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  • Title
    Collection 2: Australian Council of Social Service further records, 1983-2000
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8586
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    3.74 metres of textual material (22 boxes)
  • Scope and Content
    The records in this collection are listed by numbered files reflecting the box listings that accompanied the records when they were deposited in the Library. The files were originally received in 11 marbig boxes and subsequently transferred to 22 archive boxes.

    BOX 1
    03.02.49 CACOM (Centre for Australian Community Organisations Management) 1996
    03.02.46 Illawarra Forum Inc 1996
    03.02.44 ACOSS/ALGA [Australian Local Government Association] Summit July 1996
    03.02.43 Royal Australian Planning Institute 1995/1996
    03.02.42 Coalition of Australian Participating Organisations of Women (CAPOW) 1996
    03.02.36 Federation of Rural and Remote Organisations 1993
    03.02.29 Consumers’ Telecommunications Network 1994
    03.02.24 Australian Federation of Youth Sector Training Councils
    03.02.03 Australian Curriculum Studies Association 1991
    03.02.16 Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) 1994/1996

    BOX 2
    03.02.12 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) 1996 [1993-1998]
    03.02.10 Evatt Research Centre 1996
    03.02.08 Combined Pensioners & Superannuation Association 1991/1994
    03.02.04 Brotherhood of St. Laurence 1991/1996
    03.01.08 Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia (FECCA)
    03.01.03 Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA) 1995/1996
    03.01.01 NGO’s General Correspondence [1991-1996]
    03.02.89 Australian Youth Policy and Action Coalition Inc. [1991-1996]

    BOX 3
    01.03.21 ACOSS Alert— 1996/1997/1998
    04.05.01 ACOSS Annual Report — 1983/1993
    01.06.17 Traineeship [1987-1996]
    01.04.05 Bank/Building Society [1983-1999]
    01.04.09 Sales Tax [1984-1991]
    01.04.05 Investments [AFEC] [1989-1991]

    BOX 4
    01.06.02 Industrial Agreement and Salaries [1990-1994] [2 files]
    01.06.05 Staff Recruitment [1987-1998]
    02.01.07 South Australian Council of Social Service [1996-2000]

    BOX 5
    05.10.06 Disability General 1991/1994
    05.05.47 Disability General (Social Security) 1991/1994
    05.09.19 Dental Health 1993/1994
    02.02.76 National Rural Health Alliance 1995/1996

    BOX 6
    05.09.15 Mental Health [1991-1995]
    05.09.01 Health Issues- General [1991-1993]
    05.09.05 Drugs and Alcohol- General [1986-1993] [2 files]
    05.09.06 Health Research Grants- Consumer Participation [1996]
    05.09.08 Health Maintenance Organisations [1994]
    05.09.12 Medical Education [1996]

    BOX 7
    01.03.03 Board Minutes 1987-1992 [3 files]
    01.02.05 Congress 1996 Speakers [Correspondence]
    Congress 1996 Conference Org. [2 files]

    BOX 8
    01.02.04 Congress 1995 Speakers [& Orgnisation] [4 files]
    1995 Annual General Meeting and Elections
    1996 Annual General Meeting

    BOX 9
    05.10.11 HACC [Home and Community Care Program] Reviews: 1- House of Reps Inquiry- Morris Report
    Report [1993-1995] and 2- HACC Efficiency Effectiveness Review 1995
    05.10.03 HACC-General [1991-1995]
    05.10.21 Child Care Accreditation 1992/1996
    05.10.07 Children’s Services/Child Care 1991/1996
    05.10.05 Nursing Homes and Hostels up to April 1996
    05.10.13 User Rights/Complaints [1991-1996]
    05.10.14 Family Support [1990-1997]

    BOX 10
    01.03.29 ACOSS Research Round Table [1996-1997]
    01.03.06 Executive Minutes 1986-1995 [3 files]
    01.03.01 Board General Correspondence 1991/1994
    01.03.03 Board Minutes 1993/1994
    01.03.23 Future of Work Commission

    BOX 11
    05.04.01 Culled documents from Tax General [1992-1995]
    05.04.10 Consumption Tax Proposals 1985/1994
    05.04.15 Sales Tax [1992]
    05.04.18 Jobs Development Levy [1993-1994]
    05.04.19 [20?] ACOSS Tax Proposals 1995 [1994-1996]
    05.05.14 Superannuation 1991/1992

    03.04.01 Business Council of Australia [1995-1996]

    03.03.01 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) 1990-1996

    BOX 12
    05.14.03 Commonwealth State Steering Committee
    05.04.04 Commonwealth State Agreements Working Party 1992-1993
    05.14.02 Commonwealth State Joint Program Planning [1991-1993]

    03.06.79 National Information Services Council [1995]

    05.13.26 International Year of Eradication of Poverty [1996-1998]

    BOX 13
    01.06.21 SkillShare Community Sector Industrial Relations [1995-1996]
    01.04.15 Applications for Project Funding – 1995

    03.02.66 Suicide Prevention Australia [1995]
    03.02.80 Research Centres- General [1996]
    03.02.86 Centre for Workplace Communication and Culture

    03.03.01 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) [1996]
    03.03.02 CPSU [1991-1993]

    03.04.03 Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia 1996 [Not in Box]
    03.04.02 Housing Industry Association [Not in Box]

    03.05.03 Law Foundation [1995-1996]
    03.05.04 Australian Youth Foundation 1996

    BOX 14
    03.06.04 Productivity Commission 1996 (Economic Planning & Advisory Council)
    03.06.09 Alcohol Policy Advisory General [1991-1994]
    03.06.10 Administrative Review Council- 1996 [1994-1996]
    03.06.06 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission- General pre 1996
    03.06.11 Media and Communication Council [Not in Box]
    03.06.17 National Legal Aid Advisory Committee and Representative Council [1991, 1995]
    03.06.23 National Health and Medical Research Council pre 1996
    03.06.22 Employment and Skills Formation Council (NBEET) [1991-1995]

    BOX 15
    03.06.29 National Women’s Consultative Council [1991-1993]
    03.06.31 Australian Council for Adult Literacy [1990-1993]
    03.06.32 Bureau of Immigration Research [1994-1996]
    03.06.36 Telstra Consumer Consultative Council [1991-1997]
    03.06.36 Unemployed People & the Telephone [Telecom Fund for Social & Policy
    Research in Telecommunications: Research project Grant [1993-1994]
    03.06.37 Industry Commission [1993-1996]
    03.06.38 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare pre 1996
    03.06.39 National Children’s Services Advisory Council [1991]
    03.06.40 TAFE National Centre for Research and Development [1991]
    03.06.42 National Information Services Council
    03.06.43 ATSIC [Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission] Pre 1996

    BOX 16
    03.06.100 [52?] Shopfront Advisory Board UTS [University of Technology, Sydney] pre 1997
    03.06.51 AHURI [Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute] [1993-1996]
    03.06.53 Affirmative Action Agency [1993-1995]
    03.06.49 Australian National Training Authority pre 1997
    03.06.46 Australian Pharmaceuticals Advisory Council [1993-1995]
    03.06.45 International Year of Indigenous People [1993-1994]

    BOX 17
    03.06.66 Ministerial Advisory Group on the Environment 1994
    03.06.63 Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation 1996
    03.06.62 National Employment and Training Taskforce 1994 (NETTFORCE)
    03.06.61 Refugee Review Tribunal Liaison Committee [1994-1996]
    03.06.60 Broadband Services Expert Group [1994]
    03.06.59 Australian Association of Adult & Community Education Inc. [1994]
    03.06.58 Australian Council for Women [1994]
    03.06.55 National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) [1990-1996]
    03.06.68 Australian Science & Technology Council
    03.06.70 Industry Commission Contracting Out Inquiry 1995
    03.06.71 National Advisory Council on Childcare [1994-1995]
    03.06.72 Australian Consumers Council [1994-1995]
    03.06.74 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission [1995-1996]
    03.06.78 International Year for Tolerance 1995
    03.06.80 International Year for the Eradication of Poverty-1996
    03.06.81 Privacy Advisory Committee [1995-2000]

    BOX 18
    03.06.82 National Parent Childcare Council [1995]
    03.06.83 Council on Business Regulation [1995]
    03.06.84 Rural Communities Access Program [RACP] [1995-1996]
    03.06.85 Austel/Consumer Consultancy Forum [ACCF] [1995-1996]
    03.06.87 Australian Institute of Health & Welfare, National Welfare Industry Study 1994
    03.06.89 National Investor Liaison Committee pre 1996
    03.06.90 National Children’s Services Forum [1996]
    03.06.93 NSW Steering Committee- Community Health-1996
    03.06.94 APEC Business Advisory Council [1996]

    03.07.04A Dept. of Employment, Education & Training & Youth Affairs [1996]
    03.07.04 Dept. of Employment, Education & Training [1991- 1996]
    03.07.08A Department of Health & Family Services-1996

    BOX 19
    03.07.09 Housing, Local Govt. etc pre 1996 [Commonwealth/State Housing Agreement]
    03.07.10 Department of Human Services and Health [1995-1996] [2 files]
    03.07.I0A Minister for Health and Family Services 1996
    03.07.11 Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1995]
    03.07.12 Taxation— General 1996 [Not in Box]
    03.07.17 Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] 1996-1997
    03.07.18 Commonwealth Ombudsman 1996
    03.07.19 [Regional Development Committee, 1993]
    03.07.20 Minister for Housing and Regional Development 1994 [1993-1996]

    BOX 20
    03.07.37A Assistant Treasurer [1996]
    03.07.38 Department of Primary Industries & Energy [1995-1996]
    03.07.42 Minister for Transport [and Regional Development] pre 1996 [1995-1998] [2 files]
    03.07.45 Health and Community Services Ministerial Council [1994-1995]
    03.07.46 ABS - Community Services Industry Survey
    03.07.51 Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs [1995-1996]
    03.07.52A Minister for Trade (Tim Fischer Deputy Prime Minister) [1996-1997]
    03.08.8A Shadow Ministers [1996]

    03.08.09 No Aircraft Noise [Not in Box]

    03.09.01 ICSW [International Council on Social Welfare] Asia-Pacific 1995-1996
    United Nations:
    03.11.06 World Summit for Children 1996
    03.11.07 World Food Summit [1996]

    BOX 21
    02.02.47 Consumers’ Health Forum [1994-1998] [3 files]

    BOX 22
    02.02.65 Association of Services Supporting Australia’s Families [ASSAF] [1993-1996]
    03.01.10 Public Health Association of Australia Inc. [1990-1996]
    4. NMO [National Member Organisations] meetings and mail outs 1990— 1997
    02.02.76 National Rural Health Alliance 1997, 1998
    02.03.01 Membership — General Enquiries & Correspondence 1991-1997
    02.02.46 Alzheimer’s Association (Australia) [1989-1997]
  • Access Conditions

    This material is held offsite and is usually available after 4pm on the next business day. Please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Research & study copies allowed: Applies only to material in which the Australian Council of Social Service owns copyright
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
  • Description source

    Box listings compiled by the Australian Council of Social Service have been augmented by Library staff
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Subject

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