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  • Title
    Series 01: Hannah Middleton research papers relating to land rights, and filing index for collection, 1968-1982
  • Call number
    MLMSS 5866/Boxes 1-2
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Scope and Content
    Papers relating to land rights and mining, 1968-1982

    MLMSS 5866 / Box 1

    Filing index for the whole collection, compiled by Dr Hannah Middleton


    Item 01: Woodward report [Aboriginal Land Rights Commission : second report April 1974 (Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1974)] (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 1)
    Item 02: Northern Territory land rights legislation (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 2)
    Item 03: Critiques of Northern Territory land rights legislation; attacks on Northern Territory land rights (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 3)
    Item 04: Pitjantjatjara report of working party and legislation (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 4)
    Item 05: Pitjantjatjara - the debate and campaign (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 5)
    Item 06: Land and mining (emphasis Northern Territory) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 6)
    [Item 07: "Comalco model" in index - folder not in box]
    Item 08: Australian Mining Industry Council (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 7)
    Item 09: Turnbull report [Report on the impact of mining royalties on Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory : (economic development of Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory) : first report / Shann Turnbull (Sydney : Management and Investment Services, 1980)(processed typescript)] (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 8)
    [Item 10: "Ranger" in index - folder not in box]
    Item 11: New South Wales Select Committee [New South Wales Parliament. Legislative Assembly. Select Committee upon Aborigines] - Socialist Party of Australia submission (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 9)
    Item 12: New South Wales Select Committee - other submissions (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 10)
    Item 13.1: New South Wales Select Committee - draft reports, field reports, working papers, miscellaneous correspondence (MLMSS 5866 / Box 1 / Folder 11)

    MLMSS 5866 / Box 2


    Item 13.2: New South Wales Select Committee - final reports (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 1)
    Item 14.1: Land rights - New South Wales Green Paper [Green paper on Aboriginal land rights in New South Wales / issued by Frank Walker, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, 22nd December, 1982 ([Sydney] : Govt. Printer, 1983) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 2)
    Item 14.2: Land rights - New South Wales - responses to Select Committee reports & Green Paper (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 3)
    Item 15: New South Wales land claims (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 4)
    Item 16: Noonkanbah (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 5)
    Item 17: Weipa (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 6)
    Item 18: Aurukun (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 7)
    Item 19: Yirrkala (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 8)
    Item 20: Yirrkala - Thesen referat [in English and German] (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 9)
    Item 21: 1979 Embassy (National Aboriginal Government) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 10)
    Item 22: 1972 Embassy (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 11)
    Item 23: New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Conference (1-3 October 1977, Sydney) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 12)
    Item 24: 1979 land rights teach-in (17-18 March 1979, University of Sydney) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 13)
    Item 25: Land rights - legal aspects (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 14)
    Item 26: Land rights - general articles (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 15)
    Item 27: Land rights - miscellaneous correspondence (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 16)
    Item 28: Land rights - resource lists, background notes, miscellaneous leaflets (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 17)
    Item 29: Land rights - outstation movement (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 18)
    Item 30: Land rights - Anderson paper for NAC [National Aboriginal Conference] [paper on Aboriginal land rights and the need for a national policy, by M. Anderson (processed typescript)] (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 19)
    Item 31: Aboriginal Land Fund Commission / Aboriginal Development Commission (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 20)
    Item 32: Gumbert - anthropology and land claims [copy of paper: Gumbert, Marc. "Paradigm lost : an analysis of anthropological models and their effect on Aboriginal land rights". Oceania, vol. 52, no. 2 (Dec. 1981), pp. 103-123] (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 21)
    Item 33: Coe - High Court case (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 22)
    Item 34: Western Mining Corporation (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 23)
    Item 35: Aboriginal Legal Service for unions (1980) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 24)
    Item 36: Queensland [copy of publication: Land rights Queensland 1981 / compiled by the National Campaign for Aboriginal Land Rights and Self-Management in Queensland (Canberra : Hard Times Media Services for Aboriginal Support Group (ACT), 1981) (32 pages) (MLMSS 5866 / Box 2 / Folder 25)
  • Language
  • Access Conditions
    Restricted - This collection contains confidential, personal and/or culturally sensitive information: Access is mediated by the Indigenous Engagement Branch. Please complete an Ask-a-Librarian request
    For access to this collection please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
  • General note

    This collection may contain names or images of deceased people. This may cause distress to some readers.

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