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  • Title
    Gerald A. Wilkes literary papers relating to Southerly, 1941-1997
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8057
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  • Physical Description
    0.45 metres of textual material (3 boxes)

    Gerald A. Wilkes (1927- ) was foundation professor of Australian literature at the University of Sydney. He was editor of the literary journal Southerly, 1963-1987.

    Library correspondence file
  • Scope and Content
    The following contents are mainly housed in manila folders with inscribed titles by Professor Gerald Wilkes, and include correspondence, introductory notes, and manuscript, typescript and printed material

    BOX 1
    ’Martin Boyd’, being correspondence with Martin Boyd, 1967-1968; letter received from Dorothy Green, 4 Dec. 1967; and letters from Boyd to Thelma Herring, 1968-1972’

    ‘Frank Dalby Davison’, being correspondence with Frank Dalby Davison, 1969

    ‘Rosemary Dobson’, being correspondence with Rosemary Dobson, 1973-1983, and letter from Dobson to Donna Gibbs, 8 Feb. 1993

    ‘R. D. FitzGerald’, being correspondence with Robert D. FitzGerald, 1952-1981, and letters received from H. M. Green, 1952, with copy of R. D. FitzGerald by G. A. Wilkes (1981) and signed copy by FitzGerald of Robert D. FitzGerald edited with an introduction by Julian Croft (1987)

    ‘Mary Gilmore’, being letters received from Mary Gilmore, 1950, and T. Inglis Moore, no date; letters received by S. E. Lee (Hon. Treasurer, The English Association (Sydney Branch)) regarding tribute to the memory of Dame Mary Gilmore, Feminist Club, Sydney, 3 Apr. 1963; and proof copy of notice regarding ‘Our Neglected Epic’, an address by Dame Mary Gilmore, from The Union Recorder, 27 Mar. 1941

    ‘A. D. Hope’, being correspondence with A. D. Hope, 1951-1952, 1963-1982

    ‘R. G. Howarth’, being correspondence with R. G. Howarth, 1951-1973, and letter received from W. G. (George) Cassidy, 20 Oct. 1990; and report of address by R. G. Howarth on the poet John Shaw Neilson at a meeting of the English Association (Sydney Branch), 6 Apr. 1949, from The Union Recorder, 4 Aug. 1949

    ‘James McAuley’, being correspondence with James McAuley, 1964-1966

    ‘Hal Porter’, being letters received from Hal Porter, 1971-1973, and letters from Porter to J. F. Burrows (Acting Editor, Southerly), 1968-1969

    ‘Henry Handel Richardson’, being correspondence with Olga M. Roncoroni, including letters written on her behalf from Margaret Capon, 1955-1982; letter received from Mary A. Kernot, 24 July 1953; and correspondence with M. A. Neustatter (M. A. Clutton Brock), 1996, including typescript of her article ‘Mrs. Lins: A portrait of Mrs. A.S. Neill’

    ‘Southerly’, 1951-1989, including correspondence with Angus & Robertson, 1951, 1959, and Paul Hasluck, 10 July 1968

    ‘Douglas Stewart’, being correspondence with Douglas Stewart, 1966-1983, and letter from Stewart to Walter [?], 27 Dec. 1962

    ‘Patrick White’, being correspondence with Patrick White, 1968-1982; David Marr, 1989, with Wilkes’ notes on social occasions in White’s company between 1966-1973, being mainly dinners hosted by Thelma Herring; and letter received from Barry Oakley (Literary Editor, The Australian), 6 July 1990

    ‘Judith Wright’, being correspondence with Judith Wright, 1965-1970, 1991, and copy of letter from Wright to John Beston, 23 Aug. 1973

    BOX 2
    ‘The Next Cohort’, being correspondence with Thea Astley, 1970; Bruce Beaver, 1962-1964, 1974-1976; David Campbell, 1971-1976; Robert Clark, 1965-1976; Bruce Dawe, 1980-1984; Esme Gollschewsky, 1965-1971; Helen Haenke, 1967-1976, with related letter from Tom Shapcott to Wilkes, 19 Aug. 1979; Rodney Hall, 1963-1971; Gwen Harwood, 1980, 1986, with related letter from Ann Jennings to Wilkes, 14 Apr. 1969; Gwen Kelly, 1964-1988; R. H. Morrison, 1951-1952, 1963-1977; Marjory O’Dea, 1968-1972; J. R. Rowland, 1951, 1963, with related letters from Leon Gellert and A. H. McLachlan to Wilkes, 1951, and obituary of Rowland from Sydney Morning Herald, 4 Feb. 1997; Randolph Stow, 1968-1970 ,with notes of a seminar discussion with Stow at Sydney University, ca. 1985; Irene M. Summy, 1966-1970; Chris Wallace-Crabbe, 1976-1987, no date; Amy Witting, 1982; and B. Wongar, 1979

    ‘Newer Voices’, being mainly letters received. Correspondents include Debra Adamson, no date, regarding Robert Adamson; Lily Brett, 1985-1986; Geoffrey Bewley, 1984-1987; Alex Buzo, 1981; ‘Canberra Seven Women’: Marian Eldridge, 1981-1987; Marion Halligan, 1984-1986; Peter Corris, 1978-1980; Garry Disher, 1979-1984; John Forbes, 1981-1983; Kate Grenville, 1980-1981; Jennifer Maiden, 1975-1985; David Malouf, 1984; Les A. Murray, 1970, 1979; Mark O’Connor, 1973; Peter Porter, 1977; Leon Slade, 1971-1978; Tom Thompson, 1978-1985; Richard Tipping, 1986, no date; and John Tranter, 1976-1986

    ‘Some Senior Figures’, being mainly letters received. Correspondents include John Anderson, 1953; John Blight, 1974-1981; Donovan Clarke, 1945-1976; W. E. FitzHenry, 1952, H. M. Green, 1951-1953; Frank Hardy, 1967, 1969; Muir Holburn, 1951-1952; Rex Ingamells, 1951, and Beatrice Davis and H. M. Green, 1951; Sumner Locke Elliott, 1975 (typescript article only); Frederick T. Macartney, 1951, 1973; George Mackaness, 1951; Leonard Mann, 1969; E. Morris Miller, 1951-1952; J. K. Moir, 1951; T. Inglis Moore, 1972; Nettie Palmer, 1951-1952, 1963; Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1968, and Joan (Justina) Williams, 1971; Roland Robinson, 1951-1982; Tom Roan, ca. 1974, and Mary Durack Miller, 1973; Kenneth Slessor, 1966; Christina Stead, ca. 1968 (corrected typescript only); Harold Stewart, 1983; Kylie Tennant, 1964-1973; Judah Waten, 1963-1976; ‘Paul Wenz’, being letter form Iris Friedrich, 1984, regarding enclosed translations of Wenz; and Lindsay Gordon, 1951-1953

    German translation of selected poems by Christopher Brennan, 1940-1941, including Lilith, with letters received from Brennan’s literary executor, R. Innes Kay, 30 Sept. 1966, and John Stephenson, author of The Optimist, 22 July [1996]

    ‘Miscellany’, 1951- 1987, being mainly letters received from prospective contributors to Southerly. Correspondents include Tim Winton, 1981; Frank Moorhouse, 1970, 1973; Elizabeth Jolley, 1970; Peter Skrzynecki, 1968, 1986; Geoffrey Dutton, 1975, 1984; Dal Stivens, 1966-1981; Laurie Clancy, 1974-1986; Desmond O’Grady, 1969-1979; Lyn Brown, 1967-1971; Judith Rodriguez, 1973-1983; W. G. Cassidy, 1976; Marcia Kirsten (Youth Writes Fellowship), 1977; Leszek Szymanski, 1968-1969; Geoff Page, 1976-1980; Michael Sharkey, 1984-1986; and Colin Roderick, 1987

    BOX 3
    Registers of Contributors to Southerly (4 volumes): 1963-1964, 1965-1977, 1977-1983, 1984-1987

    ‘Payments to Contributors [of Southerly]', 1963-1987
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Research & study copies allowed: Applies only to material in which the author has been deceased for more than 50 years
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