 'Charter Bulletins 1987-88', being issues of the New Left Party Charter Process (Sydney) and the New Left Party National Bulletin
    1988; 'Proposals for Steps - To NLP'
    1988; 'Letter to Possible Sponsors - 7.12.88'
    1988-1989; 'Time to Act Statement'
    1989; 'Sponsors Meeting [Apr. 1989]'

    BOX 2
    B. Policy Commissions for National Launching Conference, July 1989:

    'Media', being miscellaneous Conference documents
    'July Conference - Venue'
    'Commission Reports for Launching Conference, July 29 & 30, 1989'
    'July Conference - Media and Publicity'
    'July Conference - Balance Sheet'
    'July Conference - Budget'
    'Structures Commission'
    'Economic Commission'
    'Democracy Commission'
    'Environment Commission'
    'Womens Commission'
    'Founding Conference > Men's Meeting'
    'Aboriginal Commission'
    'Marxist Commission Proposal'
    'Arts & Culture Commission'
    'Parties Strategy Comm.'
    'Social Justice Comm.'
    'Multicultural Commission'
    'International Commission'
    'Industrial Commission'
    'Students' Commission'

    BOX 3
    'Constitutions + Structures'
    'Industrial - 1989'
    'Students Broadsheet 1990'
    'Students Group Jan - May 1990'
    'Students Commission - 1990'
    'Economics Commission 1990'
    'Women's Commission'
    'Jul 89 Workshop Reports ("Between Conferences")
    'Media Group 1989'
    'Media Releases - Responses'
    1989-1993; 'Environment General'
    1989-1991; 'Party Education Commission'
    ca. 1990; 'Artwork'
    1989-1992; 'Misc. Unfiled Papers'

    BOX 4
    C. Founding Conference, Leichhardt High School, N.S.W., 9-11 June 1990:

    'Founding Conference - Main Documents'
    'Founding Conference - Regional Proposals'
    'Founding Conference - Various'
    'Constitution - Founding Conference'
    'Founding Conference June 1990 Workshop Minutes'
    'Founding Conference - Political Action Document' 7060/4)
    'Procedure for Policy Workshops - Founding Conference'
    'Publicity Founding Conference'
    'Reports on Founding Conference'
    'Founding Conference - Lesbians & Gays'
    'Pre-Founding Conference Org. Meetings'
    'Registration Doco - Founding Conference'
    'Founding Conference - Conference Venue Stuff. - Orig. Documents'
    'Founding Conference - Women's Meeting'
    '1990 NLP Founding Conference - Process'
    'A Changing World - A New Response - [Policy documents of the New Left Party] - 1990'
    'Post Conference Plans'

    BOX 5
    'Party Strategy 1991 - 1991 Party Discussion & RA Meetings'
    'Newspaper Clippings' and black & white photoprints (4) mainly of Conference sessions
    'NLP Draft Documents'
    'Regional Conferences', being Draft Platform Outline and Structures Commission Report
    'Founding Conference Fundraising'
    'Founding Conference - General'
    'Constitution D.C. [Amendments]'
    'Original Amendment Docs' and minutes of decisions, Hunter New Party Group, 29 Apr. 1990
    'Conference Drafting Committee'
    'Political Action Drafting Cttee'
    'Founding Conference Cttee - Documents'
    '1990 NLP Founding Confce Platform outline & other Docts'
    'Outline - Draft Platform'
    'Draft Platform'
    'Plebiscite on Issues not reached by Conference' (Call No.: MLMSS 7060/5)


    BOX 6
    1989; 'National Liaison Committee Meeting Minutes 1989'
    1989-1990; 'N.O.C. & N.A.C. Minutes 1989 1990'
    1990; 'NOC meetings - working file 1989'
    1990; 'Clive Morgan (Nat. Organiser) Reports. 1990'
    1991; 'NOC & NAC Meetings 1991'
    1991; 'NAC 1991'
    1991-1992; 'NOC 1992'
    1992; 'National Admin. Committee - 1992'

    BOX 7
    1988-1989; 'Correspondence 1989 Out'
    1989-1990; '1989 Correspondence - '
    1990; 'Correspondence 1990'
    1990-1991; 'Correspondence 1990'
    1990; '1990 Correspondence National Correspondence Out Feb 1990 >'
    1990; 'Correspondence 1990'
    1990-1991; 'Reports, Speakers' Notes - 1991'
    1991; '1991 Correspondence South Aust Cor[respondence] Jan 91 -'
    1991-1992; '1991 Correspondence Corresp - All Regions'
    1992-1993; '1992 Correspondence / Finance'

    BOX 8
    1989-1990; * National Organiser's Correspondence (10 files: Regions)

    Further NOC / NAC files:
    1992-1993; 'Final NLP Conference March 20-21, 1993 & Proposals for Left Connection'
    1993; 'Nat. Conference 1993 Documents'
    1993; 'NLP - 1993 Conference - J.S. File'
    1993; 'March 1993 Nat Conference File - Proposals & Amendments'
    1992; 'Post - Conference (June 1992) Bulletin'
    1992; 'NLP National Conference - June 1992 - Reports & Agenda Etc'

    BOX 9
    1990; '1990 Election [Federal] Campaign'
    1993; 'Federal Elections - March '93' (Call No.: MLMSS 7060/9)
    1991-1993; 'Interstate Material' (Call No.: MLMSS 7060/9)
    1992; 'NLP Future Workshop 25/10/92' (Call No.: MLMSS 7060/9)

    BOX 10
    * Mainly NOC Subject and International Strategy files:

    1990-1991; 'Gulf War'
    1990-1991; 'Korean Strategy'
    1990-1993; 'Peace & Disarmament'
    1991; 'United Nations'
    1990-1991; 'Uranium'
    1990-1991; 'Anti-Apartheid'
    1991-1992; 'Asia Pacific Forum'
    1992; 'Asia - Pacific Region'
    1991-1992; 'Australia Can Work - Booklet', being publication by Terry Flew
    1990; 'Broad Left Weekly'
    1991; 'Broad Left Weekly 1991'
    1986-1991; 'Democrats & Rainbow Alliance'
    1990; 'Economic Strategy'
    1989-1991; 'Economics Group'
    1990-1993; '1992-1993 Federal Election Campaign'
    1991; 'Gulf War - Other Orgs'
    1991; 'Gulf War - B'Sheet'
    1991; 'Gulf War - Clive [Morgan]'
    1991; 'Gulf War - NLP' )

    BOX 11
    1989-1992; 'International'
    1989; 'International'
    199-; 'International Relations with Other Parties'
    1990; 'Iraq - Kuwait'
    1990; 'Johnston Atoll Campaign'
    1990; 'Living Standards Campaign 1990'
    1989-1990; 'MFP [Multifunction Polis]'
    1989-1990; 'MFP Latest'
    1989-1991; 'NLP National Policy'
    1990; 'Qu[eensland] Electoral Inquiry - 1990'
    1990-1991; '1991 - NLP - Rainbow Alliance Discussions'
    1991; 'Recession Broadsheet / Economics Commission'
    1991; 'Recession Broadsheet - Wages in Crisis leaflet - Industry Statement'
    1990; 'Reports on NLP Activity 1990'
    1990; 'Seed Against Greed'
    1989; 'South Africa'
    1991; 'A Sustainable Forest Industry 1991'
    1990-1992; 'Work Economy Campaign'

    BOX 12
    * Administration:

    1989-1990; 'NLP Regional Organisations'
    1989-1993; 'Comets - National Bullet[in]', being issues of the national newsletters, The Comet and Aldjeringa
    1990-1993; 'National Newsletter Comet - Aldjeringa'
    1992; 'The Comet - Nov. 1992 Issue'
    1989; '1989 - Deciding on the Name Party Name - Logo'
    1989-1992; 'Regional Correspondence' - Bulletin'
    1990; 'Resources'
    'Membership Cards - Logo - Letterhead'
    1990-1991; 'National Organiser's Contarct 1990 & Staffing 1991'
    1990-1991; 'Recruitment Leaflet'
    'Media Lists'
    'Media Contacts'
    1990; 'Quiz Night'


    BOX 13
    1991-1992; 'SOC Documents'
    1990-1992; 'Notes from SOC Discussion Jan 24 1990'
    1990-1993; Sydney Bulletin, minutes and miscellaneous papers
    1990-1993; 'SOC Minutes', with related papers and Administrator's reports
    1990-1992; 'SOC Minutes 27-11-90 > 9-10-91 plus Survey Jan 1991, Thoughts on Founding Conference'
    1992-1993; 'S.O.C. 1992 Minutes Book', 16 June 1992-12 Aug. 1993
    1991; 'Cash Journal #3 / 1.11.91 - 31.12.91'
    1992; 'Cash Journal #4 Sydney / 1.1.92-31.12.92'
    1990-1993; 'Correspondence from National NLP'
    1990-1991; 'Correspondence Out Sydney'
    1990-1993; 'Correspondence - In - Sydney'

    BOX 14
    1990-1992; 'NLP. Sydney Misc.'
    199-; Toxic Chemicals Kit files, including tea towels (2) joint ly produced with Garage Graffix

    BOX 15
    * SOC Interest Groups:

    1991-1993; 'Aboriginal'
    1991-1992; 'AntiFightback Campaign [Anti-Fightback / New Directions Group]'
    1991-1992; 'Fightback: Documents & Responses'
    1990; 'Fundraising'
    1990-1993; 'Gay & Lesbian Group'
    1990-1991; 'Industrial [Group]'
    1989-1993; 'Industrial Cttee [Trade Union Committee]'
    1991-1993; 'International Comm'
    1990; 'Land Rights'
    1991-1993; 'Local Government'
    1990-1991; 'Local Government'
    1990-1991; 'Marxist Interest Group'
    1989-; 'Media'
    1991-1992; 'New Directions Campaign'
    'Party Education Sub C'ttee [Sydney Recruitment Group]'
    1990-1993; 'Regional Conferences and Meetings'

    BOX 16
    1985-1990; 'Students Misc.'
    1990-1993; 'Students Group - NLP', including minute book, 8 Mar.-10 Sept. 1991
    1991; 'Students - 1991'
    1990; 'Students' Paper - PUSH'
    1989-1992; 'Trade Unions [Sydney Trade Union Committee and New Directions]'
    1990-1991; 'Trade Unions 1990-91 [Sydney Trade Union Committee]'
    1989-1991; 'NLP Women', including Marrickville Community Independents

    * SOC Locality Groups:

    1989-1992; 'Eastern Suburbs Group - Correspondence + Newspaper Clippings'
    1990-1991; 'Inner West Group [Newtown-Marrickville]'
    1989-1992; 'Inner West' (
    1990; 'Liverpool / Campbelltown'
    1991; 'North Sydney'
    1989-1990; 'Parramatta', including issues of Westwork
    1990-1991; 'Penrith'
    1990-1992; 'South Sydney'
    1991-1992; 'Sutherland', including letters received by Alec and Pat Elphinston, Joint Secretaries, Sutherland NLP Group
    1989-1993; 'Sutherland - St. George', including minutes of meetings
    1989-1993; 'Sydney Region - Bulletins'

    BOXES 17-18
    * Records concerning Living in Sydney: A Conference for the Future of Our City, Granville TAFE, 3-4 Aug. 1991, with post-Conference correspondence
    Include photographs, publicity, agenda, speakers' file, post-Conference correspondence, finance, Conference Resource Booklet and workshop notes

    BOX 19
    * Records, 1990-1992, concerning Local Government and Community Sector Project
    Include files on political directions, local government, urban sprawl, Marrickville Community Independents and newsletters

    BOX 20
    IV. PRINTED MATERIAL, 1987-1991

    BOXES 21-22
    V. RESTRICTED MATERIAL, ca. 1988-ca. 1993
    Include mailing and membership lists, financial records, conference registrations, and employment and resignations
  • Access Conditions
    Partly restricted: Applies to MLMSS 7065/Boxes 21 & 22
    For access to this collection please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
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