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  • Title
    Collection 01: New Theatre records, 1914-1990
  • Call number
    MLMSS 6244
    VT 663-VT 669
    PXA 874
    PXD 899-901, 1079
    PXX 36
    ON 223-224, 266
    GR 258
    MLOH 397
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Partially Microfilmed : MAV/FM4/10860 (Series 23: 50th Anniversary Exhibition display boards, 1982)
  • Physical Description
    22 metres of textual material (244 boxes) - manuscript, typescript, and printed
    Architectural and Technical Drawings
    Sound Recordings
    Moving Images - video recordings
    Design Drawings
  • Scope and Content
    The records of New Theatre are divided into 23 record series. A detailed description of series 1-15 is available from the Manuscripts Section.

    SERIES 01
    Minute books, 1950-1989
    These comprise minutes of meetings of long running groups including general, executive, management, New Theatre national annual conferences and production committees as well as committees to advise on particular events including the site committee established to monitor progress on the Newtown theatre and the committees established to celebrate the retirement of long serving secretary Miriam Hampson, O.A., and the theatre's fiftieth anniversary, both in 1982
    ML MSS 6244/1-12

    SERIES 02
    Correspondence files, 1950-1989
    Includes inward and carbon copies of outward correspondence, and files devoted to specific topics such as correspondence with the Australia Council for the Arts, the Chief Secretary's Department of the NSW government, management of the Sydney Opera House re the theatre's fiftieth anniversary, specific events, plays, budgets, publicity, and grant applications
    ML MSS 6244/13-46

    SERIES 03
    Miscellaneous subject files, 1914-1990
    ML MSS 6244/47-59

    SERIES 04
    These are arranged alphabetically. A few are printed, some with annotations, but the majority are typescript. Some are multiple copies tracing the development of plays, while others are prompt copies or those which indicate lighting cues
    ML MSS 6244/60-126

    SERIES 05
    Revue scripts
    These comprise scripts of complete shows and numerous short sketches which have been listed by the title of the sketch
    ML MSS 6244/127-130

    SERIES 06
    Revue and musical scripts
    These mainly comprise scripts of complete shows, sometimes with musical scores, and scripts of short sketches which have been listed by the title of the sketch
    ML MSS 6244/131-133

    SERIES 07
    Children's playscripts
    Listed alphabetically by title
    ML MSS 6244/134-135

    SERIES 08
    One act plays
    Listed alphabetically by title
    ML MSS 6244/136-140

    SERIES 09
    New Theatre Castlereagh Street, 1943-1953
    Listed alphabetically by title
    ML MSS 6244/141-144

    SERIES 10
    A folder has been made and labelled for each play performed for the public. A typical folder contains flyers, programmes, reviews, photographs of productions. Material has been added retrospectively to play folders for some early productions. A few of these early folders are empty
    ML MSS 6244/145X-231X

    SERIES 11
    Printed material, 1948-1989
    This includes National Spotlight (1954-1967), Spotlight, the journal for Sydney members of the New Theatre (1950-1989), and a few copies of Spotlight from the New Theatre groups in Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne. Other printed material includes theatre journals and miscellaneous books
    ML MSS 6244/232-244

    SERIES 12
    Posters, 1947-1988
    MLMSS 6244/245X-248X

    SERIES 13
    Videotapes of productions, 1975-1988
    VT 663-VT 669

    SERIES 14
    Audio tapes of productions
    MLOH 265

    SERIES 15
    Cast recording of the musical play, Reedy River, 1979
    ML G.R. 258

    SERIES 16.
    Photographs, photonegatives and colour transparencies of plays, 1980-1984
    PXA 874 ; ON 223

    SERIES 17
    Harold Ciddor negatives, 1914-1972
    ON 224

    SERIES 18
    Costume and set designs, 1944-1977
    PXX 36 (2 folders)

    SERIES 19
    Architectural set designs, 1967-1985
    PXD 899

    SERIES 20
    Architectural plans for the New Theatre, Darlinghurst and 542 King Street, Newtown, 1969-1982
    PXD 900

    SERIES 21
    Artwork for flyers and posters, 1946-1982
    PXD 901

    SERIES 22
    Phototransparencies of set models, 1997 (copies of set models, 1964-1986)

    SERIES 23
    Exhibition Display Boards for New Theatre's 50th Anniversary, 2002 (Microfilm from original display boards made 1982)

    SERIES 24
    Recordings for 'American Hurrah', 1968
    MLOH 397

    Abell, Kjeld, 1901-1961
    Adshead, Kay
    Afinogenov, Alexander
    Aitkens, Carroll
    Albee, Edward, 1928-
    Aldridge, James, 1918-
    Allan, David
    Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875
    Anderson, Maxwell, 1888-1959
    Antill, Keith
    Ardrey, Robert
    Arent, Arthur
    Arrabal, Fernando, 1932-
    Atherden, Geoffrey
    Auden W.H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973
    Babe, Thomas
    Baeyertz, R.E.
    Baker, John
    Balodis, Janis
    Bann, Fanny
    Barker, Howard
    Barnett, Pat
    Barr, Margaret, 1904-1991
    Bartholomew, Brad
    Batten, Peter
    Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, 1732-1799
    Behan, Brendan, 1923-1964
    Bela, Nicholas
    Bell, Donald
    Belotserkovsky, Vladimir
    Bengal, Ben
    Benjamin, Rosemary
    Berg, David
    Berkoff, Steven, 1937-
    Bernard, Jean-Jacques, 1888-1972
    Beste, R. Vernon, (Raymond Vernon)
    Bird, Stewart
    Bishop, John
    Blair, Jon
    Blank, Goldie
    Blankfort, Michael, 1907-
    Blitzstein, Marc
    Bloch, Jean Richard, 1884-1947
    Block, Toni
    Bolster, Tom
    Bolt, Carol
    Bond, Edward, 1934-
    Box, Muriel, 1905-
    Brabazon, James, 1923-
    Brand, Mona
    Bray, Errol
    Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956
    Bren, Frank
    Brenton, Howard, 1942-
    Bridges, Tom
    Brooks, Harry
    Brown, J.
    Brown, W. J. (Wilton John), 1917-1992
    Bryden, Bill, 1942-
    Bullen, Pat
    Buzo, Alexander, 1944-
    Caine, Peggy
    Capek, Karel, 1890-1938
    Carmines, Al
    Cartwright, Jim
    Charteris, Damian
    Chih, Ho Ching
    Chiplin, Rex
    Churchill, Caryl
    Clark, Joan
    Clarke, Paul
    Clements, Colin
    Cobley, Tom, 1914-1969
    Cochrane, Pierre
    Cole, Peter
    Coleman, Glyn
    Collier, John
    Collinson, Laurence
    Cooper, Walter
    Corman, Rena
    Corwin, Norman, 1910-
    Cove, Michael
    Craig, Bette
    Craig, Betty
    Crawford, Archer
    Crawford, Jim
    Critchley, Louis
    Crundwell, Rod
    Cullen, Max
    Cullen, Roger
    Cunnington, C.L., (Charles Leslie)
    Curry, Neil, 1937-
    Cusack, Dymphna, 1902-1981
    Daggett, James
    Daley, Timothy, 1944-
    Dann, George Landen, 1904-1977
    Darke, Nick
    Davis, Ossie
    De Boissiere, Ralph, 1907-
    Diamond, Dick
    Diamond, Muni
    Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970
    Dowling, Jeanette
    Drake-Brockman, H. (Henrietta), 1901-1968
    Drexler, Rosalyn
    Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937
    Duncan, Catherine, 1915-
    Durrenmat, Friedrich, 1921-
    D'Usseau, Arnaud, 1916-
    Edgar, David, 1948-
    Edliss, Julius
    Ehrenberg, Ilya
    Eliot, T.S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965
    Elliott, Sumner Locke, 1917-
    Ellis, Robert
    Enright, Nicholas, 1950-
    Erdman, Nicholas, 1902-1970
    Esson, Louis, 1878-1943
    Ewen, Joyce
    Fairfax, Warwick, 1901-1987
    Farmer, Frank Rhodes
    Farrell, James
    Farwell, George, 1911-1976
    Fast, Howard, 1914-
    Faulkner, Noel
    Feiffer, Jules
    Fenton, Norman
    Finogenov, A.A.
    Flanagan, Patrick
    Florsheim, Karel
    Flower, Cedric, 1920-2000
    Flower, Pat
    Fo, Dario, 1926-
    Folkard, Frederick C.
    Foster, Paul, 1931-
    Fowler, Pat
    Fox, Len, 1905-
    France, Anatole, 1844-1924
    Francis, Peter
    Fratti, Mario, 1927-
    Freed, Donald
    Friedman, Bruce Jay, 1930-
    Fry, Christopher, 1907-
    Fuller, Michael
    Galitzky, V.
    Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933
    Gard, Stephen
    Garson, Barbara
    Garven, K.M.
    Gellatly, Graham
    Gems, Pam
    George, Bruce
    Gibson, Joan
    Gilbert, W.S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911
    Gleitzman, Morris, 1953-
    Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 1809-1852
    Golder, John, 1944-
    Gooch, Steve
    Gorelik, Mordecai, 1899-1990
    Gorky, Maxim, 1868-1936
    Gow, James
    Gow, Ronald, 1917-
    Gray, Nicholas Stuart
    Gray, Oriel, 1920-
    Great Canadian Theatre Company
    Green, Paul, 1894-1981
    Griffiths, Trevor, 1935-
    Grumberg, Jean-Claude, 1939-
    Gubarev, Vladimir
    Hachfeld, Rainer
    Hampton, Christopher, 1946-
    Hanger, Eunice
    Hannet, Leo
    Hansberry, Lorraine, 1930-1965
    Hardy, Frank (Francis Joseph), 1917-1994
    Hardy, Luke
    Hare, David, 1947-
    Hargity, Richard
    Hauser, Harald
    Havel, Vaclav, 1936-
    Hawley, Esther M.
    Hayes, Alfred
    Hecht, Ben, 1893-1964
    Heijermans, Herman, 1864-1924
    Hellman, Lillian, 1906-
    Hendry, Joan
    Hepworth, John, 1921-
    Herbert, Alan
    Herbert, R.C.
    Hewett, Dorothy, 1923-2002
    Hill, R.A.N.
    Hines, Leonard
    Hodge, Herbert
    Horovitz, Israel, 1939-
    Houston, Noel
    Howard, Tony, 1947-
    Hsiao, Chun, 1908-
    Hubec, Jirl
    Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967
    Hume, Oliver
    Hutchings, R.S. (Reginald Salis), 1915-
    Hutchinson, George, 1930-
    Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906
    Ighe, Helena
    Irwin, Ben
    Irwin, Leonard
    Isherwood, Christopher, 1904-1986
    Jaffe, Eli
    Jarry, Alfred, 1873-1907
    Jawodimbari, Arthur
    Johnson, Patricia
    Johnston, David
    Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637
    Kana, Vasek
    Kaniku, John Wills
    Karchmer, Sylvan
    Kaverin, Veniamin
    Keefe, Barry
    Kemp, Peter
    Kerr, Sophie
    Kidd, B.R.
    King, Frank
    Kirby, Foveaux
    Kozlenko, William, 1908-
    Kramer, Larry
    Kroetz, Frank
    Kruczkowski, Leon
    Lamont, Ena
    Lampell, Millard, 1919-
    Langton, George
    Laurents, Arthur, 1918-
    Lawrence, Joseph
    Lee, Christopher
    Levett, Wallace
    Levy, Benn W. (Benn Wolf), 1900-1973
    Lindsay, Jack, 1900-1990
    Littlewood, Joan, 1914-
    Loveri, M.
    Lucas, Eric, 1911-
    Ludwig, Volker
    Lyne, Allen
    Maas, Chris
    McArthur, Charles, 1895-1956
    McClure, Michael, 1932-
    MacColl, Ewan
    McDonald, Ken
    McGowan, Laurel
    McGrath, John
    McGrath, Kevin
    McLeod, John
    McMillan, Nance
    McNally, Terrence
    Magdalany, Philip
    Malleson, Miles
    Maltz, Albert
    Mamet, David
    Mann, Leonard
    Manning, Ned
    Martin, David, 1915-1997
    Martin, Harry
    Mathew, Ray, 1929-
    Meares, Leonard
    Merrick, Monte
    Michel, Georges
    Miles, Bernard, 1907-
    Miller, Arthur, 1915-
    Milne, A.A. (Alan Alexander), 1882-1956
    Mitchell, Robert
    Moliere, 1622-1673
    Monvid, Grazyna
    Morell, Murette
    Morell, Musette, 1898-1950
    Morgan, Kevin Barry
    Morris, Gadfan
    Morrison, Bill
    Morse, Ronald
    Motherwell, Phil, 1947-
    Mudrooroo, 1938-
    Mulligan, John
    Mummer Troupe
    Munro, Rona, 1959-
    Murrell, John, 1945-
    Mute, D.J.
    Myers, E.
    Narogin, Chumi
    Neil, Linda
    Nelson, Claris
    Nemiroff, Robert
    New Theatre (Brisbane, Qld.)
    New Theatre (Melbourne, Vic.)
    New Theatre (Newcastle, N.S.W.)
    New Theatre (Perth, W.A.)
    New Theatre Writers
    Nichols, Peter, 1927-
    Nixon, E.
    Noah, Robert
    Noonan, Bill
    Nugent, Alexa
    Oakley, Barry, 1931-
    Obler, Arch
    O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964
    Odets, Clifford, 1906-1963
    O'Neill, Errol
    O'Neill, Eugene, 1883-1953
    O'Shaughnessy, Peter
    Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886
    Owen, Bill, 1914-
    Parfit, Ted
    Parsons, Geoffrey
    Pater, Stewart
    Peach, L. Du (Lawrence Du), 1890-
    Peck, Leonard
    Pepworth, Barbara, 1955-
    Perl, Arnold
    Peterson, Ralph
    Petrescu, Camil, 1894-1957
    Phillips, Stephen, 1868-1915
    Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936
    Pollack, J.H.
    Pollock, Sharon
    Popplewell, Olive
    Potter, Dennis, 1935-
    Poulos, George
    Pree, Barry
    Preston, Richard
    Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 1883-1969
    Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984
    Rabbits, John
    Rabe, David, 1940-
    Rame, Franca, 1929-
    Read, Lotte
    Reade, Harry, 1927-1998
    Reddin, Keith
    Rees, Leslie, 1905-2000
    Reilly, Michael
    Reimers, Monro
    Reynolds, Tim
    Rice, Elmer L., 1892-1967
    Ridenour, Louis Nicot, 1911-1959
    Roberts, Buckley
    Roberts, K.L.
    Robilotta, Peter
    Robinson, Earl, 1901-
    Romeril, John, 1945-
    Ross, K.G. (Ken G.)
    Rubin, Barnard
    Rudet, Jacqueline
    Russell, Willy, 1947-
    Rutherford, Mervyn Leslie, 1936-1985
    Ryerson, Florence
    Salt, Waldo
    Saroyan, William, 1908-1981
    Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980
    Saunders, Stafford
    Schreck, Peter
    Scott, Phillip
    Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832
    Scully, Kevin
    Semprun, Joege, 1923-
    Sender, Ramon J. (Ramon Jose), 1901-
    Sewell, Stephen, 1953-
    Seymour, Frankie
    Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
    Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950
    Sheinin, L.
    Shepard, Sam, 1943-
    Sherwood, Robert E., 1896-1955
    Shiel, Graham
    Shortis, John Mc.
    Sidetrack Theatre
    Sifton, Claire
    Sifton, Paul
    Simmons, Brian
    Simmons, John
    Simonov, Konstantin, 1915-1979
    Simpson, N.F. (Norman Frederick), 1919-
    Skelton, Geoffrey, 1916-
    Sklar, George
    Slater, Montagu
    Smith, Betty
    Smith- White, David
    Smythe, John, 1945-
    Soleveichik, Simon
    Sorge, Christian
    Spewak, Bella, 1899-
    Spewak, Samuel, 1899-
    Sriber, Charles
    Stafford, Mark
    Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968
    Stephenson, Ken
    Sterne, Tom
    Stevens, Peter
    Stevens, Tony
    Stevenson, Janet
    Stevenson, Philip
    Stewart, Donald Ogden
    Stopes, Marie Carmichael, 1880-1958
    Stoppard, Tom, 1937-
    Storey, David
    Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900
    Sykes, Geoffrey
    Synge, J.M. (John Millington), 1871-1909
    Taeni, Rainer
    Tank, Herb
    Taylor, C.P., 1928-1981
    Theatre Workshop (England)
    Thomas, A. Jackson
    Thomas, Ross
    Thompson, Sam
    Titterington, John, 1941-
    Todd, Peter
    Toller, Ernst
    Tollman, Ernst
    Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
    Tomalin, Miles
    Tomlinson, John, 1942-
    Travers, Ben, 1886-1980
    Trease, Geoffrey, 1909-
    Tree, Jonathan
    Tressell, Robert
    Underhill, Jeff
    Upton, John, 1932-
    Ustinov, Peter
    Vampilov, Aleksandr, 1937-1972
    Van Amstel, Pamela
    Van Italie, Jean-Claude, 1936-
    Vasilyev, Boris
    Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635
    Veit, Christian
    Vernon, Barbara, 1916-1978
    Vonnegut, Kurt
    Waiko, John
    Waldron-Glyde, Rory
    Walker, Vivian
    Walters, Evelyn
    Ward, Martin
    Wasserman, Dale
    Watts, Cecil
    Weiss, Peter, 1916-1982
    Weller, Michael, 1942-
    Westgarth, John
    White, Clemon
    White, Fay
    Whiting, John, 1917-1963
    Williams, Jay
    Williams, Nigel, 1948-
    Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983
    Williamson, David
    Willis, Ted, 1918-
    Wilson, Langford, 1937-
    Witcombe, Eleanor, 1923-
    Wolf, Friedrich
    Wright, Steve
    Yi, Ting
    Young, David
    Young, William
    Zuckmayer, Carl, 1896-1977
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    This material is held in cold storage and requires 3 working days notice to retrieve. Please submit your request through Ask a Librarian - Applies to FM2
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright restrictions may apply:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
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