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  • Title
    Further records of Australian Freedom From Hunger Campaign, together with further records of Community Aid Abroad (Australia), [ca. 1966-ca. 1996]
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 9184
  • Level of description
  • Date

    [ca. 1966-ca. 1996]
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    10.5 metres of textual material (62 boxes)

    Community Aid Abroad began in Melbourne’s suburbs in 1953 as a church-affiliated group called Food for Peace Campaign, founded by Father Gerard Kennedy Tucker. The group, concerned about poverty in Asia after the Second World War, sent weekly donations to a small health project in India, and eventually, Food for Peace Campaign groups were established throughout Victoria.

    In 1962, a full-time campaign director was appointed and the name was changed to Community Aid Abroad. The new name reflected an aim to assist communities more broadly, rather than just providing food in order to maintain peace. Throughout the 1960s, local Community Aid Abroad groups were established across Australia.

    The Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign was launched in 1961 following the launch of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation’s five-year campaign, Freedom from Hunger. This community-based campaign was aimed at raising global awareness about poverty issues around the world and provided opportunities for people to directly support anti-poverty programs in developing countries.

    Membership was initially open to organisations rather than individuals and these included unions and community interest groups. The campaign grew to become a national organisation in 1964 that conducted appeals for countries including India, Timor-Leste, Cambodia and Ethiopia, and supported Aboriginal issues and programs in Australia.

    The Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign and Community Aid Abroad merged in 1992 to become one of Australia’s largest international development organisations. As a founding member of Oxfam International, CAA changed its name to Oxfam Community Aid Abroad in 2001 and then to Oxfam Australia in 2005.

    Oxfam Australia. https://www.oxfam.org.au/about-us/our-history/ (accessed 23/10/2013)
  • Scope and Content
    Further records of Australian Freedom From Hunger, together with further records of Community Aid Abroad (Australia), ca. 1966-ca. 1996, being mainly labelled office files, campaign materials, committee files, minute books, administrative and financial records, and printed material.

    BOX 1
    CAA records ca 1993-ca 1996 related to campaign issues including files labeled; Human Rights, HIV/AIDS, AusAid Submissions, Aboriginal Issues, Burma (Trafficking Tour), and Trade Off’s Book

    BOX 2
    AFFHC advocacy issues, 1989-1991, related to Mabo, Aboriginal Issues, AIDAB Submissions, DEPS 1993-1994, HIV/AIDS

    BOX 3
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996 related to AFFHC Development Education Programs, student campaigns, East Timor, Campaigning and Advocacy, Khmer Seminar 1992, Cambodia, and general information files

    BOX 4
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996 related to campaigns and education, Cambodia, Internally displaced persons, Jakata Meetings, Eminent Persons Visits, Statements from Ministers, Ideas Centre Management Committee, Film Makers

    BOX 5
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, including files labeled; Development Education Projects, Fionna’s Video, One World Magazine Radio Show, Kid’s Contact, Policy, Planning and Education Breaking the Hunger Trap

    BOX 6
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, including files labeled; Wimbledon for the World, 1991, Munupi Dreaming, Drama Proposal 1990, 1991 Conference Proposal, TNI-Bello Book, ‘Runners’, Postcards Queensland 1989

    BOX 7
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996 including files labeled; Budget 1993-1995, Education Unit, Womens Caucus, ESC 1992, Policy Planning and Education Sydney

    BOX 8
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, miscellaneous files related to State and National Committees, 1988

    BOX 9
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1988-ca 1996, including files labeled; correspondence, African village project: Into Africa, and CAA merger

    BOX 10
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1996, including files labeled; National Education Subcommittee, General Correspondence 1990-1992, Policy, Planning and Education Unit 1992

    BOX 11
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, including files labeled; Development Education Centres 1990, Munupi Dreaming Art and Artists, Despatch, Framing, and General

    BOX 12
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, including files labeled; Landmines, Mailouts, procedure guide for exhibitions, Raffle, Schedule, Transport and Insurance

    BOXES 13-14
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1974-ca 1988, including New South Wales Branch and National archives material. Includes files labeled; NSW Annual General Meetings, 1984-1987, Committee minutes, reports and policy including Coordinating Committee, 1984-1987, Community Development, 1986-1988, Development Education, 1980-1987, Fundraising and Development, 1983-1988, Walk Against Want, 1985-1989. Constitutional papers, 1978-1979, Financial Statements, 1982 and 1986, Fundraising Ideas, Government Aid Working Group, 1984-1987, Overseas Visitors, 1984-1989, Press Releases, 1982-1987, P.S. Newsletters, 1984-1988, Shops, 1977-1990, State Office files. National Committee files, 1974-1988, including policy, goals and statements. Nicaraguan Music Tour, 1984, NSW State Office reports, 1987, Harassment and Nuisance phone calls, and Miscellaneous folder

    BOX 15
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records, including National Executive records, 1984-1988

    BOX 16
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1985-ca 1995, including Budget and Finance papers, and files labeled; Contacts, Submissions and Proposals, Media Promotions, Staff Meetings, Construction Information

    BOX 17
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989, including files labeled; ‘Into Africa’ project material, Staff Development, Media, Grants, Job Descriptions and Applications

    BOX 18
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1967-ca 1989, including files labeled; National Education Sub-committee, 1967, Attachments ESC Meeting, 1989

    BOX 19
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1996, including files labeled; National Education Officers Reports, Education Sub-Committee, ESC correspondence, 1989

    BOXES 20-21
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1987-1989, including files labeled; Ideas Centre, 1987-1989, One World Centre, 1989, Tasmanian Resource Centre, 1987-1989, Development Education Group, ca 1989, World Workshop Resource Centre, Philippines Resource Centre, 1989-1990

    BOXES 22-23
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1985-1989, including National Education Office Projects Supported files, 1985-1987

    BOXES 24-25
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1984-ca 1994, including files labeled; International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Media and Correspondence

    BOXES 26-27
    Community Aid Abroad Minutes of the N.S.W. State Committee Meeting, 1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1982-1984

    BOX 28
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1986-ca 1996, including NSW Landmines Network contact book, Landmines Campaign material, and Trade Campaign

    BOX 29
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1986-ca 1994, including files labeled; Trade Off’s, Campaign Workshop, Trade Campaign Newsletter, Evaluation

    BOX 30
    Community Aid Abroad financial papers, ca 1984-1994, including accounts, receipts, bank statements

    BOXES 31-32
    Community Aid Abroad N.S.W. State Executive Minutes, 1966-1970, 1972-1975, 1976-1977

    BOX 33
    Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign committee files, 1970-1976, including City of Sydney, South Sydney, Strathfield, Sutherland, Woollahra, Warringah, and Willoughby

    BOX 34
    Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign committee files, 1971-1975, including Parramatta, Penrith, Ryde, Randwick and Rockdale

    BOX 35
    Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign N.S.W. Executive Committee minutes, 1973-1981, and Executive Committee Accounts, 1974-1981

    BOX 36
    Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign N.S.W. Executive Committee correspondence, 1975-1980, and Constitution Sub Committee papers

    BOXES 37-40
    Printed material, including Government publications, reports, guides, book, and pamphlets related to Australian and International development aid themes, ca 1984-ca 1994

    BOX 41
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1994, including files labeled; Cambodia Financial Reports, 1991-1992, Cambodia Displaced Persons, 1991, Cambodia General Correspondence, 1991-1992, CAA Artist Group records, 1992-1993

    BOXES 42-43
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1990-ca 1996, including files labeled; Freedom From Debt Campaign, 1990-1992, Education Sub-Committee, 1990, Aboriginal Issues, 1991-1995, Development Education Sub-Committee, 1990-1991

    BOXES 44-46
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1991-ca 1996, including files labeled; CAA Trade Catalogues and Price Lists, 1993-1995, Festival, Speakers Visits and Tours, 1993-1995, Campaigners Guidelines, 1992, Gulf War CAA involvement, 1991-1993, Education Centres Review, 1994-1995, Infant Formula Campaign, 1989-1990, Environment, Development and Debt Campaign, Swim for Guatemala Campaign 1991, Xmas Markets, 1993-1994, Small Grants Applications, 1991-1992, February Speaking Tour, Media Unit Administration, Ruby Mirinka, 1994, Volunteers, 1993-1995, Xmas Markets Finance, 1994, FFH Project Guidelines, 1992, Fair Publicity, 1994, Food Policy Alliance, 1993, Environment Development, 1990, Anil Agarwal, French Testing in the Pacific, 1995, Walden Bello Dinner, 1994, Grahame Romanes, Kev Carmody

    BOXES 47-49
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1991-ca 1994, including files labeled; Australian Multilateral Development Bank Coalition, Trade Aid Debt Talks, Landmines, Joint CAA Amnesty International Forum, 1993, Student Placement, Infant Formula, Overseas Aid Budget Campaign, 1992-1993, PNG Mining, 1991-1995, Polliewatch, 1992-1994, Population a Position Paper, 1994, Small Grants, 1993-1994

    BOX 50
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1996, including files labeled; Women in Development, 1991, World Bank, 1993-1994, Beijing Conference, 1995, Trade Campaign, 1994, States Newsletter, Fair Trade, 1995, Trade Articles

    BOXES 51-54
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1988-ca 1992, including files labeled; W.E.A Course, Development Education Network, 1989-1992, Curriculum Development, 1991, Education Officers Meetings and Officer files, 1988-1992, Education Staff Inservice, 1988, UNSW Student Placement, Australian Centre for Overseas Aid project committee material, 1989-1991, Ideas Centre, 1992-1995, Reports from Campaign Staff, 1992

    BOXES 55-56
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1996, including files labeled; Executive Meeting, 1991, Executive Committee Meetings, 1989-1991, National Executive Committee Meetings, 1992-1994, Annual General Meeting, 1989-1993, NSW State Executive Committee, 1989-1995, Staff Consultative Committee, Piango National Liaison Committee, 1994,

    BOXES 57-59
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1996, including files labeled; State Public Policy and Education Committee papers, ca 1990-ca 1996, Fundraising Events Bike Ride Manchester to Madras Paul Killey, 1993, PSC Agenda, 1989, Bike Rides, 1992-1993, Sail Against Want, 1993, Plate for a Mate fundraiser, 1991, Walk Against Want including information regarding disabled walkers, 1993-1994, Cambodia, 1989-1991, National Conference Partnerships, 1991

    BOX 60
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1992, including files labeled; Australian Coalition for Optimal Infant Feeding, 1990-1991, Bouganinville, Cambodia, Debt Study Kit, Leonor Briones

    BOX 61
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1993, including files labeled; Education Sub-Committee, 1990-1993

    BOX 62
    CAA records and Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign records ca 1989-ca 1993, including files labeled; Phil’s Phile Rose Bay, Raw Advertising, Enroute, 1993, Walk Against Want Logistics for Performers, 1993
  • Access Conditions
    Partly restricted: Applies to MLMSS 9184/ Boxes 1-25, 28-30, 33-62, Expiry Date: 2026-12-31
    For access to this collection please submit your request through Ask a Librarian: Prior approval from donor is required for access. Any requests for access will be referred to donor by the Head of Manuscripts. Restriction expires in 2026.
  • Access Conditions

    This material is held offsite and is usually available after 4pm on the next business day. Please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple copyright owners
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Description source

    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords Project 2013-2014
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Subject

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