- 1Title:Series 36.11: 'Extract of a letter from Captain Edward Manning...Addressed to Mr Alderman Macauley...', 1791Level of description:
- item
Date of work:1791Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 36.11
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 2Title:Series 37.28: Letter received by Arthur Phillip from Henry Waterhouse, 24 October 1795Level of description:
- item
Date of work:24 October 1795Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 37.28
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 3Title:Series 39.003: 'List of Articles sent in two boxes by the Pitt under the Care of Capt Edd. Manning from Lt. Govr. King to Sir Josh. Banks', ca March 1792Level of description:
- item
Date of work:ca March 179Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 39.03
Issue copy:- Digitised