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  • Title
    Robert A. MacArthur further papers relating to Church Union, 1905-1983
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8925
    MLOH 832
  • Level of description
  • Date
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    2.3 metres of textual material (14 boxes)
  • Scope and Content
    Papers relating to Church Union of the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Australia, created by various individuals, committees and other bodies within the churches, and collected by Rev. R.A. MacArthur. Includes files, minute books, diaries, reports, transcripts of interviews, newscuttings and printed material.

    BOX 1
    Papers relating to the Joint Committee for the Union of Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches, 1917-1923
    Papers of Rev. W.S. Patison including correspondence, 1930-1936
    Rev. Dr A. Harper correspondence, 1920-1921
    Newscuttings, 1928-1936

    BOX 2
    Papers of Rev. E.S. Kiek, 1905-1955
    Bound minutes and reports relating to Methodist and Congregational Church Union, 1931-1341
    Newscuttings including scrapbook of 'Australian Presbyterian Life' and 'The Methodist and Congregationalist' cuttings, 1965-1977

    BOX 3
    Papers of Rev. Prof. J.D. McCaughey, files 1-8, including correspondence, reports and other papers relating to the Christian Unity Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, the General Assembly of Australia Committee on Christian Unity, the Joint Commission on Christian Unity in 1958, 1962

    BOX 4
    Papers of Rev. Prof. J.D. McCaughey, files 9-12
    Papers of Rev. Prof. J.M. Owen, including correspondence, reports and articles, 1966-1972
    Periodicals published by the Westminster Society, 1970-1977
    Index of Church Union articles in the ‘NSW Methodist’ 1901-1972, compiled by R.A. MacArthur
    Papers relating to Rev. G. Powell, 1972-1975
    Various bulletins and other publications of the Presbyterian Church, 1965-1977
    Newscuttings, 1971-1974
    Congregational Union of NSW papers, 1960-1979
    Rev. Prof. J.D. McCaughey papers concerning the Joint Commission on Church Union, including correspondence, minutes and reports, 1964-1974

    BOX 5
    Papers of Rev. Archibald Grant, including minutes, reports and correspondence relating to the Ecumenical Committee (later Christian Unity Committee) of the Presbyterian Assembly of NSW and the Ad Hoc Committee on the Uniting Church, 1967-1977
    Pamphlets and newscuttings relating to Church Union, ca. 1944
    Papers of Rev. Dr A.H. Wood, 1942-1971

    BOX 6
    Booklets, pamphlets, periodicals, circulars and newscuttings relating to Church Union, 1917-1978
    Rev. R.A. MacArthur papers including correspondence and reports, 1969-1976
    Various monographs relating to the Christian Church

    BOX 7
    Papers of various Councils and Committees of Church Union, including correspondence, reports and newscuttings, 1918-1923
    Photocopies of correspondence between the Joint Committee for Church Union and other Church bodies, 1921-1923
    Photocopies of correspondence of Rev. Principal Andrew Harper, 1920-1922
    Lambeth Appeal and Church Union newscuttings and lists of references, 1901-1924
    Papers of the Congregational Union of Australia and New Zealand relating to Church Union, 1921-1957
    Conference papers and publications relating to Church Union, 1928-1944
    Methodist and Congregational Church papers, 1934-1954

    BOX 8
    Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Church papers, 1934-1954
    Overseas correspondence and publications relating to Church Unity, 1935-1957
    NSW Committee on Church Union papers, 1942-1947
    Minute books (2) and related papers of the Joint Committee on Church Union, 1941-1946
    Report by Maynard Davies on Church Union proposals, 1963
    Papers relating to Rev. Dr A.H. Wood, 1963-1964
    Pamphlets and booklets supporting and opposing Church Union, 1946-1977
    Rev. G. Yule correspondence, 1966-1972

    BOX 9
    Research material of Rev. Dr James Udy relating to his thesis ‘Church Union in Australia’, including questionnaires and transcripts of interviews, 1979-1983
    Diaries of Rev. R.A. MacArthur (3) containing writings relating to Church Union, indexed, 1975-1980
    Minute book of the Church Union Committee of the Congregational Union, 1917-1924
    Minute book of the Committee for Promoting Co-operative Action between the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches, 1917-1919
    Joint Committee for Church Union roll book and rough notes, 1917-1923

    BOX 10
    Bibliography of federal union references in the collection
    Bound copy of thesis by Peter Bentley entitled ‘The controversial proposals of bishops’, 1983
    Bound copy of thesis by Cornelius Uidam entitled ‘Church Union in Australia 1901-1925 with special reference to NSW’, 1982
    Papers concerning legislation and court cases relating to Church Unity, 1974-1982
    Audio cassette tape and edited typescript of interview with Rev. John Alexander by Peter Bentley, 1983
    Bundle of invitation cards with manuscript notes on reverse

    BOX 11
    Printed material:
    Minutes of proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of NSW, 1952-1960, most covers inscribed ‘H.E.H. Atkinson’, 1963-1966

    BOX 12
    Printed material:
    Minutes of proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of NSW and related papers, most covers inscribed ‘H.E.H. Atkinson’, 1967-1976

    BOX 13
    Printed material:
    Minutes of proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and related papers, most covers inscribed ‘H.E.H. Atkinson’ and some pages annotated, containing some correspondence, 1942, 1951-1974

    BOX 14
    Printed material:
    Agenda for Annual Meeting of the NSW Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia and related papers, some covers inscribed ‘R.A. MacArthur’, 1978-1983
    Minutes of the 3rd Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia, 1982
    Church Heritage Journal, Sep 1978, Mar 1984, Sep 1984, Mar 1985, Sep 1985
    Trinity Occasional Papers, Dec 1981, Jul 1983, Dec 1984, Apr 1985
    Uniting Church in Australia Directory, 1978
    NSW Department of Public Instruction Teachers’ College Calendar, inscribed ‘George Street Tull, Swindon, Stroud’, 1911
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Approval for reproduction required
  • Description source
    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords Project 2012-2013
  • General note
    Detailed contents lists available on request.
  • Name
  • Subject

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