- 1Title:Portraits of the Prince, Mackaness and Barnett familiesLevel of description:
- fonds
Date of work:ca. 1830 - ca. 1900Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
- Drawings
- Watercolours
- 2Title:[Carte-de-visite album of the Prince, Mackaness and Barnett families]Level of description:
- series
Date of work:ca. 1880s (many of the photographs can be dated by costume to the 1880s)Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- PXA 683
- 3Title:[Carte-de-visite album of the Mackaness, Prince and Barnett families]Level of description:
- series
Date of work:ca. 1880s (majority of the photographs can be dated by costume to the 1880s)Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- PXA 682
- 4Title:Captain Mackaness, freemason, 1870's / photographer J. Hubert Newman, Hyde Park, SydneyCreator:
- J. H. (John Hubert) Newman, 1830-1916
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1870'sType of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- P1/1074
Issue copy:- Digitised