- 1Title:Oswald W.B. Brierly - H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Torres Straits, New Guinea, Louisiades &c., Apr. - Sep. 1848Level of description:
- item
Date of work:1845-1848Type of material:- Textual Records
- Drawings
Call number:- A 505
Issue copy:- Microfilm: MAV/FM4/2486 (A 505)
- 2Title:Oswald W.B. Brierly - Journal onboard H.M.S. Rattlesnake, mainly Oct. - Nov. 1849Level of description:
- item
Date of work:1849, 1853Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Textual Records
- Drawings
Call number:- A 509
Issue copy:- Digitised